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Guardians of the Covenant - returning to the hobby


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Hello again! Has it really been 4 years since I picked up a brush? Or looked at a codex? So it has! I never intended it to be that long, but hey ho, real life! In the meantime I see that the evil Xenos have been allowed to infiltrate B&C (luckily for me I've just started working on Tau, or should I say T'au... when did the apostrophe become a thing?) :wink:

Anyway, I recently rescued most of my photos from the evil that is photobucket, and I thought I'd stick them back on the board, seeing as the old thread is well and truly archived (and none of the photo links work anymore anyway!).

I've just started working on kitbashing some Forgeworld Tau battlesuits that I had intended to form the basis of a Tau army back in 2014, and which have stayed in the attic for too long. Hopefully I'll get the brushes out in the not too distant future :biggrin.:

In the meantime, however, here are my Guardians of the Covenant (more at the various links):

Character models





1st Company



2nd Company



3rd Company



Hope you enjoy :smile.:

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When a Brother retrns to the Rock it is a time for celebration and rejoicing.

Please make your way to Chamber 42 for some celebration rituals with the Chapter Librarians and some delicious rejoicing with the Chapter Interrogators.

Hopefully following that you will find time to continue your life’s work.


Please enjoy your day.

Edited by Interrogator Stobz
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Welcome back. Your army looks great and I look forward to what you do next. Don’t be distracted by the Xenos

Thanks Brother, I actually have a terminator apothecary on the table at the moment ;)




When a Brother retrns to the Rock it is a time for celebration and rejoicing.

Please make your way to Chamber 42 for some celebration rituals with the Chapter Librarians and some delicious rejoicing with the Chapter Interrogators.

Hopefully following that you will find time to continue your life’s work.


Please enjoy your day.

Cheers Stobz! :D


Looking forward to seeing if Chamber 42 has had a makeover since the last time I was there ;)


Welcome back! Your Guardians of the Covenant still look as awesome as I remember!

Thanks Spaced Hulk, and your Dreadwing are amazing!

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