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Adding Berzerkers to IW army


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HI! I am planning to add some assault units to my IW army. Till now i focused on firepower so i have 2 havoc squads, a couple of deredeo a leviathan and 3 basilisks, plus a couple of terminator squads.


I am thinking to add some berzerkers because i like them and think they can be quite fluffy...


the question is...i have about 550 points for them...and i came up with two possible solutions:


1) 2x8 berzerkers units + 2x dreadclaw drop pods


2) 1x10 berzerkers unit + landraider


Any suggestion?


Is it good to equip them with both chainaxe and chaisword?

Edited by Nekro83
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Not going to use Khârn..they will be iron warriors assaulters..so are drwadclaw worthy? I also could embark them on rhinos of course...but will they arrive on target?

I use Rhinos for my Worldeaters and my Berserkers have made it to assault in all 8 games I've played in this edition. Usually at least one unit reaches by turn 2 and kills whatever they get to. Once that happens, though, they tend to draw a lot of fire and power armor isn't tough enough to ignore it all.


I've been looking at drop pods as well and my main hesitation is that, while its the best way to get a first turn assault available, most people I've played against in the past couple months have been savvy enough about deep strike assault and deployed accordingly. That, combined with the fact I own the Rhinos already and they cost fewer points has stopped me so far.

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What about a single 10 men unit in a land raider?

I wouldn't, a Land Raider really is wasted as a transport unit, it's better off acting as a bulwark to your forces, blocking line of sight and putting out a lot of firepower.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I am building 2X8 squads of Berzekers all' with chainaxes, 2 plasma pistola, Champion with Power axe & plasma pistola in 2 Rhino and a Champion of Khorne using the aspiring Champion you Can find in DV 7th edition


Usually at 2K points i field a single squad but in larger games (2,5K or more) i field both squads

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