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Battling Deathguard


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I haven't seen a topic about this yet, so I figured I'd start one. I normally run either DA or RG depending on who I'm playing with, mostly because I love both chapters lore wise. Has anyone found a viable option for dealing with Deathguard? My best friend has been playing them, and it's been a painful experience, which only has gotten worse now that he has mortarion.
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6 plasma inceptors with overcharge & WOTDA + re-roll support


Funnily enough I've seen him take quite a number of wounds from high volume bolter & autocannon spam


Stratagems to use are the mortal wound ones on a Dev squad for Hb & rocket which with sgt's BS on HB and +1 on the rocket coz of fly with grim Resolve re-rolling 1's should give you 2d3 mortal wounds to start the ball rolling

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6 plasma inceptors with overcharge & WOTDA + re-roll support


Funnily enough I've seen him take quite a number of wounds from high volume bolter & autocannon spam


Stratagems to use are the mortal wound ones on a Dev squad for Hb & rocket which with sgt's BS on HB and +1 on the rocket coz of fly with grim Resolve re-rolling 1's should give you 2d3 mortal wounds to start the ball rolling


It hink you're on the ball here. Due to the fact he has a relatively weak save (3+ and 4++) he can be hurt by simply using weight of fire. Autocannons work well, simply because no AP  is wasted and you get a 4+ on him. Couple that with extra damage, and you have yourself some damage. Dark Talons can also work well with the Rift Canon, although that requires more layers of rolling. A Ravenwing Black Knight with a grenade launcher can use stasis shells too, which can add some mortal wounds.


Still, he's a tough cookie to actually do damage to due to Disgustingly Resilient. He effectively has another 1/3rd of his wound pool as extra.

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Morty wrecks armies if he gets into them. Only has a 4++ with fnp so lots of shots is the way forward. Obviously he can assault flyers so makes things like the dark tallon a problem. Now if you were to make him assault / move in the opposite direction to your force 12 inch it could be worth it. Don't what ever you do drop a unit in Between your force and him within charge range cos then he gets 2d6 + 6 closer to your army. He will have the -1 to hit power which makes plasma a problem to overcharge

With an elite army like DA its all about model position and trying to take him down quickly. If you clump up and he reaches you - everything will die.

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One of the best things about our Chapter tactic is rerolls 1s without support; take weapons with range, spread out with a view to support each other friendly unit, be prepared to lose some units but make them travel to get to all of yours. Get the time needed to shoot the foul traitor and his minions.
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Stobz is correct- you will loose something. The trick is that you try and get him to kill units that he doesn't want to kill. Scouts on some objective to make him back track away from you. It's prettty predictable what he will do - just fly at your lines to kill stuff in close combat. He has a couple of tricks - he can explode when he dies . Mortal wounds at the start of combat to everything . He can swap is psychic power out for warp time if they ally in csm detachment or Magnus / scorceror can cast it on him . Best advice - roll lots of 6's on your las cannon damage :-) Edited by Madmonkeyman
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Azrael lascannon farm is the answer:  10 devastators with 8 lascannons supported by Azrael and a lieutenant in the upper floors of a ruin (you can stack one squad plus one leader for six models each on two adjacent floors) with 2-3 5 man scout squads scattered around where the 18" bubble they generate gives maximum bubble wrap.  seven lascannons hit, six of them wound, three are saved by morty's invul, one more is caught by FNP, so he takes 2D6 wounds?  He can't survive that very long, especially if you're also torrenting him.

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I'd suggest 3 predators with heavy bolters and autocannons with killshot, but I've never fought morty, so I'm no expert. It does put out quite a bit of pain though, and it doesn't waste AP vs his 4++, but just has a good amount of damage that will at least wound on 4+ for heavy bolters and 2+ or 3+ for autocannons.

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