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LF , Alternate or spare Plasma Calivers for Vangaurd


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Hey folks,

Question time, does anyone know where I can get lots more plasma calivers?  The usual suspect bits sellers all seem to be totally out of stock or want five to nine pounds for a single gun on eBay. I was counting up my spare vanguards models on sprue after 3 squads outperformed pretty much everything in my army melting space marines and tanks alike.  

Ideally, I don't want it them too be space marine plasma gun alike,  I was looking at the kromlech / Victoria miniatures parts but does anyone have a hook up for a more "legitimate" looking gun. 



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I've seen some pretty good conversions around here using SM plasma pistols and arc rifles, among others.  As for bit sellers, not much luck on that end, though Anvil Industries may have something suitable.  For your consideration:  http://anvilindustry.co.uk/The-Armoury/Specialist-and-Energy-Weapons/quake-cannon

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Bit of background on this, Im attending the 40k UK GT, With a pure Admech force .... because I'm obviously insane enough ;-) to face earthshaker platform lines and smite spam, with a more conventional army.

I dropped an email to the tournament organiser Friday to try to find their stance on 3rd party plasma options otherwise im going to be buying very expensive ebay guns or full boxes of skitari just for the damn calivers.  ( i already have 30 unassabled)

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I actually heard back from the tournament organizer yesterday ... they have said that the anvil industries quake cannon will be a fine proxy for plasma calivers.

In the Judge's opinion, it is quite obviously a plasma type weapon and even incorporates some of the stylings of the radium carbine, the revolver style chamber.
He would have an issue on size though if they looked to much like plasma cannons ... then this is unsuitable ,

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