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Ideas for thematic lieutenants


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Hello, after a 6 months hiatus, I have the itch to start building models again. I have a small thematic company that I'm trying to expand. It's a post Devastation of Baal company lead by the Caller of the fires, and as you can guess, its built around flamers. As of now, I have 2 tactical companies, 2 flamers, 2 heavy flamers, 1 with combi flamer one with hand flamer. A captain with relic blade and combi flamer, and a blood champion just cause I had the spare parts. (I will totally add a devastator squad with heavy flamers at some point).

I imagine this company as the one they send to hold the hill so to speak. As the enemy approaches, first the bolters hit, then the flamers then if it comes to blows, the captain, the champion and one of the sergeants have power weapons. The captain and the champion operate together, and to that team I want to add a (two?) lieutenant(s). And now the questions. I'm not sure how to build them.


1) The only thing im sure about is I want them to have the primaris marines helmets (the lieutenants came along the primaris, so its fitting.) Do they fit with old marine models?


2) Should I make one or two? If its one, he will definitely stick with the captain. He will have a power axe, cause I have a nice one I want to use. A master crafted bolter would make the captain's team more versatile. A hand flamer would make it more melee. A combi flamer? it would be nice but I cant find any, there are some on ebay for 15 euros, i wont spend that much for it.


3) If I make two of them does it sound ok to make one with hand flamer and power weapon for the captain's team and one ranged for the troops? or keep them both around the captain and thechnically build the old command squad?



Does any of these make sence to you? :P I'd appreciate your opinions, and remember, this is not a comptetitve army by any stretch. 

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Welcome brother! There are few of us that have high opinions on flamers. I am one of those few. Great choice btw! I am working on a very similar army myself. Something to keep in mind when you start playing this list is that you will want to have a way for the units to move up to the enemy quickly. I like to use Razorbacks but my squads are all devastator 5-man squads with four heavy flamers and a combi-flamer on the sgt so you may want to use Rhinos.


As for the Lieutenant(s), you really can't go wrong with the master crafted bolter. It is a beast of a weapon. But if you wanted to keep it more in theme then you would want to try for combi-flamers. I know they may be expensive but what you can also do is purchase a bolter and  flamer and then mash them together yourself. There are a lot of tutorials out there on how to build combi-weapons. 


The helmets, shoulder pads and arms are supposedly interchangeable. I used the heavy flamer and arms from a dev marine on a primaris body for testing and it looks pretty decent. 


Deciding on whether to have 1-2 I would just say to build two and have them ready for use if needed but start out playing with one and see how you like him and how beneficial he was and how you think he could be used to better effect. Auras generally work better when applied to more models so having one camp a captain might not be as effective as having one camp 1-3 squads of marines.

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Just in case you didn't know. There's another Flamer unit you could add to your army. Aggressors with Flamerfists. I don't think they are as good as the Bolterfist ones but they fit your theme. :P


For the Lieutenant...no idea. The only Lieutenant I plan on building (apart from the ones from the DI box) is a Primaris one with a Stalker Bolt rife who then joins an Intercessor Squad with Stalker Bolt rifles.

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If you don't want to use the Fragcannon just take the DC Dread instead. He too can take double Heavy Flamer on his Talons/Fists. :wink:

Oh and not to forget Heavy Flamer Landspeeder! A fast mobile Flamer platform with FLY keyword is gold!


I second both these options. Also the Land speeder can take two Heavy Flamers right? Holy cow that is a very interesting idea!


Land Speeder Squads with Double Heavy Flamers and use that Datalink Strat to have a back line whirlwind auto-hit a target. Also, the Land Speeders can catch flyers and drop 6d6 S5 -1 D1 hits on them. Ohhh man! I'm getting excited about this..




I wonder how an outrider detachment would work with this....


