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You win, Guilliman

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So after much trepidation I finally decided to heed the words of Roboute and let some primaris marines into my army. Where their loyalty truly stands is still yet to be proven but I'll let them get out and let them speak for themselves. I've got the hellblasters done so im going to add their plasma to the list. Thoughts on primaris models working with the dex now?


Edited by Brother Chaplain Tyranus
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Sorry to hear that about the Primaris, you know their real placeBut seriously, they have good fire power and can be sacrificed without remorse.


I appreciate your concern brother Stobz but I assure you that the grand master himself will be keeping a watchful eye on them the whole time. Mostly because of re rolls and a 4+ invuln save but lets just go with because I don't trust them.

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Sorry to hear that about the Primaris, you know their real place

But seriously, they have good fire power and can be sacrificed without remorse.



However much I tend to be enticed by Hellblasters with plasma due to our stratagem, as I know they will outshine plasmastators, I just cannot and will not abide. Stay away from the Rock, you filthy primaris. You will NEVER be part of my companies.

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Sorry to hear that about the Primaris, you know their real place

But seriously, they have good fire power and can be sacrificed without remorse.


However much I tend to be enticed by Hellblasters with plasma due to our stratagem, as I know they will outshine plasmastators, I just cannot and will not abide. Stay away from the Rock, you filthy primaris. You will NEVER be part of my companies.

Don't be too sure of that. A Dev squad has 8 shots on average at 36". A full squad of Hellblasters with Heavy Plasma Incinerators will top this, but is a lot more expensive. You only get more shots if you go for the weaker Assault Incinerators at 24" or the regular ones at 15". Dev squads really aren't a bad option if you're going for a static firing platform. If you want a moving one, Hellblasters will win out.

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Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying plasmastators aren't good, they are indeed, and I will be fielding a squad of them from time to time, when I get them painted, but I do think (as most others) that hellblasters are better.

They're more resilient wounds-wise.


I actually really like the models too.

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Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying plasmastators aren't good, they are indeed, and I will be fielding a squad of them from time to time, when I get them painted, but I do think (as most others) that hellblasters are better.

They're more resilient wounds-wise.


I actually really like the models too.

The two wounds is what pushed me over the edge. I'm running some plasmatators in the same list with them so we can have a nice little friendly competition of sorts. Either that or we just throw out the hellblasters into scout territory and let nature do it's work. YOU CAN'T HAVE MY SECRETS GUILLEMAN
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So just to follow up on this. A few hellblasters made their way onto the battlefield (under the close watchful eye of azrael of course) against the dirty renegade guardsmen and just between you and I brothers, they performed admirably. I will never admit that to them of course but combined with the weapons of the dark age, they did so much damage. I had azrael and a lieutenant in proximity as well so they were re rolling everything. For the cost they were so worth it. But to be safe i sentenced them all to penance after the battle to make sure they know how this works. They have a lot of lost time to make up for Edited by Brother Chaplain Tyranus
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Good excuse for the pain glove if you ask me, and since you didn't, you may head straight to Cell 42 for a weeks prayers and psycho-indoctrination.

And maybe a bit of low grade torture as penance too.

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