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Updated Pics Of My New Toys


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So after a little break of painting my Blood Angels I decided to go back and have another go at them adding more highlights to them. So far I've only done one squad but I will have before and after pics for you. I think the edge of the one bolter is a little too stark so I may have to redo that. C&C welcome as always.







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I used a Krylon White Primer, I then used a thinned down Army Painter Pure Red, 3-4 coats, washed with Red Tone, then a recess shade of Dark Tone  and lastly highlighted with Lava Orange. All the colors on them are from The Army Painter, felt like handicapping myself, not sure why. Not sure what colors those would equate to with Citadel paints. Army Painter paints work a little differently than Citadel in that you really should use 3 or 4 coats to get a nice even coverage almost like glazing your base color, believe it or not I even glazed those orange lines because I hate my eyeballs and felt they needed punishment LOL painting the same highlight 3 times is nuts. But the end result is nice I think.

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