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][nq28 Hobby Thread - update (inc painting!) 14/01


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The Pirate Queen Zhan Aiya who started off this thread along with Bosun Young and a few peons now has the rest of her crew.

Twenty years ago, she seized control of the Rogue Trader cruiser Far Darkness, and set out to burn herself an empire amongst the stars. But the Rogue Trader survived her assault and has led a guerrilla insurgency within the ship since then, determined to retake his ancestral home. Now Zhan Aiya, her brother Zhan Zhay and their crew launch punitive raids into the depths of the Far Darkness, trying to extend their control into its ratruns and hallways in between attacks on unprotected worlds and shipping.

Zhan Zhay is bionically augmented, a proud warrior who has strayed into arrogance since raising the runesword his sister gave him. Whether it is Khorne's martial pride or Slaanesh's perfectionism that drives him, he is a swift and lethal fighter.

Like their masters, the Far Darkness's new crewmen all hide their faces behind inhuman masks, and carry all sorts of weapons to war as they battle the ship's old master and its new prey.

While trying to work out what to replace van Brule's power maul with, I made a few more pieces. Firstly, a wizened old Ordo Hereticus inquisitor, and his mutant sidekick - an eight-kit homage to Dante from the Inquisitor rulebook.

Then the Forester, recently brought into Inquisitorial service for his skills with the civilian one-shot laslock. If anyone has an idea of how/where to fit a scope, that would be appreciated. And an Assassin, whose head slipped while drying and will need a touch of greenstuff.

Finally, an Astartes of the First Legion, a Dark Angel of Death, a hunter of things that hide in the shadows. What purpose he truly serves is unknown, but he is as brusque and dangerous to servants of the Emperor as he is to his more obvious prey. Primarily fighting with an ancient and monstrous plasma pistol (guide below), he also bears a bolt pistol and a sheathed sword. None have lived to tell what happens when he draws it...

I'm not sure whether he's an Unforgiven or a Fallen yet, but he's definitely a warband in his own right!

  • 2 months later...

My latest Inq28 after a period spent focusing on Stormcast - a fireteam of rather ornate Imperial troopers, who might still get extra belt-gubbins. Greatsword legs, hostile environment Cadian heads/torsos, and mostly Scion arms. Inspired in no small part by Ryltar Thamior, who very graciously gave permission to steal ;)



  • 2 months later...

And finally, my first ever painted Inq28 force! Shown in WIP above - Inquisatrix Lania Brule and her associates. She has taken a vow of silence, and over the years has chosen to surround herself with mutes and quiet warriors. Included in her retinue (in order of introduction) are the witchseeker known only as Siostra, three combat servitors (my favourite has an electro-flail and suppression shield), Tech-Adept Brysen Kallos (who is in fact a very lowly apprentice Tech-Priest who ran away to learn about the galaxy) the servitor who bears the Inquisatrix's power sword, and finally her sniper, the mysterious assassin whose battle sign is Hunter.





Surprisingly close on the heels of Inquisatrix Lania Brule comes Inquisitor Daniel Talion of the Ordo Xenos, armed with heavy calibre pistol, Aeldari spear and kroot skinning knife. Accompanying him are the survivors of his mission into the space hulk - Sergeant Borj Castellan, Troopers Malik and Thorn, and Rogue Trader Sikander Marceau. The estimable trader now thoroughly regrets having given the inquisitor passage - all talk of treasure and fortune have evaporated among the deaths of most of his crew... And finally of course, Brother Galhuk of the Deathwatch, one of only 3 Astartes in my wider Inq28 collection and the first to get a coat of paint.





Next up, treasure hunter Aranaea Jones and her sidekick Hobbler. Rumoured to be half-Eldar, she is definitively one of the best people to hire if you want to get yourself some archaeotech from the deeps beneath your Hive.

Although I trimmed her ears, the blue-and-yellow colours hopefully evoke the old-school Alaitoc appearance of RT Eldar. Hobbler is just my 40k take on the halfling thief archetype.



Many more conversions today!

First up, my first truly and obviously radical Inquisitor, as yet unnamed. I intend to paint him with white armour trimmed in gold and a rich red cloak, as though he doesn't yet realise that he has fallen. To accompany him, some converted minions, including a chemthrower and a priest - all of whom are equally oblivious to their spiritual trajectory


On the side of order, if not strictly the law, the Sump Town Regulators, semi-official enforcers of the whims of local bigwigs.

