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I'm looking at adding a recon/rapid reaction force to my homebrew army group. I've just got a few questions in relation to themes:


Which units do you feel most suit this type of force (FW or dex)?


Is there anything you would avoid?


I'm currently pondering a pair of Russ, not quite sure they fit the theme, thoughts?


This will be using Tallarn for flavour and tabletop efficiency is not a concern.


Thanks in advance for your input.

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A outrider detachment of hellhounds, sentinels and rough riders seems the obvious choice? Definitely tallarn!

Maybe a couple of Scions in Taroux or chimeras.


You could add flavour by using DKoK deathriders as counts as RRs and use some 3rd party conversions on the transports? Maybe a good excuse for an air wing of Valks and Vultures?

Hi Harrowmaster, I think you'll find recon-themed IG forces a blast to use. My Tallarns have been using recon-themed lists for 17 years and their mobility, fluidity, and ability to gain board control make them a joy to use. Using then is an uphill battle because you give up heavy armor, one of the IG's strengths. But they are very rewarding.


Duz already identified some possible ways you can add recon themes to your list.


In addition to using rough riders, stormtroopers, Tauroxes, Chimeras, and scout sentinels, here are 6 other ways your list can be recon themed:


1. Salamander Scout tanks from the Forgeworld Index--these suckers scout like our Scout Sentinels but are more durable.


2. Leman Russ Exterminators: As Galron noted, most IG tanks don't really fit a recon theme. Artillery tanks and Leman Russ tanks don't really fit a recon theme because they're a bit too slow, loud, and unwieldy. But the Imperial Armor, Volume I book from FW specifically stated the Exterminator was lighter and faster than the other Russ variants and noted that IG recon units often include them.


3. Ratlings: these little troopers can often act as forward elements for a recon force


4. Take the Dagger of Tusakh and give it to a company commander with a power sword and plasma pistol. Now you have the Tallarn hero Captain Al'Rahem from the 2009 IG Codex.


5. Use the Use the Tallarn Ambush doctrine for 3 CP and give it to 3 infantry squads. Now you have replicated Captain Al'Rahem's old ability to outflank an infantry platoon.


6. Tauros vehicles: Both the heavy flamer Tauros Assault vehicle and the lascannon Tauros Venator from FW would be appropriate for a recon-themed IG force.


Check out my thread here at B&C for examples of games where I've taken recon-themed lists to tournaments.




As you'll see these lists always got slaughtered in 7th Edition but they were fun to use. And you'll see that the one 8th Edition game where I brought a recon themed list I did much better: back in July at the last game of the 'Ordo Fanaticus' tournament I fought my Tau opponent with the white army to a draw.


Have fun with recon!

I agree that a recon force suggests Fast Attack, and I think Guard have some good options there but there's nothing stopping you expanding the force. For example sponsonless Russes could be tweaked for far ranging operations in your lore, or they meet up with a tank column to rescue it - the options are almost limitless for Guard :)

Thanks for the input so far guys, salamanders and tauros seem good. I'm probably going to kitbash the salamanders from existing kits but does anyone have good alternatives for the venator?


Edit: Spelling.

Edited by Harrowmaster
Way back in the day around 4th edition maybe I remember seeing an IG buggy conversation using a Land Speeder chassis. I'm sure someone on here knows what I'm talking about. Anyways, it would be a prime Venator example. All the suggestions are good, I would also consider Mortar and Missile launcher squads, in a realistic "light" infantry unit those are going to be the support weapons you would see. It's just a shame in game terms that the Lascannon is so much better than the ML

Zero, yes, I remember. And people are still making them from time to time. If you google [iG buggy landspeeder] you'll come up with tons of nice images. I've heard of people using them as counts-as scout sentinels, assault venators, ir scout salamanders.


This has been a possible project of mine for many years. For various reason my bitz box contains ork wheels, ork trukk chassis, and the hull of a land speeder.


If my Chaos and ork painting projects are on track this month and next month, in March I'll pledge a Tallarn dune buggy for the Showing the Colours painting event.

Ran the sentinel recon company back in apoc and it was a blast (literally). Sentinels, Salamanders and venerators fit the bill for sure and I would decide what type of recon force you’re looking for -Light Armored Recon or a recon in force list.

LAR would definitely utilize the scout elements and stick with that, lacking a armored presence as well as not having a depth of fire capability means you’re going to be hamstrung in area denial as well as capture missions.

RIF is where I would go. Incorporating your scout element with the infantry and armored forces necessary to see the completion of your mission- aerial insertion or AFV delivery systems are both viable here as well as armor to provide an armored spearhead.

I’d recommend griffons for portable medium mortars, a Trojan for necessary field repairs, a lightning for aerial cover and superiority as well as thinking about a knight archeon for its ranging abilities and CC kickbuttness

Recon (to me) would be a small section of light vehicles with sniping capabilities... and a bit of light/medium support.


A Taurox with some veterans in it (or maybe a platoon commander and command squad), with some Ratling snipers and a couple of Sentinels for some additional support.


I'd veer away from fliers because they are more geared towards rapid insertion... unless you have a Naval Officer in the command squad, then he'd have the ability to 'bring in the rain'.

I’d steer away from Leman Russ variants. A Russ, no matter how quick, is not a recon tank. The only HS tank I’d consider including is the Wyvern and here is why. It is a mobile anti-personell tank that can be fairly precise. While it’s ability to perform recon is limited, it has other functions. Recon teams may be used to do some hit and run action, something the Wyvern is capable of, especially given its self-targeting and aggressive machine spirit. A recon team may need to clear out a camp or establish a position, so a Wyvern can help with that as well.


Beyond that, Sentinels, Vets in Chimeras and the occasional Scion, Ratlings or maybe give the Vets the Snipers (Gaunt’s Ghosts style) and some Sentinels. The odd Inferno Canine variant will probably not go amiss. I’d prefer the Hellhound, but the Devil Dog may also work as AT when running Tallarn.


Looking at FW, the Tauros variants fit the theme extremely well, as would that command Chimera, the name escapes me right now... Well, and Sentry Turrets. Those bad boys are excellent to hold positions when the force is outside of reinforcement range and can’t commit many troops.

Edited by Frater Cornelius

Thanks for the suggestions guys. I'm thinking for a Venator I could use a converted landspeeder storm or modify one of these from Anvil:



You can also do some cavalry, they can be used in a scouting capacity and then out flank to hit from an unseen quarter. I had considered doing some Elysian Rough Riders after seeing a preview for 12 Strong. They were apart of the last cavalry charge, and the only cavalry charge with close air support.



Though it will be rather disheartening after a volley wipes them all out :biggrin.: Well, I guess the DKoK version are a bit tougher.

Unfortunately this is too real from my experience lol. I have had some success with them, but they can be hit or miss. I like a good gamble though.

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