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Cannot beat Custodes.


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The twitch is tomorrow Thursday https://www.warhammer-community.com/2018/01/16/week-warhammer-live-9/



Mortal wounds should work well against Custodes too. Something like the Heavy Bolter Stratagem or the Linebreaker Bombardement is bound to hurt them more than they'd expect.


They thought of that, in today's preview they show that Custodes get 6+ save against mortal wounds in the psychic phase.     

Right. In the psychic phase. Neither the Heavy Bolter nor the Linebreak Bombardement are happening in the psychic phase. Also it was in yesterdays preview. ;)

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Also don't forget things like the Helfire Shells stratagem.  It isn't a ton but D3 mortal wounds.  Same with smite.  As for weapons if they have good invunsaves 3+or 4+ don't look for single shot high AP weapons like lascannons, but instead at things like autocannons, Assault cannons, heavy bolters etc.  Twin Autocannon dreads could do a lot of work here as could Autocannon, heavy bolter Preds.

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Especially because mathhammer has shown us that Grav isn't niche weapon, it's the allrounder among the special/heavy weapons. :biggrin.:

True but its short range and comparitively high cost means that it requires a bit more planning to use well. Lascannon Devs can be plonked in cover in the backfield and left to their own devices. Grav Devs will probably need some transport.


Curiously, I think this actually makes Grav Devs better for BAs. We don't necessarily want our support elements hiding in the backfield where they might need baby-sitting. Instead, a squad advances up the field into firing position on T1 is probably a better bet. I think that a Pod is probably a good bet for them and if you do not take a full 10-man squad, you will have room for a character or two such as Mephiston to hitch a ride.

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