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As the topic states... is it better a krieg or a valhallan army? Both are rich of flavor and both have nice options...


Engineers are cooler than hell but artillery largely sucks due to the overcost of carriages and thudd guns.


Valhalla don't has the same bonuses as krieg for melee and morale, but its armors are far better, and has all the good orders. On the other hand veterans are a pale image than engineers and are effectively good only in shooting...


What do you suggest between this two army?

Edited by major higgins
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None ranks top, especially as a stand-alone army. But I guess they are both playable.


If you go Valhallan, you'll want to go Conscript (the relic is the only way to make them playable again) and possibly use a Super-heavy, because the Valhallan doctrine is one of the best for large (and not so large) vehicles.


If you go Krieg, you'll have a very limited selection of units, among which many suck (eg artillery, tanks) and some others (eg Engineers, Riders) are good. Infantry squads are good as shields and mobile assault due to immunity to a good part of morale, but don't expect them to do much in close combat despite their WS 3+.  You'll also have crappy orders and no specific doctrines/relics.


If I had to choose I'd pick Valhallan, at least because you'll have a wider selection of decent units to choose from. But it's really about your personal preference.

Vostroyans of course :P


Honestly I love Krieg for the aesthetic and anachronistic style of warfare in 40k. I don’t regret having the models or playing with them but I feel that the Valhallans will be more forgiving due to the Codex and orders that they have.


I mean you could always do both (Guard soup) to pick and choose which Krieg units you really wanted to take if you don’t want to commit to the full army.

I prefer Valhalla but it's pretty much all based on the visual aesthetic


I'm not that into the Kreig line of stuff


also, seeing as I'm not even in the slightest bit familiar with the new 8th Ed. stuff you should probably just ignore my opinion 


felt like weighing in anyway, I guess

Valhallens. Why? Because building a Krieg army is ungodly expensive, and with major tounies like Adepticon outright banning any Forgeworld proxy, the option of buying third party models to keep prices down don't work. Also if you're UK based (assumed 'cause of your avatar) you can't bring proxy Krieg into a GW store to play.

I'm not in UK and play only a with small group of friends. We dismiss tourney becuase we like fluff and the BG, and not the obsessive competitivity which rules in our local tourney enviroment.


I have played krieg a lot (with alternative models) since IA 5 second edition and IA 12, but honestly with this recent edition it was largely upgraded in points and Valhalla works similar without this taxes that I cannot comprehend, especially in the artillery sector.

If you’ve played loads with the Krieg then why not try Vahallans?

If I remember correctly your force was a Highlander themed army with alternate models, so would suit anything you want to try.

As has been said Valhallans are Codex so would cause you less headaches of where and when you can play.

The amount of people who have cried cheese when I used my Krieg was unbelievable!

Valhallens. Why? Because building a Krieg army is ungodly expensive, and with major tounies like Adepticon outright banning any Forgeworld proxy, the option of buying third party models to keep prices down don't work. Also if you're UK based (assumed 'cause of your avatar) you can't bring proxy Krieg into a GW store to play.

Have you ever tried building these third party models? By the time you’re done buying the individual pieces, you could have just bought the Krieg.


If no unique stratagems is the problem, Valhalla basically doesn’t have one either. For relics, the memento mori is super nice.


In my experience, Krieg make an amazing core to an army, with Engineers for elites, solid infantry squads for troops, Death Riders for fast attack, and Alpha Russes are no worse than something like Steel Legion (so not great, and you could just spend 100 points on 9 mortars). From lists I see online, everyone just brings a Vanguard detachment for their artillery and tanks (usually Tallarn, Cadia, or Catachan).


Valhallens. Why? Because building a Krieg army is ungodly expensive, and with major tounies like Adepticon outright banning any Forgeworld proxy, the option of buying third party models to keep prices down don't work. Also if you're UK based (assumed 'cause of your avatar) you can't bring proxy Krieg into a GW store to play.

Have you ever tried building these third party models? By the time you’re done buying the individual pieces, you could have just bought the Krieg.


If no unique stratagems is the problem, Valhalla basically doesn’t have one either. For relics, the memento mori is super nice.


In my experience, Krieg make an amazing core to an army, with Engineers for elites, solid infantry squads for troops, Death Riders for fast attack, and Alpha Russes are no worse than something like Steel Legion (so not great, and you could just spend 100 points on 9 mortars). From lists I see online, everyone just brings a Vanguard detachment for their artillery and tanks (usually Tallarn, Cadia, or Catachan).



I'm talking 3rd parties like Anvil mate, and yes, I've got quite a collection of 3rd party non GW stuff that I rotate in my army when I'm not getting ready for tourney. In the US, Anvil stuff is cheaper in bulk than normal GW Guardsmen.


I'm not disparaging how cool Krieg is, I'm just saying they're ungodly expensive.

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