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Azaiels Deathwatch


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Hello fellow DW:s.


I just got back into 40k because of a work colleague who´ve been playing a while and the release of 8th edition. Last time I played it was 3rd edition(!). Last summer I went into my local hobby shop and browsed the GW figs. The start collecting box for Deathwatch caught my eye, it had a 28mm version of Artemis! (I have the original large inquisitor fig still in my stash.)

That settled it and I now have a collection of DW to assemble and paint. I love DW from a modelling and painting perspective since you can mix and match basically anything from the Space marine line and take all the cool bits from the different chapters.

Enough of me yapping heres som pics:

My first painted DW fig, a silver skull:



My work colleague donated a Deathwing which got slightly converted:



And finally my latest fig a Space wolf terminator. Not a huge fan of all the howling faces, the helmet made him more menacing IMHO.



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Many thanks for the nice comments gents. (sorry for the delay of reply)



  On 1/7/2018 at 10:18 PM, Chaplain Dosjetka said:

Fantastic work! What's next on your painting table? :thumbsup:

I´ve got some "regular" Kill team veterans with chainswords and bolters to make. And now that storm shields are cheaper I have to make a couple equipped with those aswell.


  On 1/8/2018 at 1:34 PM, Vel'Cona said:

Lovely work on your models!  I'm a huge fan of that DA Terminator AC; used one of them, myself.  What are your plans for basing?

I tried the Agrellan earth with mixed results. I´ll probably just use some sand and tufts instead. The bases will be in light colors though since the marines are so dark.

  • 3 months later...
  On 1/14/2018 at 7:06 PM, Azaiel said:


  On 1/8/2018 at 1:34 PM, Vel said:

What are your plans for basing?

I tried the Agrellan earth with mixed results. I´ll probably just use some sand and tufts instead. The bases will be in light colors though since the marines are so dark.

I picked up some of the concrete slabs bases from Kromlech, and I'm loving them so far. The paint job I'm using is fast, simple, and looks good.


Mechanicus Standard Gray->Agrax->Ulthuan Gray drybrush.

  • 5 months later...

A Thread Necromancy!


The incredibly hot summer (25+ C indoors yum!) and the dreaded painters block hampered my progress. But I did get some stuff painted. Unfortunately I just can get any decent pics yet. But heres two pics that look OK. I will try to get the rest up as soon as I get some sun here.

First up a Black Shield:


And next a Space Wolf Elrik Whitemane:


  On 11/4/2018 at 12:24 PM, Vel'Cona said:

<3 the face selection on the Black Shield.  I almost swore he was RG until I read your post! :biggrin.:

Hehe, he is from another gene-father than Corax. There are others with pale skin and in this blackshields case black eyes. :whistling:


  On 11/4/2018 at 5:15 PM, gogmagog said:

Wonderful! Any chance of a painting walk through?

The armour and most details are all painted as our Lord Duncans tutorial on deathwatch on WH-TV.


And The War gamers paintguide for DW Cap Artemis


Thats it really, check them out if you havent, they are really good.

  On 11/4/2018 at 6:37 PM, Azaiel said:
  On 11/4/2018 at 12:24 PM, Vel'Cona said:

<3 the face selection on the Black Shield.  I almost swore he was RG until I read your post! :biggrin.:

Hehe, he is from another gene-father than Corax. There are others with pale skin and in this blackshields case black eyes. :whistling:

Hmm.... Was he originally in Midnight Clad? ;)


I do love how these guys look. I must ask though, where's that head from on Elrik Whitemane? (also, lovely conversion of one of my favorite models from Kill Team Cassius)

  On 11/5/2018 at 12:22 AM, Gederas said:


  On 11/4/2018 at 6:37 PM, Azaiel said:
  On 11/4/2018 at 12:24 PM, Vel'Cona said:

<3 the face selection on the Black Shield.  I almost swore he was RG until I read your post! :biggrin.:

Hehe, he is from another gene-father than Corax. There are others with pale skin and in this blackshields case black eyes. :whistling:

Hmm.... Was he originally in Midnight Clad? :wink:


I do love how these guys look. I must ask though, where's that head from on Elrik Whitemane? (also, lovely conversion of one of my favorite models from Kill Team Cassius)


Midnight clad indeed. :biggrin.: Just liked the idea no matter how unlikely. 

The head is from the forgeworld Grey hunter set. Bought it from Egghead miniatures which sell forgeworld bits.


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