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[DW] Blackthorn and Swordhand: OOC Thread

Commissar Molotov

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I had a blast reading up on the renewed adventures of Swordhand this week and it is always nice to see something from Akkad.

Great work all around! 

Life is keeping us pretty busy, so I am afraid I won‘t be able contribute for some time. Well, I haven‘t given up hope yet…

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Well, the weekend has come once again. Has life been treating you all well?

Apart from RSI in my wrist (insert jokes here ....) Very well. Managed to finish the build element of my Smashbash22 entry.

Hope yours was/is very good too

Edited by That Beyond the Light
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Apologies guys - as Petragor said, I look up and it's the weekend! Work has been hectic here and I've not had a free time. I'm having to rework and rewrite things to accommodate missing players, but I'm keen to try to get things going.


Please bear with!

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Well three of my five kids just tested positive for Covid... so thats fun.  My wife and I and my other two are fine so far...  Unfortunately two of my boys, including one of the positive ones, is due for long awaited surgery in two weeks.  So hopefully he has a speedy recovery.  Luckily the latest strain isn't as bad as previous ones and everyone in my family that can be is double vaxxed so thats at least something.



On more relevant notes, really looking forward to some life here.  Palan is more lost then ever and needs to shepherded back onto the path...

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Warboss Gorbazz Dakkafist: *Watches repeats of Beverly Hills 902.M.10*

Teen girl: "I don't know what to do, mom!"

Warboss Gorbazz Dakkafist: "I don' get it, Zorga. Why doez Melanie not krump dat sneaky git when 'ez turned 'round and snatch 'iz teef?"

Zorga: "Itz coz she'z in wuv wif 'im, boss!"


Warboss Gorbazz Dakkafist: *smashes television set and storms off*

Zorga: <sighs> "Now we'z nevah gunna know wot 'appenz ta Melanie da humie."

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The line of thought that an  orkish telly-wishuun thing might actually catch one of the tv broadcast spammed  into space in the 20th century thousand of years is almost hard sci fi clearly cements my nerdiness :) 


Since everyone  and their dog managed to catch COVID or be quarantined for it over the last two weeks in my department - I am just totally lucked out just by not being at work today!! 

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Hey Y’all


Just wanted to let you know, I’m starting on a big two-week project tomorrow. It’s gonna be a lot of work, so I may not have a lot if energy left over for posting if that becomes neccessary.


Thankfully Swordhand won’t be in action for a bit, but just know that I may be a little slow to respond to any Group inquiries.

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Hey Y’all


Just wanted to let you know, I’m starting on a big two-week project tomorrow. It’s gonna be a lot of work, so I may not have a lot if energy left over for posting if that becomes neccessary.


Thankfully Swordhand won’t be in action for a bit, but just know that I may be a little slow to respond to any Group inquiries.


Good luck with it dude. :thumbsup:

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  • 2 months later...

Not bad mate, keeping busy! :D

Plunder and Spess Hoolk games are up and running again here (yay!) plus I'm going to be GMing my first in-person game in August for some family and friends (the old West End Games Star Wars D6 RPG, so not board appropriate, but if anyone has any exp/advice with the system feel free to PM/email me!)

Always got time for a bit of Blackthorn/Swordhand though!

How are you?

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On 6/25/2022 at 10:09 AM, That Beyond the Light said:

Hey guys, how's tricks with everyone? I know we are in a bit of down time, but I thought I'd see how our community is? Any projects started outside of our adventure? Builds, words or paints??

Started a massive renovation on the upstairs this weekend, ripping up all the carpet and starting to put down laminate, painting walls, and cursing the start of summer, naturally.

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