Cpt Smashy Pants

Force Axe Liby with JP


Land Speeder x3 (Heavy Flamer x2) 

Land Speeder x3 (Heavy Flamer x2) 

Land Speeder x3 (Heavy Flamer x2) 

Land Speeder x3 (Heavy Flamer x2) 

Land Speeder x3 (Heavy Flamer x2) 

Land Speeder x3 (Heavy Flamer x2) 


Whirlwind (Vengence Launcher) 

Whirlwind (Vengence Launcher) 

Whirlwind (Vengence Launcher) 


I'm not even sure this will fit in 2k... but having 18 land speeders on the board is going to cause mayhem with your opponent lol!

Edited by Aothaine
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From my experience, Lieutenants seem to work better for a shooty backbone for BA. I tend to go for the Primaris because of the great models (don't kill me) but take three Predators, add a cheap Captain, add a cheap Lieutenant. Use Killshot. Look at an enemy. It is now dead :)


If you want to go for a Jump Pack then it's probably not a good idea if you want to deep strike. A 9" charge is not very likely, even with a re-roll. The result is that even if you get your murder unit into combat (with the Descent of Angels for example), it is likely that your aura characters will be left behind. Unless you flex your pile-in brain muscles (which is possible with a unit large enough) your Lieutenant will be out of range.


So in general, I'd either go cheap and put him with the shooty stuff or give him a JP but then he needs to footslog instead of dropping.

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About auras: assuming a 2-man unit, both will be able to attack and benefit from a 6" 'Unit' Aura (ie, Captain/Lt that affects all models in a unit, not just models such as the Sanguinary Ancient aura).


Forward model gets to within 1".

Second model gets to within 1" of the first model.


Assuming a 1" base size (which is 25mm, so most Marines are bigger than this):


1" (First model melee) + 1" (First model base size) +1" (Second -> First model) + 1" (Second model base) 6" (to aura character) = 10".


So a unit of 2+ models will be able to attack a target with all models.

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I've been thinking about running a razorback with a unit of either:


Devs with 4X heavy flamer, 1 X combi flamer on sgt. with power weapon; 1 lt. with combi flamer (or plasma/melta just in case) and power weapon.


Or 1 tac squad with combi flamer sgt, heavy flamer heavy; same lt. as above.


With auto hit and reroll for wound I think this idea will be devastating against swarms/troops.

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Was thinking about this too but keep running into conflict with making lieutenants or company vets.


My thought was something cool to run with Captain Smashy Pants and thought maybe some claws or more hammers on a lieutenant or two to make sure something stays dead. They need to be able to keep up so maybe drop them near your target to hopefully run in and provide that re-roll wounds of 1s for your captain AND add some extra damage. Too bad their ability doesn't stack with claw's ability. Their a smaller cost version of Sanguinary Ancients but fill an HQ slot you need for a basic battalion.


The Vets would be meat shields to deflect hits off of your captain while he is running in. Equipped for close combat so that they are useful to your captain. A bit spendy but give your captain a few more wounds before he drops dead.

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Remember, its a thematic army. No jump packs, those are under the command of the lord of skyfall.


As much as I love fluffy/thematic armies, that's not quite what the titles of the Captains means. It's a symbolic title relating to the duties they oversee within the Chapter. If Caller of the Fires relates to the Codex title for the 6th Company Captain, Master of Rites, it probably has a ritual role close to the Chaplaincy, rather than "this guy owns all the Flamers". Similarly, the Lord of Skyfall I would probably say would be the closest Blood Angel approximation to Master of the Fleet.


That being said, the image of a Company deployed to "hold the line", opening up with dozens of flamers as the enemy approaches is an awesome image. Given how the Lieutenants work in the Blood Angels, I'd say go for one with a MC Bolter and Power Sword as the Warden of the Blood, and a Hand Flamer/Power Axe as the Sword of Sanguinius.

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Although I agree that they are just titles, lord of skyfall suits the jumpack company as much as master of sieges  the devastator company and master of the recruits  the 10th . So it's not only a ritual thing, its like their field of expertise in the chapter. Master of the watch sounds like the guy who arranges the watches, and keeper of the Arsenal like the guy who's in charge of the weapons.

Edited by dread05
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