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Hi all , i have started a new mini diorama inspired by the sector imperialis objectives box.

Its a kit bashed wounded marine on the operating table, left leg Armour completely blown open, exposing flesh and bone underneath, with (out of picture) servitor with chainfist attachment ready to amputate , another servitor (out of picture) bringing in a hand built bionic leg replacement.The main field medicarium operating on a heavily damaged chest/face.the whole thing taking place inside a damaged building made from the ryza pattern ruins.




apart from a few smaller details i have yet to add in ,the main scene is done .

The question is what chapter or (DIY colour scheme) should the marine come from , and what sort of world should it be taking place on .Anyone know of anything like this happening in the fluff? a wounded hero undergoing serious surgery?



any info or ideas would be appreaciated

Edited by barry_hhh
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Anyone know of anything like this happening in the fluff? a wounded hero undergoing serious surgery?



any info or ideas would be appreaciated


Looks awesome, Brother.  Just 2 significant ideas immediately came to mind from fluff (because, of course, this scene could take place anytime, anywhere).


1st, from recent lore, from the Dark Imperium novel that focuses on Ultramar, it's described there was a "Hospital World" named Iax.  It was a pleasant agrarian planet mainly meant for farming, but during the events before and during the Konor Campaign, Guilliman set it aside as a recovery world for wounded soldiers.  A huge part of the novel focused on Imperial Guardsmen shipped their to tend to their wounds.  I could see Ultramarines themselves also used that area to recover...but of course that respite would be short-lived because such a "Hospital World" was an affront in Nurgle's eyes.  I won't say more than that in case you want to read the novel.


So in this scenario, it would be an Ultramarine on that operating table, and everything "inside" would look very well organised...but perhaps with Nurgle's influence creeping in.


2nd, from classic lore, is what if this was the Tyrant of Badab, Lufgt Huron of the Astral Claws, wounded from that siege...and we're seeing the rise of Huron Black Heart of the Red Corsairs?  The idea I had in mind was that would be Huron still wearing the Astra Claws' colours, but he's bleeding so much, his armour is turning red.  It's like THIS is the moment when the Red Corsairs were born.  The main problem is Huron wore mostly his Terminator armour before.


Just brainstorming.  Really looking forward to this WIP, regardless of which idea you choose.  I love these.

I like the idea of the wounded Ultramarine the best as the miniature you have there lacks the ornamentation of either Grimaldus or Huron, and also lacks Chapter specific iconography. Also visually  you have the juxtaposition of the sterile room, and the creeping Nurgle influence on the world. For Huron, as you recognize, not only was he typically in Terminator armor during the Siege of Badab, but also he is described as losing half his body to a meltagun blast.  

the first time i have tried chipping with a proper chipping technique! so far so good.However im not sure i would try and use a GW dry paint like this again,even tho it was mentioned in a WD mag.i suspect they airbrushed it.






main chipping done , now to start the next layers of rust streaks and grime.

Edited by barry_hhh
  • 2 weeks later...

an iron hand does make a lot of sense , im just thinking that a black/silver marine might not really be much of a focal point for the scene as a whole , but so far an Iron hand marine is at the top of the list,thanks!

Edited by barry_hhh

i think i have cracked it , im going with a successor chapter from the iron hands , the sons of medusa.the green stands out and also makes sence with the bionic replacement. 

here he is with the greens blocked in.



and the reason he is getting a new leg , http://i278.photobucket.com/albums/kk108/barry_hhh/27746973_10156023573308162_1509018261_o.jpg[


i cut a large chunk out and added a small metal pipe as bone and added a small layer of green stuff as flesh , photo isnt great but you see why the servitor has a chainarm attachment :smile.:

Edited by barry_hhh

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