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][nq28 Hobby Thread - update (inc painting!) 14/01


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EDIT: File Links stabilised


I got back into GW last summer, and have spent most of my hobby time since then converting rather than painting - a shame really, since I hate playing with unpainted models.


Anyway, I'm starting a thread for my various Inq28 conversions. I hope you like them!



Here's last night's 40k conversion - I haven't decided yet whether she's an Inquisitor or a pirate queen! Either way, her followers will also have Stormcast masks, and will be a good excuse for me to learn to sculpt fur. She's a simple mix of Escher, Sister of Silence and Angharad Brightshield bits.


Representing the Ordo Xenos, here are Inquisitor Daniel Talion, his guide the Rogue Trader Sikander Marceau, and the remnants of his Inquisitorial stormtrooper bodyguard: Serjeant Borj Castellan and Trooper Thorn. Trooper Malik has a grenade launcher off-screen.









Finally for today, here is a random assortment of other miniatures:


An Explorator Magos. Deceptively simple conversion from I think 5 packs..? I am considering cutting off one foot and replacing it with a Skitarii bionic.



True-scale Imperial Fist. Between the Primaris and Stormcast I have available, I'm tempted to try and replicate Kill Team Cassius.



Drookian Fen-Dog. Some of the Genestealer Hybrid tabards are begging to be painted as kilts!



Commissar repair/conversion



A Crimson Fist, whose fist will of course be crimson


Some more miniatures have been worked on!


An Ordo Malleus Inquisitor. I was trying to channel the old Empire warrior priests with this one. He's a simple mix of Sternguard, Deathwatch and Flagellant pieces. He now also has a converted Sicarian backpack, and I'm rustling up a suitably imposing sword to put at his waist.



His rogue Tech Priest, converted from a Dark Vengeance cultist with Neophyte Hybrid and Skitarii. The man loves dynamite! I'm quite pleased how I converted his Chaos star to a Heretek mechanicus symbol with the addition of a skull cut from a bolter. He might get a subtle mechadendrite tail, I haven't decided yet. I was going to put extra techy stuff at his waist, but there isn't really any space.



His loyal manservant/savant. This voxcaster conversion burns sacred incense and bellows canticles of banishment while checking for daemonic activity via the hoop sensor. I had to tilt him for the photo, but he actually has a nice trudging pose. Converted from an Overkill monopose cultist.



A Rogue Trader-style mercenary. Is he good, is he bad? He's certainly ugly, and might even be Abhuman with a head like that!



A cyborg Guardswoman. You can just about make out her cigar-chewing Escher face. Cadian (plastic and resin), Escher, Skitarii, High Elf and Greatsword parts.



Finally, the pirate queen's first minions


Some more I built today:


A Skitarii sniper/leader. I view him as the captain of the Explorator Magos' bodyguard



A servitor-warrior serving the Explorator Magos. A friend recommended changing the pistol for a gun mounted into his wrist - any thoughts?



A Skitarii



A Skitarii Titanicus, augmented to provide infantry support in the worst possible battlefield conditions imaginable in the 40th millenium. Skitarii Vanguard, Rhino gunner, Sternguard, Scion & MkIII marine parts.



An allied half-Eldar relic hunter, front and back shots.



Her abhuman halfling thief of a Baldrick



Someone's Vostroyan-style medic, who I think will get a rebreather - any opinions?

EDIT: He now has a rebreather


Cool stuff. How easy are the Blood Bowl humans to convert to 40k?


Well, they're bigger than guard. They probably only mesh with Space Marine parts, since they're pretty tall and wide enough to come with 32mm bases. You have to be careful cutting at the waist, because the shirt overhangs slightly. The plastic is quite soft though, so trimming is a cinch. Some might not like their shoes, which are quite medieval and won't necessarily fit their view of the 40th millenium.


The main issue is the shoulderpads, whose overhangs leave a variety of obtuse inside angles for replacement arms, all of which are a nuisance to fit to. I used a fair bit of greenstuff and most of my patience fitting arms to the Arbites.

The penultimate member of the Explorator Magos' guard



Headswap/repair on a traded Necromunda figure



An unfinished bounty hunter. He's just a monopose Overkill Genestealer cultist with an SM Scout scope and a Wych head - I feel like he needs something more to achieve his potential...


So, the bounty hunter got his sword!



Speaking of the Battle of Calth swords though, here's one on a veteran Guardsman. Looking at the photo, he might get extra purity seals.



A second bounty hunter, who will get a very nerdy paint scheme - points if you guess what it is!



A gunslinger! Inspired by Slick Devlan, he quickly went another way, though I'll paint him in similar colours



Lastly, the start of two Crusaders, made from Scout torsos, Scion arms, Greatsword legs, Deathwatch shields and Tactical Marine power sword/hands, which I shaved to fit inside the Scion vambraces. The two front-runners for choice of head at the moment are Vanguard helmets (a bit plain, and I think I use them too much), or mohawked Astartes heads (which are a bit big). Does anyone else have any suggestions?


Crow Legion veteran guardsman. This one-eyed sniper was valuable enough to the Emperor's cause that when he lost his arms to a Chaos cult's improvised explosive device, he was gifted bionic arms by the Militarum. But he refused ocular bionics because of his deeply held religious beliefs, beliefs which assured him that eyes were the first part of the soul, and that to replace one with crude metal would be to scar his eternal being and risk never being admitted into the Emperor's light. Now he carries his father's sniper rifle to war under the auspices of the Inquisition. Emperor save those lined up in his scope.


"What does this Lania Brule have to say for herself, Handers?"

"Nothing, Ecclesiarch."


"Sir, she has taken a vow of silence. I don't know the particulars, but I understand she failed an abjuration against a powerful witch and is punishing herself."

"Self-flagellation is rather unseemly for an Inquisitor, don't you think?"


"What? How can we trust them to be doing what's right for the Imperium if they don't trust themselves?"

"Ahem, sir."

"Ah, Inquisatrix! You honour us with your presence. And who is this... unsettling young woman? Weapons, as I'm sure the guards told you, are not allowed on Ecclesiarchial grounds."

"Inquisatrix. Formal greetings to you and your familiars."

"Where's your Tech-Adept, eh? I hear he's something of an outcast, failed his rites of knowledge or something. Damned luacky to get out of the Adeptus alive in my book, eh Handers? Handers, what's all this finger-flicking."

"Battle sign, sir."

"Good grief, is that one carrying a power sword?"

"She signs it's for when things get serious sir."


"Yes ma'am. I served with the Penitent Crusade in the Venatain System. Twenty years under the Aquila with pride."

"So the sign of the Aquila is the same in battle sign too? Fascinating. What else does she have to say for herself?"

"That I should... take the shot?"

"What in the Emperor's name are you talking about Handers?!"


Here is my latest warband, made in a single evening - Inquisatrix Lania Brule and her associates. She has taken a vow of silence, and over the years has chosen to surround herself with mutes and quiet warriors. Included in her retinue (in order of introduction) are the witchseeker known only as Siostra, three combat servitors (my favourite has an electro-flail and suppression shield), Tech-Adept Brysen Kallos (who is in fact a very lowly apprentice Tech-Priest who ran away to learn about the galaxy) the servitor who bears the Inquisatrix's power sword, and finally her sniper, the mysterious assassin whose battle sign is Hunter.








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