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Scout bikes


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So I think it’s been pretty well established that 8e scout bikes are awesome... so where would one get them without selling off first-born children...?


They are amazing. But I would be very careful before unloading too much money into them. Unless you're wanting to field a scout-based army or just want to do well in the next tournament. 


eBay is most likely the best place for legal miniatures at the moment. GW is still sold out.

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So I think it’s been pretty well established that 8e scout bikes are awesome... so where would one get them without selling off first-born children...?


What's the reasoning behind this?



On what? Scout Bikes being good or finding a reduced price on scout bikes?

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So I think it’s been pretty well established that 8e scout bikes are awesome... so where would one get them without selling off first-born children...?


What's the reasoning behind this?



On what? Scout Bikes being good or finding a reduced price on scout bikes?



The first one, haha. Why are they perceived as good enough to impulse by a bunch?

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T5 2W models with a TL Bolter, and a combat shotgun for 6x S4 shots (2 at S5 within 6”) for the price of 5 Melta-Bombs each. They also have 16” movement... that’s a lot of fast, reasonable survivable Dakka!


Definitely, didn't even bother looking at the entry >.< Good find

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They are one of our best fast attack units, and I would argue that they are second only to Inceptors. They are better than regular bikes, the only advantage the latter have is the ability to take special weapons and a 3+ up save.


BAs have plenty of good special weapons caddies. I really like that the codex gives us so many viable units and builds. With foot Scouts also being a good pick in the Troops section, I think we could build a pretty decent force based around the 10th Company (very fluffy after Devastation of Baal) with just suporting elements from elsewhere in the Chapter.

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BAs have plenty of good special weapons caddies. I really like that the codex gives us so many viable units and builds. With foot Scouts also being a good pick in the Troops section, I think we could build a pretty decent force based around the 10th Company (very fluffy after Devastation of Baal) with just suporting elements from elsewhere in the Chapter.



I'm working on this already. ^_^ Just waiting for some scout stuff to get back in stock.

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Getting a little off topic, but I'm being pleasantly surprised by the humble Attack Bike at the moment.


2 less wounds than a 3 man Scout Bike squad, but +1 save. Not as fast admittedly, and less shooting potential (especially if advancing), but only cost 62% of what the naked Scout Bike squad costs.


Running three as separate units give you the makings of an Outrider Detachment for only 141pts! And whilst they might not be Scout bikes, they're not baaaaaad. Fast enough to grab objectives, good for deep strike denial, and mine have proved quite durable. Probably in part as one attack bike with a HB gets overlooked in favour of juicier targets, but it's still potentially 4 S4 and 3 S5 -1AP shots..... I've found two with my assault squad for the +1CP as valuable as anything else I'd put in for 94pts.


Gentler than Scout Bikers on the wallet too :biggrin.:

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Getting a little off topic, but I'm being pleasantly surprised by the humble Attack Bike at the moment.


2 less wounds than a 3 man Scout Bike squad, but +1 save. Not as fast admittedly, and less shooting potential (especially if advancing), but only cost 62% of what the naked Scout Bike squad costs.


Running three as separate units give you the makings of an Outrider Detachment for only 141pts! And whilst they might not be Scout bikes, they're not baaaaaad. Fast enough to grab objectives, good for deep strike denial, and mine have proved quite durable. Probably in part as one attack bike with a HB gets overlooked in favour of juicier targets, but it's still potentially 4 S4 and 3 S5 -1AP shots..... I've found two with my assault squad for the +1CP as valuable as anything else I'd put in for 94pts.


Gentler than Scout Bikers on the wallet too :biggrin.:


Attack bikes are great fillers for sure. It all depends on whether the slots are more important than the points. The attack bikes can also be filled out with multi-meltas making them decent anti-tank hunters as well. This is backed up by the 5-man tac squads with a lascannon approach where spreading out your special weapons is important. Could be an interesting addition to other lists for sure though.


Outrider detatchment

Any HQ option

Attack Bike (Multi-melta) x6

Tac Squad (5-man with Lascannon) x3

Razorback (Assault Cannon) x3

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Attack Bikes are great fillers but to be honest I don't really want fillers. We have great units for every section. The only problem we have is that a Brigade detachment filled with all the good stuff is way too expensive for a 2k list. ^^

One of the reasons why I think it's not the best thing to force a Brigade detachment and rather go with a Battalion detachment + something else (if at all). 

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Well I intend on running lascannons in tac squads plus lascannons dreads as opposed multi-gun anti-tank options (havocs/predators/eggs in one basket so to speak) so multi-Melta attack bikes doesn’t sound like a particularly bad option to me. Edited by Paladin777
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I think HB Attack Bolters are a very good option: 14+” movement, T5 4W 3+ with a 36” S5 AP-1 gun. Priced extremely competitively. Don’t expect miracles and they will never disappoint.


I don’t like MM Attack Bikes this addition because:


-melta isn’t really as good as it once was, especially compare to a higher-S and longer ranged lascannon that costs less


Just my thoughts.

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So.....not that this is a CHEAPER option by any means...



...but the Outrider bike squads from Forgeworld are—from a modeling standpoint—an add-on To Scout Bikes. Aka you buy a set of 3x Outriders you get 3x Scout Bikes + the FW pieces.

Didn't know that, thanks. How would you model the Scouts though?

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So.....not that this is a CHEAPER option by any means...



...but the Outrider bike squads from Forgeworld are—from a modeling standpoint—an add-on To Scout Bikes. Aka you buy a set of 3x Outriders you get 3x Scout Bikes + the FW pieces.

Didn't know that, thanks. How would you model the Scouts though?

Well, if memory serves me correctly it’s the full Scout Bike sprue + FW pieces that replace/add-on to the Scout Bike Chassis. So if one wanted to*, you could get the Outrider kit from FW and build a full Scout Bike and discard the Outrider segments.

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