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Hello all! This will be the beginning of a hobby and campaign log for the 82nd Elysian Drop Trooper Regiment. As of now this is a very new project log and pictures will be incoming soon, along with campaign logs and battle reports. My group is always doing narrative campaigns, so I hope you enjoy some of the narratives and battle reports!
 I look forward to posting my progress and getting comments and criticism from the community here!
The 82nd Elysians Regiment, also referred to as the “Star Eagles”, was mustered in the latter handful of years of the Indomitus Crusade. The 82nd was a reactivation of a previously destroyed regiment from several centuries earlier and was primarily formed to bolster the strategic reserves of the Crusade, where needed. However, even in a time of strife and need, the bureaucracy of the Imperium, and the literal Chaos spreading through the galaxy saw their deployment frequently delayed; often arriving into warzones after the day had been won or lost. The so-called “Fate of Konor” campaign was to be their more recent run of bad luck in this regard, arriving after the forces of Chaos had already been handily defeated.   
Octaria Campaign [Ongoing]:
Despite the temperate world of Octaria’s seemingly insignificant position outside of the Realm of Ultramar, it was a diverse and useful world with factories and extensive communication hubs, as well as training fields for the local Imperial Guard regiments. With the birth of the Great Rift, it had become a new crossroad of various invading forces. A splinter group of Hive Fleet Leviathan had been active on the world, not to mention Chaos and Ork contingents that have probed the world.
It was not until skirmishes on the backwater world of Octaria were the 82nd finally tested properly, but the fated regiment still faced other problems. Shortly after planet fall on a major promethium depot, there was a friendly fire incident between the 82nd and the Raven Guard. The astartes, separate from any other Imperial chain of command, had set an ambush, seeing any other force as a potential threat. Shortly after the Elysians had set foot on the facility they were under attack, but managed to dig in until proper communications had been established and the Raven Guard withdrew as quickly as they had come. While there was no formal communication established, the astartes seemed to recognize the situation as a friend on friend, no formal apology has been received or request for reparations asked. As one would expect with an engagement with the forces of the Imperium’s finest, the 82nd had had one of their line companies nearly destroyed and the commanding officer, Col. Lucius Crall, killed in action.
Shortly after the Raven Guard incident, Commissar Joana Snowe was transferred from the now-defunct 31st Inquisition Task Force’s Stormtrooper contingent and took command as the Colonel-Commissar. Snowe’s experience leading the hardened special forced group was indispensable for a drop regiment. Snowe’s mettle was soon tested in the badlands of Octaria as the 82nd was tasked with intercepting a convoy of Thousand Sons traversing the edge of a forest towards he worlds capitol. The traitors had stopped for some unknown reason, effectively ending what appeared to be a hard drive to cut off the head of the Imperial defenders. The engagement was short, but fierce. The Elysians had successfully destroyed the convoy, but the sorcerers had escaped with whatever prize they had sought. With the assistance of the Imperial Navy, battle had seen one-hundred percent destruction of the force’s motor pool. Casualties were high on the Elysian side, with Col.-Commissar Snowe being wounded leading a counter attack against Rubric Terminators, the 82nd had finally found their footing.
Siege of Karsinogenus Keep [Future Campaign]
Briefing: The malignant forces of the the Plague God, and their disparate allies, have been driven from the Five-Hundred Worlds of Ultramar, but they are not eradicated. Like a tumor, these vile forces have only gone into a kind of diabolic remission. The Deathguard warbands, and their demonic allies, along with any other vengeance seeking warlord gather on the edge of reality, digging in like fetid parasite.

Nothing symbolizes this more than Karsinogenus Keep, a pestilent bulwark that serves as the gatehouse to Nurgle's Garden manifested into reality, The Scourge Stars. While the god of pestilence and decay was forced to withdraw  from Ultramar do to the jealous eyes of his siblings, the blighted world on which this diseased fortress is erected is formidable enough for all but the most determined of assaults. 

Such is the scale and magnitude of this fortress, even lesser bands of fiends and traitors of other chaotic powers have rallied to the yet-unknown master of the fortress, seeking to gain glory through despoiling a divided Imperium in a new Plague War.

The only hope is to lay siege to Karsinogenus Keep...
Current pledged Imperial forces:
82nd Elysian Regiment "Star Eagles" [imperial Guard]
Deathwing [Dark Angels]
Raven Guard [space Marines]
Band of the Red Paw [space Wolves]
Predicted Chaos Forces:
Deathguard and Alpha Legion Contingent [Chaos Space Marines]
1st Plague Company, The Harbingers [ Deathguard]
4th Plague Company, The Apostles of Contagion [Deathguard]
Unknown Khorne Daemons Cohort [Khorne Daemons]

Edited by WarriorFish
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Hope that is better! I was copy pasting from different locations and defaulted to Times New Roman and white. Let me know if that didn't fix it.


