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Blood Angels loadouts for Betrayal at Calth.


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I just got a copy of Betrayal at Calth and plan on incorporating the minis into a 40k BA Army.

I already have two Blood Angels Tactical squads from our kits, and went with a flamer heavy load out to capitalize on the army's unique options. The three new squads I'd like to see fulfilling other roles, like plasma or missiles.


What to do with the Cataphractii terminators? How do I kit out the dreadnought? The ultimate goal for expanding my army is to set up a battle company of 5 tactical squads, an intercessor squad, 2-3 inceptors,some assault marines, and a mix of Devastators and Hellblasters.

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Imo the best loadout for tacticals is either with a Lascannon or with as much Plasma as possible. The flamer loadout I'd rate among the weakest loadouts for tacticals unfortunately.


However if you already plan to use Hellblaster you won't need the Plasma tacticals and if you already plan to use Devastators then most likely with Lascannons which means you won't need the Lascannon tacticals (tho a bit redundancy might be not.bad here).

Keeping them cheap wouldn't work well either since you already plan to use Intercessors and the only advantage tacticals have over them is being able to take special weapons.

I feel like you should review why exactly you want all of those units in your list. It'll help you tremendously for deciding which koadout to take.


I can't say much about the Cataphractii since I never used them. Likewise with the Dreadnought since I always only used the BA specific Dreadnoughts and the Rifleman loadout for the basic dread.

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Let me put it this way, it's as much a collection thing, having the chapter's second company, as it is a practical matter. I may only ever take two or three of them at once, ever. I have like 50 DC with various weapons and combinations, but usually only ever take twenty at most, but if I want five power swords or five fists or hammers, or if I want full chainswords, the option is there. Similarly, the Blood Devils Second Company is a long term goal.

Not all of them are going in my list any more than both of my Land Raiders or all ten or twelve of my HQs are going in. Not every game is an Apocalypse game.


Here are a few loadouts/roles I've thought about:

Plasmagun, lascannon, Combi-plasma+power sword. Combat squad with the Sgt and the plasma gun in a razorback and the lascannon or missile guy as part of my gunline (usually a mix of sniper scouts and laserbacks or preds with a cheap captain and lieutenant in the middle, taking up an objective or two if possible).



Similar to above, lascannon, meltagun, power fist+inferno pistol.

Combat squad, put the cannon in the back

Puts wounds on vehicles and monsters.


Heavy bolter, power fist or power sword (haven't decided yet) and storm bolter. Anti infantry loadout.

Edited by Blood_Devil
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The box might also limit your choices. IIRC the veteran squads in B@C only contain flamers, meltaguns, plasmaguns, heavy bolters and missile launchers.


This. You are a bit limited with that box. Missile launchers are pretty diverse so i would make two of those and one with heavy bolter, becuse who doesnt love the bark of large caliber machine guns?


For sergents I'd would probably, with the current rules go for power swords. Don't remember if they are in the box though. Also combi weaps beat fancy pistols imo.


Abouth the terminators. I havent tryed using them myself but i've read somewhere that storm bolter/combi bolter and power claw are a very solid setup. Dont remember what heavy weapons are in the box and if we can even use it in 40k.

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The box might also limit your choices. IIRC the veteran squads in B@C only contain flamers, meltaguns, plasmaguns, heavy bolters and missile launchers.


This. You are a bit limited with that box. Missile launchers are pretty diverse so i would make two of those and one with heavy bolter, becuse who doesnt love the bark of large caliber machine guns?

I recommend magnetizing one marine for special weapons, one for heavy weapons and the sergeant. That way you have all options.


For sergents I'd would probably, with the current rules go for power swords. Don't remember if they are in the box though. Also combi weaps beat fancy pistols imo.

Power swords and combi-weapons (flamer/melta/plasma) are included in the box, on top of that a power fist/lightning claw, and bolt and plasma pistols.


Abouth the terminators. I havent tryed using them myself but i've read somewhere that storm bolter/combi bolter and power claw are a very solid setup. Dont remember what heavy weapons are in the box and if we can even use it in 40k.

Cataphracti terminators can be used in 40K, but the options are limited to what is in the box. LCs for both arms, combi bolters, one power sword for the Sgt., power fists for one arm, 2 chain fists, one heavy flamer. So no combi-weapons unfortunately.

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So far I've magnetized the gun arms on the Contemptor and converted a chainfist. I'll add some more bitz and maybe greenstuff on some details and call him a Relic Contemptor. At Base S7,A4, and WS2+, his Sx2 AP-4 D4 chainfist might very well be the single nastiest attack in my army. Until T14+ is a thing, he's wounding everything in the game on a 2+ with the Red Thirst, and still manages a 2+ against anything as tough as a Rhino without it. Obviously, good invuln saves will give it issues. But against heavy units without an invuln, this thing will wreck.


I have this image of it mag grappled to a Stormraven, picking the fanciest thing in the enemy army, and disembarking 12 inches to fire and charge.

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