An imperial agent next, armed with a bolt pistol, powerfist, sword and dagger. I think he looks like an inquisitor or interrogator, my friend AGPO as though he is an Arbites officer - what do you guys think?

And finally, the mercenary outfit tactfully known as the Seven Dwarves.

More painted figures this time - the fantastic Forge World dog Macula to support my Arbites, and a lone adventurer in the Underhive, who attacks gangs of bullying criminals to help the little people. His relationship with the forces of law and order is just as fraught...



A commission today, to pay a friend back for a box of Goliaths he handed over to me. An Underhive bounty hunter armed with bolt pistol and chainsword. The purity seal on his shoulder is his commission from the Governor's office, a certificate and badge of office proving he is more than a mere vigilante - instead, a ganger made good! Despite his illiteracy, he is prone to tapping it and demanding his interlocutors "Ree 'dis"; he's confident enough in his abilities to try talking before the screaming starts!


Partsmix: Goliath body and head (shaved down), Primaris Hellblaster bionic arm, Space Marine Tactical bolt pistol, pouches and grenades, Kroot pouches, Imperial Guard grenades, Space Marine Reiver grenades & bullets, Chaos Raptor chainsword (shaved down).


Partsmix: Goliath body and head (shaved down), Primaris Hellblaster bionic arm, Space Marine Tactical bolt pistol, pouches and grenades, Kroot pouches, Imperial Guard grenades, Space Marine Reiver grenades & bullets, Chaos Raptor chainsword (shaved down).


I do quite like the chap, and I do have one thought that that front pouch may just be a bit... detail low for the rest of the model. I cannot help but think if the pouches were swapped around, some other small detailing could be applied to the base of it. 


But its a great effect and I do like the model!  

  • 2 weeks later...

Several more conversions this last fortnight...

A trio of Inquisatrices: Malleus, Hereticus and radical Xenos

Rogue Trader Beren Elgar in his power armour, accompanied by a servo-skull. Kind of pleased with the drilling to position it. The skull actually faces the same way as him and his finger now.

Ex-Escher Bounty Hunter. The flamer is converted from the chem-thrower using a Sister of Silence flamer.

Escaped Pit Slave



Tau Infiltrator

Underhive Creature

  • 1 year later...

Quite the spam update today... Image-heavy!


First, the hedge-knight of Spyrers, a poor scion of an uphive fmaily trying to earn a reputation in the sumps.



A few underhive mercenaries.






A team of special operatives.



The next retinue to get painted, which will be my first Contrast Blanchitsu creation. Also a close-up  of the arco-flagellant, a simple conversion from a Blackstone Fortress electro-cultist. I don't have a name for any of them yet.



A Tau Ethereal, corrupted by his time among the gue'la, using its pheromones in the Underhive. He was going to be a Delaque witch until my fiancée said he should be an alien wizard and referenced Voldemort...



Naval Commandos, led by an officer in a leather greatcoat. 3 shotguns and a flamer, the sergeant has a hellpistol and is (purely accidentally) in the perfect pose to see the Ethereal looking down on him.



An interrogator, a Crusader, a Vindicare, and an Acolyte with storm bolter (I hear they're popular).







My version of Inquisitor Covenant. Looking forward to trying to put together the rest of his retinue from similarly spare parts.



And finally, my first Inq28 vehicle. Planned for over a year, I finally assembled it in just a couple of hours this week. I'm going to be soaking it in washes and Contrast over a silver spray to get a really grimy look to it.















Love the conversions, the special ops guys with the helmets turned out pretty cool. And the take on Covenant is really neat too, that's one inquisitor I've always wanted to make but it's just a brainstorm as of yet.

Love the conversions, the special ops guys with the helmets turned out pretty cool. And the take on Covenant is really neat too, that's one inquisitor I've always wanted to make but it's just a brainstorm as of yet.

Thanks =] He was nothing but a brainstorm from the moment I found the "Ragnar" head to the moment I unboxed the Delaque... Those robe-coated legs were the key to the whole thing, he came together in about 40 minutes after that!


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