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Bike or jump pack


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Unfortunately, because the Bike isn't an option for the Librarian in the current Codex, the days of being able to have a Librarian on a bike could be numbered. Hopefully (and I think very likely) we'll see the use of the Index allowed for an extended period in this new age of a "living rules set", but I don't think that anyone should come to assume they will be here forever or rely on a Librarian on a Bike at all times. That said, currently, the Bike is the better mobility option. However, there's nothing wrong with trying to learn to use a Librarian with Jump Pack effectively if worse comes to worse.


My biggest hope is that there is some kernel of truth to the rumors of a Campaign Book featuring the Unforgiven, released with some models, and included with all of that is a new kit of a Librarian on a Bike (preferably with the choice of either twin bolters or a plasma talon) and rules in the book to match.

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