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Redemptor Dreadnought


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I run two of them. They utterly destroy stuff.

They can serve as your entire flank. They can also sit back and protect your rear while also putting punishing firepower down range. I like to simply walk them up the board and into my enemy. They also serve as a great tool for manipulating your opponent's fire.

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I’ve used it, before the Dark Angels codex came out. Wiped a squad of wraithguard turn one, added decent firepower for the rest of the game. Last turn defended an objective from another wraithguard unit. The wraithguard didn’t even bracket him and he squished 4 of them, and I can’t remember if he ran away or was outside of 3” of the objective. He worked well without Grim Resolve, and has to be even better with it!
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I almost like the model enough to buy it. But, obviously there's no snitch marines in the deathwing, so the redemptor should be painted green... however, I paint all of my dreads in bone. Does yhe fluff mention using real space marines sarcophagus in Redemptor chassis?
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I almost like the model enough to buy it. But, obviously there's no snitch marines in the deathwing, so the redemptor should be painted green... however, I paint all of my dreads in bone. Does yhe fluff mention using real space marines sarcophagus in Redemptor chassis?

This is the problem I'm having, nothing is mentioned specifically but surely at the end of the day it's just a dreadnought mk? Should be able to stick any corpse in it for it to work

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I almost like the model enough to buy it. But, obviously there's no snitch marines in the deathwing, so the redemptor should be painted green... however, I paint all of my dreads in bone. Does yhe fluff mention using real space marines sarcophagus in Redemptor chassis?

This is the problem I'm having, nothing is mentioned specifically but surely at the end of the day it's just a dreadnought mk? Should be able to stick any corpse in it for it to work
I've read on the forum it does. It may have been a spoken / forum statement from GW though, so may not be full canon.
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  • 2 months later...
Hey thought I might bump this to see if anyone has new thoughts on the redemptor. Are they tournament worthy? What sort of load outs are running best? At less than 200. Pts (mostly) is worth running two? And any other relivent questions.
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If your running armour you generally need T8 + an invun to get it working, cue Leviathan with a 4++ dual storm cannon array, range is a bit short at 24 which is its downside but 10 shots per gun.


The Deredeo is an nice all rounder think it has a 5 ++


One of the custodes banners gives a 9" 5++ bubble not sure if it works on vehicles.


They'll be fine at gaming clubs tho with Tau & the new necron dex coming out who knows.

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I think they're ok. They're a good deterrent vs elite squads getting in close. But you need plenty of other armor or they'll get singled out.
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