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Whirlwind: which one should you pick ?


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I have yet to try pairing it up with a Flamer Landspeeder, though. But I do believe this would be a good combo for any astartes army. A double flamer speeder, along with a whirlwind, using the telemetry, could clear up hordes quite effectively indeed. I think I might get one for my army.


I have a few land speeders lying around that are either unassembled or slightly molested, giving one of them dual flamers just for trying this is luring. Of course keeping it with Sammy and a Talonmaster plus other RW units makes for a nasty flank attack.

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Most times, your opponent will bring a squad or two of light infantry, for cheap, to babysit objectives on their side, while the bulk of the fighting takes place elsewhere on the board.




A double flamer speeder, along with a whirlwind, using the telemetry, could clear up hordes quite effectively indeed. I think I might get one for my army.


I absolutely love the first bit.  Those cheap objective campers are a GREAT reason to take a WW.  It's incredibly annoying when people drop an objective where it can be babysat by a 5 man squad that has LOS-blocking terrain wrapped around it on three sides.  


I vehemently disagree with the second bit.  Flamers of any kind require you to get within charge range of the horde, and you're not going to kill enough of them to materially reduce their ability to hurt you.  IF I were going to use the datalink stratagem, I would take a tornado or a talonmaster, not something that begs for FRFSRF at point-blank range.  And, again, 2D6 shots from a WW isn't anywhere near "horde control."  It's great against horde TYPE troops, but not horde NUMBERS of troops.  It just doesn't make a dent.  7 shots, 5 hits, 4 wounds, 3 dead guardsmen?  Pathetic.




Number one use is splattering hiding units that block targeting characters


This is as genius as the bit about splattering cheap objective campers, albeit a little more situational. 

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Yeah, the Whirlwind variants don't do it for me, with the possible exception of the Scorpius. For only 20pts more than the basic variant with its 2d6 shots, one can get a transport with 12 shots. I'd rather spend the points on the transport.

As stated in the other topic: you can't park a RB behind cover and have it shoot 60" though.
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Yeah, the Whirlwind variants don't do it for me, with the possible exception of the Scorpius. For only 20pts more than the basic variant with its 2d6 shots, one can get a transport with 12 shots. I'd rather spend the points on the transport.

As stated in the other topic: you can't park a RB behind cover and have it shoot 60" though.


Yes, you cant, however you are wasting points either way when its sitting behind cover killing 4 guardsmen per turn. Someone at GW didnt do the math on the Whirlwind. Actually all large blast weapons have been very hurt by 8th edition changes.

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Yeah, the Whirlwind variants don't do it for me, with the possible exception of the Scorpius. For only 20pts more than the basic variant with its 2d6 shots, one can get a transport with 12 shots. I'd rather spend the points on the transport.

As stated in the other topic: you can't park a RB behind cover and have it shoot 60" though.

Yes, you cant, however you are wasting points either way when its sitting behind cover killing 4 guardsmen per turn. Someone at GW didnt do the math on the Whirlwind. Actually all large blast weapons have been very hurt by 8th edition changes.
Since noone seems to be able to shoot at anything but Guardsman nowadays.
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Yeah, the Whirlwind variants don't do it for me, with the possible exception of the Scorpius. For only 20pts more than the basic variant with its 2d6 shots, one can get a transport with 12 shots. I'd rather spend the points on the transport.

As stated in the other topic: you can't park a RB behind cover and have it shoot 60" though.
Yes, you cant, however you are wasting points either way when its sitting behind cover killing 4 guardsmen per turn. Someone at GW didnt do the math on the Whirlwind. Actually all large blast weapons have been very hurt by 8th edition changes.
Since noone seems to be able to shoot at anything but Guardsman nowadays.


or orks or cultists, or gaunts or or or..."guardsmen" is shorthand for spammed cheap bullet sponges.  They're hugely popular these days because there are a lot fewer ways to kill them efficiently than there used to be.  Hurricane bolters and punisher cannons come to mind.  Massed stormbolters work, if the troops holding the bolters aren't too expensive. 

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