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Scout load out... some advice please


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Hi guys,


Now that I have fully accepted that scouts are a necissary choice in a semi/competitive army for board control purposes, I now our course need to buy and paint some!


With this in mind I am curious what the veterans of the 10th company in this forum think the best loadout is?


Specifically; I am trying to decide between the 3 “free” options. As follows are my thoughts....


- Boltguns: seems like a reasonable all rounder? Maybe the safe best choice to ensure they can always do something...


- Shotgun: possibly better than Boltguns? Is the same between 6-12” and much better at 6”. If you are outside of rapid fire range with your bolters was 5 shots really gong to do much anyway?.. Maybe the best ranged choice in practice?


- Bolt pistol / CC: could be a good option with red thirst? That said, you are more or less guaranteeing they will die shortly if you charge out with them, but they were probably going to die anyway.. makes them totally useless in a backfield obj camping role. Though then as per above thier long range shooting is so minimal anyway.

Ho hum.



So what do we think before I put glue to plastic?


(FYI I will have 3 units if that influences your advice, specifically to push back deep strike / similar shinnanigans)

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Id give some thought to mix/matching based on how you deploy. 

For front ranking scouts, id go a combo of shotties and ccw/bp - that way you could remove the weapons you need least as they take casualties. 


Im a big fan of using the BA buffs for them (and as a result, the CCW build) - theyre cheap, and at 70 points for 5 plus a Sarge with Power Sword, i think its a solid investment. 

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Id give some thought to mix/matching based on how you deploy. 


For front ranking scouts, id go a combo of shotties and ccw/bp - that way you could remove the weapons you need least as they take casualties. 


Im a big fan of using the BA buffs for them (and as a result, the CCW build) - theyre cheap, and at 70 points for 5 plus a Sarge with Power Sword, i think its a solid investment. 


Wouldn't that be 12 meltabombs for a squad of 5 with Power Sword sarge? Shotguns, combat knives and bolt pistols cost 0 pts and the squad dropped to "Meltabomb +1" per marine in the codex.

Edited by Spagunk
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You have to take the rest of the army into consideration when you arm the scouts.


5 or 10 cc scouts without support will die quickly and achieve little with their deaths. 30 scouts, backed by deepstrikers, DC with fury, reivers and other units that generate pressure turn 1 is one example where cc scouts shine.


On the other hand, if all you want is board control and protection from deep strike/tactical reserves/ect then 3x5 bolter scouts are ace for 165 points.

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I usually run battalion detachments, so for 3 squads of scouts I'm a fan of:


9 Scouts with Combat Knives

Scout Sergeant with Power Fist



3 Scouts with Sniper Rifles & Camo Cloaks

1 Scout with Heavy Bolter & Camo Cloak

Scout Sergeant with Sniper Rifle & Camo Cloak




3 Scouts with Sniper Rifles & Camo Cloaks

1 Scout with Heavy Bolter & Camo Cloak

Scout Sergeant with Sniper Rifle & Camo Cloak



That way I've got a big squad to run around and have a sizable effect on the game, while I have two small squads of objective sitters that can combine fire on a single target if I need to get mortal wounds on something (the Hellfire Shells strategem is extremely helpful in this regard).

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