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So as the depression is claiming less of my thoughts today, I believe to be up enough to report on the horrid game I had a few weeks back vs EC. Both armies were 1850 points, game lasted 3 turns. Options won't be exact, but should give a clear enough idea of what I faced and what happened.



Captain with JP and Relic Blade



Sanguinary Priest, Jump Pack


8 Man DC all Power Swords in a Rhino(With the LT and Chaplain)

5 Man DC, Jump Packs, TH & Power Fist

5 Man Sanguinary Guard, Angelus Bolt Gun and Sanguinary Blades all around

Furioso Dread, built in melta and storm bolter

Dread, twin las and twin auto

6 Man Sternguards, mix of melta and combi melta, in Razorback


5 Man Scouts, combat blades

5 Man Scouts, combat blades

10 man tactical, storm bolter, flamer and las


6 man assault squad, all chainswords


Razorback, twin las


EC(6 CP)

Daemon Prince with wings

Chaos Lord, Jump Pack


4X 6 Man EC squads, all sonics


Squad of posessed in Rhino

5 Man Terminator Squad, all plasma





Las Predator(twin and 2X Las)



assault marines and sanguinary priest in reserve, hoping to use DoA on them and try and tie something up in the first turn. Sanguinary guard and JP DC on the right flank looking to use FF on the DC to move them up the field fast with the sanguinary guard providing fire support in turn 1 and then being the second wave of the assault. everything else was in the middle to left of the field as a fire base around objectives and hoping to get the Rhino up the field.


He kept the Lord and Termies in reserve to double shoot with them on the drop. Set up the maulerfiend on the same side as the DC and SG and the rest in the middle to left of field making his own fire base and protecting his own objectives.



used FF on the JP DC to get them up the field in the hopes of intercepting the maulerfiend.



EC got to start as I didn't steal the initiative. He dropped the termies near my dread, captain and razorback combo. Moved up the daemon price, rhino, hellbrute and maulerfiend. The pred blew up my dread, exposing the captain, termies blew the captain apart. Mauler charged my JP DC, I lost 3 DC but he lost 6 wounds. Moral didn't really affect any squad.


As the daemon price and hellbrute were moving up and with my anti tank crippled, I held the Rhino DC back so they could charge later. Sternguard exited the Razorback and sanguinary guard moved to assist them with the termies. assault squand and sanguinary priest dropped down to try and provide some pressure in his zone, although I knew at this point(yes in turn 1) that these guys would die and wouldn't be doing much with my other assault units tied up or pinned in my zone. I focussed my shooting a the predator and was able to take it down to 3-4 wounds remaining. the sternguard and SG lit up the termies killing 2. the sanguinary guard charged into the termies killing 1 more. i lose another DC and the mauler loses another 2 wounds. Morale did nothing.



Rhino and DP moved close to my zone but not close enough for a charge by the DP. His las pred and hellbrute took a few wounds off my razorback. His EC squads focused on the exposed assault marines and priest. In assault the mauler finished off the last of the JP DC and consolidated onto an objective. One of my SG died to the chaos lord.


DC, LT and Chaplain exited its Rhino and put themselves in position to charge the DP. Razorback took a shot at the mauler, dropping it to 2 wounds. Tactical las took out the predator. Furioso charged the posessed rhino trying to break it open, no luck. SG and sternguard combined to kill off the termies leaving just the lord in combat. DC get there charge off and kill the DP.



The Hellbrute moves to charge my razorback, the posessed leave the rhino and position themselves to charge my DC. Not much shooting from the EC side at this point. Assaults go as planned, DC wiped, Razorback loses 6 or 7 wounds, Lord dies to the volume of the SG and sternguard attacks but takes another SG with him.


At this point, I try to light up the posessed and counter charge the hell brute but overall nothing really happens and I call the game as I have a hand full of models left and nothing is dislodging him from his objectives, and the posessed aren't soon to die to anything I can muster.


So that's that. I'm feeling OK writing this out and reading some of it, thinking that I could have done better. But overall I still feel that I can't do much to make these games competitive. Which makes me want to give up for the first time in 18 years.

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I play EC and BA both. The number 1 thing with EC is knowing that double shot is coming and he's gonna try to alpha something big with it. You need to make sure that you're using your scouts and Tacticals to bubble wrap your prime targets so he can't drop within 12" for rapid fire.
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