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Working on an all dread army - Which FW would you recomend?

Andy Tea

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Side note: The mk iv ironclad IS an awesome model, but it seems noticeably smaller than newer sculpts.


I have two, they're fractionally taller than a standard plastic box-naught




Can we use those Deredeo dreads too? Lol... 




I'd love a leviathan but £73 is quite pricy, also I've never had a FW model before but a friend has and he said they are horrible to put together and no matter how well you wash them the paint just falls off. I'm wondering if I could convert one from a Redemptor or a dread knight

I would suggest user error here and that despite what he thinks he hasn't washed it sufficiently.  Hundreds if not thousands of people get on with FW products just fine every year; there are occasional instances where the release agent has sort of bonded with the resin (I can't recall the technical name for it) and no matter how hard you try you won't scrub it clean. In such instances FW will replace the model, but they are very rare. A few models, like the Storm Eagle, have horrendous reputations; haven't heard anything similar about the Leviathan. 

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Whose Ashmantle - never heard of that


My FW index has arrived and I've been looking at the Siege dreadnought but I do wonder if its worth it

yes the seismic hammer has got a hell of a punch but is the inferno cannon just a poor mans frag cannon it has damage 2 but only 1d6 shots

and whilst the frag launchers are nice they will be very hit or miss


I'd love a leviathan but £73 is quite pricy, also I've never had a FW model before but a friend has and he said they are horrible to put together and no matter how well you wash them the paint just falls off. I'm wondering if I could convert one from a Redemptor or a dread knight


The inferno cannon has it uses. VS Armor it is meh but against multiwound models it can shine.

I my game yesterday the chapplain dread did an good amount of damage with this weapon.


The leviathan is beast and enemys will moan when they see em.

I ran yesterday the double stormcannon dread and it was awesome. My opponent just shruged his head about that amount of firepower.

You can find cheap versions of the leviathan second hand on ebay.

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Leviathan is easy to build and i had no molding errors or sth. I never wash my forgeworld resin and just prime them with black from my airbrush.

I only wash them if i see some white powder on the minis. After the priming. Maybe a second round of priming is needed the paint will stay on the model.

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