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Champion/ancient comparison - codex v index


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So... trying to ask this without using specific points but let me know if this needs censoring...


I’m wanting to use a company champion with jump pack for extra mobility, which only ‘exist’ in the BA section of the index (ie no jp option in the codex).


The ancient is same points in both books for stock, and the index version is +9 for jump pack in the BA section.


When I compared champion points however, there was more of a difference - the jump pack version is +14 in the index, while the BA codex is a further 16 less than the stock version (both of those being non jp).


In effect, taking the jump pack version champion from the index would be +30 compared to the non-jp new codex.


So the question is - have I missed something? As far as I can tell the stat lines are identical and these are all pre wargear costs.


Fine if that is all legit - but if the cost of a jump pack addition gets me roughly two more assault marines I’ll be rethinking the extra mobility on the champion :-)

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The way the cross-compatability works, if there's a unit in the Codex, with options only found in the Index, use the most up-to-date version of everything possible. From what I can gather, this means you'd use the points cost from the Index, as there's no Jump Pack point value in the Codex, they're essentially a separate unit.


Just another reason why the Index/Codex split is a bad idea...

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Yeah - that is my understanding too. If I want to take the jp equipped version it will be 30 points more than the codex outlined champion. Just wanted to make sure I hadn’t missed anything obvious like the index cost already includes weapons or something.


And yes... The jp option units being left out was one of the more odd gaps with the codex - particularly as they were added specifically for the 2 page BA overview in the index on top of standard marines then didn’t make it into the ~140 page standalone book...

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