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Working on an all dread army - Which FW would you recomend?

Andy Tea

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I'm working on an all dreadnought army, if its not a dreadnought it doesn't go into the army

I was just going to stick with the codex options and run something like
2 x Libby

4x regular

1x DC

1x Furioso

2x Contemptor

2x Redempotor

that's 100 power level (my main opponent cant be bothered with points)

however my main opponent has said he would be okay with me using FW dreads, so which FW dread would you recommend?

I have just ordered the FW index so hopefully I'll get the stats next week

my first thought is a Chaplin to make my HQ more interesting and because I can convert it from a regular dread

my next thought was some of the more interesting guns on a Contemptor again because I can convert them :p


are the other dread worth the hefty cost in £'s






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What else does the Chaplin do apart from shoot and hit things

I've never played marines before so I don't know what a regular Chaplin does - some sort of aura buff?




Sadly no aura. He buffs the units which are in the same combat as he to +1S.

But he has an 5+ invul and his 6+ fnp. he can also get an 4damage fist with the artisian of war.

Or you can bumb up that lascannon for d6 damage +1.


From forgeworld i can also recommend the deredeo dreadnought with autocannon.

8 shot with s8 -1 d2

he can get missles or an 5+ invul aura for units in 6" it can be practical for our regular dreads or furiosos.

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@Grazcruzk By siege dreadnought do you mean the Leviathan?  
I've only seen pictures but wouldn't the Ironclad by a bit short, maybe a Redemptor instead?


or is there a separate FW siege dreadnought that's Iron clad size?

I'd love to use an ironclad


@Brother Crimson Relic Contemptor sounds good, I like anything I can kit bash from the plastic kits

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It's called a siege dreadnought in the FW index datasheet, comes with a seismic hammer and inferno cannon stock. The official model I believe is the MK IV ironclad dread, though not all the MK IV arms appear to be available any more. You could kitbash it from the plastic ironclad given we don't get the stock one.


The leviathan is a 30k Relic. It is also awesome though, particularly as a shooty dread.

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Now that sounds like a plan

I get to use a Ironclad with funky stuff on it

maybe one of those and a Chaplin - I don't want my army to end up being all FW stuff


Is anyone able to tell me the Power level of the Siege and Chaplin dreadnoughts so I can work out some lists whilst I wait for the index?
please ignore if this isn't allowed in the forum rules



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I would recommend a leviathan with storm cannon or cyclonic melta lance. Don't forget Mortis dreads either I've had some success with a Vanguard detachment with a contemptor Mortis and two Mortis dreads all with lascannons Edited by Lhorke
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Now that sounds like a plan

I get to use a Ironclad with funky stuff on it


maybe one of those and a Chaplin - I don't want my army to end up being all FW stuff


Is anyone able to tell me the Power level of the Siege and Chaplin dreadnoughts so I can work out some lists whilst I wait for the index?

please ignore if this isn't allowed in the forum rules




Siege is 10, Chaplain is 11.


Side note: The mk iv ironclad IS an awesome model, but it seems noticeably smaller than newer sculpts.

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You need Leviathan - some call him the destroyer of the WORLDS no idea why :)


Either go with, Levi with 2 Storm Can Batteries you get 20 shots hitting on 3 if moving, S7 AP-2 D2, or swap one for grav flux. Or just get him the ForgeWorld DP and dual super fists.

Cost almost as knight, however you are looking at T8 2+/4++ platform, that deletes unit per turn. 



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Ashmantle is crazy durable, but slow. You can pod him close or let him ride a salamanders storm raven. Part of what makes him so durable is his character status and the fact that he has less than 10 wounds. Flying or pod´n will often expose him.


So far I´ve played against him two times since we got our codex and parts of what makes him so nasty is the targeting restictions. His flamers are awesome and don´t get caught by his heroic intervention. He has a lot going for him, as expected by a 400 pts model. Too bad he isn´t a blood angel ;-P

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Wow some of those FW dreads are amazing. My next will be the primaris dread. After that, I don't know, maybe one of those FW baddies will call me. I really like the sound of some of those weapons too, like cyclonic melta lance, or the deredeo dreadnought with arachnus laser cannon battery.


Can we use those Deredeo dreads too? Lol... 

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Whose Ashmantle - never heard of that


My FW index has arrived and I've been looking at the Siege dreadnought but I do wonder if its worth it

yes the seismic hammer has got a hell of a punch but is the inferno cannon just a poor mans frag cannon it has damage 2 but only 1d6 shots

and whilst the frag launchers are nice they will be very hit or miss


I'd love a leviathan but £73 is quite pricy, also I've never had a FW model before but a friend has and he said they are horrible to put together and no matter how well you wash them the paint just falls off. I'm wondering if I could convert one from a Redemptor or a dread knight

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Whose Ashmantle - never heard of that


My FW index has arrived and I've been looking at the Siege dreadnought but I do wonder if its worth it

yes the seismic hammer has got a hell of a punch but is the inferno cannon just a poor mans frag cannon it has damage 2 but only 1d6 shots

and whilst the frag launchers are nice they will be very hit or miss


I'd love a leviathan but £73 is quite pricy, also I've never had a FW model before but a friend has and he said they are horrible to put together and no matter how well you wash them the paint just falls off. I'm wondering if I could convert one from a Redemptor or a dread knight


For what its worth, my experience with Forgeworld kits has never been so bad. I bought the Craftworld Eldar Shadow Spectres and Irillyth the Phoenix Lord-both kits are on the small side (because eldar are just small models to begin with). So while they aren't the same as putting together a dreadnought, past using a knife to cut away excess resin from the casting, it was a fine experience.


Regarding the paint falling off the model, I've never heard of that before. For what its worth, I used GW primer on my forgeworld models and it stuck just fine. In general, I wouldn't be discouraged by one person's bad experience. There's always one offs or someone doing something they shouldn't and getting bad results.

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