*Edit* I just noticed the problem on my own phone. I am not sure how to fix it so that it is readable bother here and less of an eye strain on mobile.

Edited by Arganias

The rubber/eraser removes styling, so if you paste some text in select it and press the button (top left, next to the BBCode switch) to clear it ready for whatever BBCode you might like. I've done this for you, you can pay me back with some pictures :wink:


I've done this for you, you can pay me back with some pictures :wink:

Okay... but just a peak! :)



Colonel-Commissar Joana "Iron Heart" Snowe


Col.-Commissar Joana Snowe snow started her career as a Commissar with the Inquistion 210th Inquisition Stormtrooper Battalion in the last two decades of the Indomitus Crusade. During the "Fate of Konor" Campaign the 210th was absorbed into Inquisitor-General Valrek Domais' 31st Inquisitorial Task Force (31 ITF), forming the backbone of it with support from the Cadian 388th Mechanized Brigade. 31 ITF was involved on all six major worlds of the conflict, mainly coming into conflict with Tzeentch and Slaaneshi forces.


Snowe led from the front and was often entrusted to lead large portions of the strike forces as officers became scarce during the attritional battles that the campaign required. It was in the final and desperate battle on the death world of Loebos that Snowe became a legend. The 31 ITF was one of the strike groups to break the orbital blockade of the artificial plague comet the forces of Nurgle had turned the world into and made land fall near one of the main fusion plants of the continent size engines, joined by the Bane Blade "Righteous Indignation" that had been separated from its unit during planet fall.


Once the battle was joined, Snowe dropped from the back of a Valkyries along with nearly two dozen Stormtroopers to capture the most central node to set charges, while mechanized units and additional stormtroopers sought to dislodge Slaaneshi Noise Marines from entrenched positions on the Eastern and Western objectives. Under the command of Snowe, the valient troopers repelled two assaults from the traitors before a Chimera was able to pick up one of the more intact squads, and Snowe before finishing the assault on the final, and Western position. During the successful, yet costly assault on the Eastern objective, Dormais fell to a single high frequency blast that liquified him on the spot. The only thing that survived was his relic blade, the Sword of Dawn. Once the assault was successful, Snowe ordered and evacuation of what ever soldiers she had that remained and for any other war material that could quickly be recovered.


31 ITF was victorious, but had taken horrendous damage. The fighting had been so intense that Snowe had broken her power sword blade in half from the continious close quarters combat she had to hack through, but still managed to jab the remnants into a cultist champion's eye socket before abandoning it. Dormais' protege, Inquisitor Judicia Verdugo presented Snowe with Dormais' relic blade as a gift for her "Iron Hearted" valor that was the inspiration that carried the day on Loebos. With such heavy losses, Verdugo disbanded 31 ITF and Snowe got to pick her post, as a smaller token of the inquisitor's favor. Wishing to stay with a specialized infantry unit, she picked the 82nd Elysians that had just recently arrived in system to bolster the war effort. Only a month would go by before she was promoted to Col.-Commissar as a stop gap after losing the bulk of the command section of the regiment to a friendly fire ambush.






Thunderbolt Heavy Fighter- Lt. Commander Tyllus "Happy Landing" Logain of Sword Squadron, 2882nd Imperial Navy Fighter Wing


Lt. Tyllus Logain is an experienced fighter pilot who has piloted a number of strike craft throughout his career, battling xeno and heretic pilots alike. The nickname "Happy Landing" came from the numerous times he has been shot down during his service; however, he tends to inflict a large toll on the enemy before doing so. The first instance of this was when he was a fresh 2nd Lt. in the DEATH VI Crusade against a massive Eldar incursion, managing to down a Crimson Hunter of Biel-Tan in an Avenger Strike Fighter.


The engagement with the Crimson Hunter had Logain getting the jump on the craft during a high altitude dive, managing to nearly down it with a single volley of all of his guns. Once the xeno pilot was aware of Logain, the superior maneuverability of the Eldar fighter saw him getting on his tail. The heavy stubber opened fire to defend the craft after taking a pair of powerful lance shots that nearly shook the fighter-bomber apart. Despite this, the Emperor appeared to be with the tail gunner as he let loose a burst of fire that managed to strike the canopy of the alien craft, killing the pilot as it fell away. The victory was short lived, however, as Logain was uncerimoiously shot down by a Dark Reaper position after a close range bombing run in support of a Sisters of Battle position. In spite of Logain's best efforts he could not free his tail gunner from the damaged craft before it became too dangerous for him to bail out. Once on the ground, the battle Sisters quickly recovered him.


To this day, Logain has requested single seat fighter craft, wanting to only take responsibility for his own safety in the air.





