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Not sure if this is breaking the rules or not

  1. Genestealer moves 8" and advances 3" (for example) - moved 11" so far
  2. Swarmlord uses 'Hive Commander' to enable the Genestealers to move and advance another 11" - moved 22" so far
  3. Genestealers charge 7" (2d6 average) - moved 29" so far
  4. Genestealers destroy the 1st enemy unit
  5. Play 'Overrun', Genestealers move & advance another 11" - moved 40" so far
  6. Play 'Adrenaline Surge', Genestealers charge 7" (2d6 average) - moved 47" so far
  7. Genestealers destroy the 2nd enemy unit
  8. ​Genestealers consolidate 3" - moved 50" so far

​So using 4 Command Points, and unit of Genestealers (if lucky) can destroy 2 enemy units and move about 50" in one turn.

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Nope made a mistake, you cannot get within 1" of an enemy unit using Overrun, so you cannot do the 2nd fight, and you cannot do a 2nd charge as this is not in the fight phase.



  1. Genestealer moves 8" and advances 3" (for example) - moved 11" so far
  2. Swarmlord uses 'Hive Commander' to enable the Genestealers to move and advance another 11" - moved 22" so far
  3. Genestealers charge 7" (2d6 average) - moved 29" so far
  4. Genestealers destroy the 1st enemy unit
  5. Genstealers consolidate 3", with 1" of an enemy unit - moved 32" so far
  6. Play 'Adrenaline Surge', Genestealers fight the 2nd enemy unit
  7. Genestealers destroy the 2nd enemy unit
  8. ​Genestealers consolidate 3" - moved 35" so far

​So using 3 Command Points, and unit of Genestealers (if lucky) can destroy 2 enemy units and move about 35" in one turn.

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