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Speed of the Primarch - Speedpainting BA Plog


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I am a long timer lurker here and I have finally decided to take a plunge and post my own plog. I usually paint SUPER slow and spend way too much time on the details. This leads to the unfortunate effect of heaps of unpainted models. So for my newly acquired BA I wanted to experiment a little bit with speed painting. I read the excellent tutorial by TheMightyBrush who clocks in 90 minutes per Intercessor (holy cow!).


To give a little point of reference here's my tactical squad, painted in my usual "neat by slow" style.




The results are pleasant but they are certainly not worth the time invested. They are painted in the "Duncan" style, so without an airbrush, recess shading, double edge highlights, etc. So for my Intercessors I wanted to try something different.




They were painted in three evenings, which is probably half (or even less) time it took to paint the bloody Tacts. They are aibrushed instead, with an all over wash so I wanted to leverage that and go for a brighter, more orange armor, since I am not a big fan of the magenta-like hue of Mephiston.


Now the biggest problem here is the botched weathering. Initially I thought that 'bright but weathered' armor will be a nice combo, but I clearly have no skill in this. Areas like the Sergeant's right shoulder look terrible, which is made worse by the fact that I went extra mile to get a nice airbrushed highlight on that black. I am really annoyed this, feels like I ruined a lot of work. RIght now I think I'll drop weathering of infantry models completely. The risk of destroying the paint job is too big for me.


Here's a final family photo of all models I have painted so far. The Dreads were done before the Primaris, so they are still in the old "flat" style.




Here's my question to you - any idea on how to salvage the bad weathering on the Intercessors? My brother suggested gluing a purity seal on the sergeant's shoulder.

Edited by barjed
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To be honest I like your old red better but strong primary colors are always a bit tirering for the eye so I understand why you switched to a more pastel orange-ish red instead.


The botched up weathering doesn't look too bad imo but it looks a bit weird that it's located on only his right pauldron for the most part.

Edited by sfPanzer
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The good thing about weathering is that it can appear from a variety of reasons. The weathering there could easily come from a sand storm. I feel it looks good. But if you don't like it you could easily patch it up with a brush.


The problem is that the power armor is airbrushed, washed and glazed so it's really not possible to patch it up with a brush without leaving an obvious mark :(



The eye lenses on your Intercessors look pretty cool, were they just painted white than glazed green?


Yup, simple as that!



The botched up weathering doesn't look too bad imo but it looks a bit weird that it's located on only his right pauldron for the most part.


He's weathered all around. If anything, I feel the main problem here is that it's overdone. I am confident I'll drop weathering for the next squad :)

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Hey Barjed,


They look awesome! Good to see a fellow desciple of Luther/the Mighty Brush!


I totally agree with you on weathering. I have been burned by similar experiences. Whenever I have tried weathering on infantry models I have felt like I have ruined otherwise good work, I now restrict it only to vehicles.


I will say however, I think the weathering on your intercessors looks really good! I think judging from your paint style you probably suffer from the same “OCD”/perfectionist type issues that I do... I love the idea of weathering, and I love it on other people’s models... but the lack of precision and control means that when I do it myself I just feel like I am making a mess, when to an observer who isn’t quite as “close” it probably looks alright.


As I said, I now only do weathering on my vehicles, the key in my opinion is to take it very slow. Less is definitely more; placement is key, i.e small scratches where it would make sense on the mode in question, corners etc. Hard to not get carried away, but it’s critical. You can see my results on my “GrimDark” BA plog on this forum if interested.


Keep it up though man; your stuff is great, old and new!

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Hey Barjed,


They look awesome! Good to see a fellow desciple of Luther/the Mighty Brush!


I totally agree with you on weathering. I have been burned by similar experiences. Whenever I have tried weathering on infantry models I have felt like I have ruined otherwise good work, I now restrict it only to vehicles.


I will say however, I think the weathering on your intercessors looks really good! I think judging from your paint style you probably suffer from the same “OCD”/perfectionist type issues that I do... I love the idea of weathering, and I love it on other people’s models... but the lack of precision and control means that when I do it myself I just feel like I am making a mess, when to an observer who isn’t quite as “close” it probably looks alright.