So here is my full Elysian force, I did not include the stormtroopers I have been using to boost their numbers, yet, but I have only used them for two games so far. I did use some of my Christmas money to buy a veteran squad, command squad and a weapons pack. I am also crossing my fingers that this ebay auction I am following doesn't get too expensive, but it would add 30 men and 3 mortar teams to my collection. I know some of my guys are looking a little rough, but that is because they are also from an ebay auction where the guy had lost a bunch of their arms and weapons, but it was a good price and a good start!


I am going to try and get 1500 points painted in a little over a month to participate in my group's narrative campaign to properly chronicle the 82nd with battle reports! All of the lore I have provided for my characters are based on things that have happened in game!



Edited by Arganias

The Commissar and the Thunderbolt have well-painted models and well-written backstories. Is Snowe named after Jon Snow, from the 'Game of Thrones' TV series and George RR Martin's novels?

Thank you!


Snowe is named after John Snow mainly because during my initial battle with her big sword (The Blade of Conquest relic), she assaulted a group of Rubric terminators and killed three over the course of serveral rounds of combat. In the end my friend said her sword cut like Valyrian steel and she fought like John Snow. I am still a little behind on the series, but I thought it was cool so I kind of changed her name up a little, but she is an homage to Snow. :D

I forgot to add the pics of all three of my fliers. I plan on repainting the Inquisitorial Valkyrie into the proper colors of my regiment. The Vendetta is almost ready to be painted, had to order a new canopy off ebay, but I got it for a good deal on Ebay.


I did manage to win the auction for more troops! I got two more 10 man squads, a command squad, and 3 mortar teams! I also have a Forgeworld order coming in with a veterans with shotguns squad, a company command squad, and two special weapons packs. It looks like I am on track! I will probably just need a few specialized squads soon, like proper sniper squads. Maybe another squad or two to fill out a brigade.




I played a game with the Relic mission and the corners deployment zone and here are some highlights. I kind of got distracted towards the end and didn't take as many pictures by then.


This is the end of my first turn from my deployment zone. I was trying to create a harassing line with my Tauros Assault Vehicles to draw fire. I also moved my Valkyrie and Vendetta to drop their passengers on the scaffolding on my side of the table to try and rush the objective in the center of the second floor. Coteaz, the Acolytes and a squad of Stormtroopers attempted to push through the open to go up the stairs to converge in the middle.




Here is a quick shot of my opponent's deployment zone after I shot it up a little. He is very mechanized. My list is kind of all over the place as I transition to my Elysian force.




A shot of my troopers landing on the platform.




Coteaz fights a birb. It was a close fight, Coteaz weathered the first combat pretty well and smashed him down to just two wounds. Unfortunately, on the way up the stairs the Stormtroopers got shot away and most of the acolytes as well. In the end, I charged with my Cyclops and my opponent interrupted and he killed it. Luckily he got gunned down by missiles later in the game.




Here is my cyclops. I dropped it in, but it got shot up before I could use it properly. I learned that since it is so small and fast, it could get places on its own without needing to be so vulnerable to the 9" away rule of Elysian deep striking.




Here is a Nurgle daemon prince roughing up another squad of Stormtroopers that were leading the way to the relic. They weathered the first round of combat with minimal casualties before pulling back and getting ordered to "get back in the fight" the full weight of all those lasguns and grenade launchers lit it up. In the end, the Stormtroopers came in and the sergeant's power sword finished it off.




In the end enough Chaos Marines managed to use the delaying from the daemon princess to rush the point. My commissar and all the bodies managed to do some heavy damage, but they were just getting pushed back, along with the sorcerer just smiting me up. It was a good game and the relic never actually moved.



This pic isn't from the match, but I just liked how my friend's traitor guard commander contrasted so well with my commissar.




Here is a couple of pics of some misc things I am working on to buff up my force. My ebay and FW orders came in. I am trying to build them up before Saturday for my next game!




Just a small update on my forced march army building. I have managed to eliminate the inquisition elements for 2250 pts, what I will be playing tomorrow (Saturday). I still have a full squad of Kasrkin, and two demi-squads in a battalion. I might still keep those since Elysians usually have a couple squads of Stormtroopers that are organic to each company, if I am remembering my fluff right.


My Mortar teams





Here are my custom sniper teams. I had wanted to buy the actual sniper teams, but that edged my purchase slightly out of my budget... so... I bought two weapons packs and this is the result.


I always love to see Elysian armies pop up. I took mine out for a spin recently and they are still a lot of fun. At some point you'll want to get a Vulture or two and arm them with Punisher cannons.


Note: To stay in my budget, I got a couple of Valkyries and was able to mount the Punisher gun kit from FW on  them and save a few dollars. I still love how the Vulture looks, so will eventually get one someday.


I'm looking forward to seeing some paint on yours.


This pic isn't from the match, but I just liked how my friend's traitor guard commander contrasted so well with my commissar.



I think the contrast stems from how..."healthy" she looks.



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