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Ryza Plasma Kataphrons


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Yeah, I realize that on paper Ryza Plasma Kataphrons are overcosted, and Ryza on the whole doesn’t have as useful Strats or Traits. But in practice, I feel that their ability to Alpha Strike is significant.


I just ran a unit of 12 Ryza Kataphrons and they destroyed everything.


They’re only BS4+ and 4+ but keep them in cover, have a nearby Priest for reroll and use the 1CP Plasma Strat.


They will one shot most infantry on a 2+ to wound. They will punch through armor and cover. And their 36” outranges most other plasma outside of Plasma Cannons (that hardly anyone uses and is underwhelming in terms of shots anyway). And their massed Cognis Flamers blunt CC.


I killed a whole 10 man squad of Terminators Deep Striking with Benediction Cant and Acquisition Strat. I even killed 2 Contemptors (with Invul) in one turn of shooting.


Put them under a void shield or a landing pad and they are incredibly difficult to kill. Las Cannons will only be able to kill 1 model if they don’t make their invul.


Now, I realize some specialized setups like CC that ignores Overwatch or shooting that ignores cover / invul and / or mortal wounds will hurt them. But I’m just saying that overall they are a much more impactful unit that most may think. Give them a try.


Feedback welcome.


Edit - Grammer.

Edited by Kilofix
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I've toyed with this and tried it a bit also using a unit of 2 robots to also give them the +1 to hit (using a guard detachment for extra cp/ cp recovery). This normally makes overcharging safe which is nice.


Hadn't thought about using the terrain Stuff so might have a look at that too. If you play cities of death there's a stratagem in chapter approved that allows a plasma unit near plasma terrain to do +1 damage, which could get them up to damage 4!


The specialist weakness that ruins them for me is massed penalties to hit. Especially eldar as it weakens/prevents their overcharge.


What I definitely like as an addition to any Ad Mech / imperium list is a unit of 10 rangers/vanguard with 3 plasma calivers. It's no where near as awesome but as a cheap tactic they're very effective. There's the skitarii stratagem for +1 to hit (or +2 to hit if you give them the data tether) which also helps overcome penalties to hit and allow you to overcharge for damage 3.


Hopefully there's some other interesting plasma weapons when all the forgeworld Mechanicum units get rules too.

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