As I said, I now only do weathering on my vehicles, the key in my opinion is to take it very slow. Less is definitely more; placement is key, i.e small scratches where it would make sense on the mode in question, corners etc. Hard to not get carried away, but it’s critical. You can see my results on my “GrimDark” BA plog on this forum if interested.


Keep it up though man; your stuff is great, old and new!

Same for me.

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Thanks for the kind words, your plog has been a massive inspiration for me. It is thanks to you that I discovered TheMightyBrush. Someday I will steal your Mephiston conversion idea :P


But yea, agree on weathering. It is too random for my tastes. I have the sergeant displayed in a cabinet right now and I sob a little every time I look at him and think of how better he'd look clean... But anyhow, another Intercessor squad is next, we shall see how it goes!

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Good news everyone! Third Squad is now painted and complete, so another Primaris Intercessor unit joins my army!




My OCD screamed a little bit while painting them (there are a few mistakes and sploges) but overall I am pretty happy with the results. They were done in one weekend, I must say I really enjoy the less cluttered aesthetics of Intercessors compared to BA Tacts. They were really fun to paint. I also learned that GW does not have a blood droplet squad on their transfer sheets. Had to use FW Legion ones.


Next up is the party bus for the flamer tacts - the Razorback! Rhino chassis is probably the easiest thing to paint in the whole GW range so I am looking forward to painting it up quickly. Will also be a good opportunity to test the new scheme on an actual vehicle. I give myself a deadline of one week to finish it.

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Razorback is complete and on time! It took a little longer than I anticipated, probably around 8 hours. The red is actually a little bit juicier in the picture for some reason but in reality it's very close to the Intercessors. I need to learn how to take pictures properly. This is also my first attempt ever at an OSL. Oh and I must say I really, REALLY, despise working with FW resin...




Next stop is my favorite unit of the Primaris range - the Aggressors! I am giving myself two weeks to paint 3, mainly due to the release of Monster Hunter: World :P

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It looks awesome barjed, I love it. Tbh usually I don’t like “orange” BA, but yours are really cool. I think the contrast and richness of the colours you use makes it work beautifully.


I concur on FW resin. I hate it. I imagine you have similar issues to me (based on the comparison I drew regarding weathering earlier) that it’s the texture? I am totally anal about mold etc, spend hours to get them off plastic, but with resin you will never get it smooth - even on flat bits.


Honestly I really dislike FW these days. Back in the day, they did something GW couldn’t.. now however, the new GW plastics are as complex and detailed as FW, but the quality of the moulding/plastic is so much better. And they are cheaper!!


Don’t even get me started on FW scandalous practice of charging postage as a % of the order lol...


Rant over! Back on topic :) - gorgeous Razorback! Beautiful rich colours, awesome highlighting. 10/10!

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Yeah. It seems we do share a lot of sentiments when it comes to modelling :D


The texture sucks, the warping sucks and I also dislike when a part is cast by a misaligned mold and you sometimes get a mold line to end all other mold lines. Resin also turns into airborne dust hazard when you start filing it (heaven help you if you start using Dremel on it). The biggest FW model I have ever assembled was a Fire Raptor for my now defunct Crimson Slaughter. A really bad experience.


I will take plastics over resin any time. I can live with metal miniatures but resin is a no-go.

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Aggressors are done! Managed to do them in 1 week. Also managed to take a better picture than the last time :P




Despite the brisk pace lots of things went sideways with these three. First problem were the loaders. I decided to paint them silver and quickly realized that it's really very difficult to paint them with a fully assembled model. The second problem were the soft armor joint. I swear, this is probably the most tricky placement of these in the whole SM range.


The final problem was *drum roll* the sergeant. Do you guys know the feeling when you try to get everything right on that one mini of the whole squad but things just refuse to go the way you want? The sergeant has had multiple accidents like paint sploges, messed up edging and I even managed to get a finger cramp when painting him which resulted in the brush going all around the carefully painted red :P


On the flip side I really enjoyed edging them. Gravis seems to be made for edge highlights done with the side of the brush. Very satisfying.


Next stop is everyone's favorite BA unit in the new codex - Captain SMAAASH. It's going to be both exciting and scary. Exciting because painting characters is always fun and scary because I'll have to replicate my red power armor process for the black power armor. I'll be painting him Death Company style! I give myself one week to complete him.

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