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Drop pods


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Greetings. I have not played or played against drop pods this edition so I have a few rules questions as well as some tactics to throw against the wall. My idea is to load 15-20 bare bones tactical marines into 2 pods and drop them in front of the enemy lines to act as a meat wall. Pretty much absorbing incoming smites, block line of sight and slow down melee units. If points end up being available I would add in some flamers/heavy flamers for overwatch. Now to the questions. The way I am reading the rules it appears that when the drop pods come in it is done at the END of the movement phase and the models must immediately disembark, putting them within 3” of the pod. Now because it is the end of the phase they cannot then move any further correct? Next where does one measure to on the drop pod now? Is it to the main body of it or any of the doors? Or are the doors ignored like turrets etc? If they are not then I am thinking you could try and string out 5 guys 3” from the tips of the doors to create a blockade that would include the doors making a pretty decent foot print to deny some area to your enemy. Thoughts?



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My issue with scouts is their armor save primarily. For 10 more points you get better saves which to me seems worth it. The drop pods will act as smite lightning rods forcing your opponent to reposition possibly opening them up for assaults or making it easier to trap them in. Additionally at rapid fire range the storm bolter can kick out 4 shots. Not a ton but still usable.
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Drop Pods are such iconic models for Space Marines and it feels sort of crappy to not use them anymore. If I could cram some Incercessors into a pod I'd be running them at least semi-frequently but as it stands they don't have a ton of space in my own lists.


This being said I do really see some benefit in using them to take ground with Tactical marines. I don't know that I'd run them completely bare-bones though- just taking a heavy bolter, plasma gun and combi-weapon would go a long way to making that investment into the drop pods pay off.

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The idea is sound, but if chaff in the enemy's face is the desire effect why not take assault marines with jump packs? Less expensive than drop pods + tacticals and have a built in delivery system.


I think pods are still good for delivering a high concentration of shooting firepower into a desired area, and for keeping a powerful unit safe and guaranteed to get the first shot off. As it stands the days of steel rain are dead and buried. My 5 pods have collected dust the entire edition.


Lucius pods on the other hand are a totally different story. Death Co. Dreadnoughts for days...

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I can't wait to unleash my sternguard +veterans + Lt. + Mephiston pod, or my Dev version of that pod!

Sternguard and Veterans you say? Tell me more.




I like the idea of Drop Pods bringing in Tactical squads as meat shield but haven't made it work from a 50% reserve standpoint on list building; they take up valuable reserve spots for jump assault elements, leaving sensitive bits on the table at deployment.


Drop Pods as lightning rods for Smite makes me laugh. Glad I read that as it's a handy bit of info to have in the head (I think, anyway).

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Interesting idea with using pods to soak up smites

To the op if you are trying to deploy as close to your enemy as possible with pods I don’t think it matters where you measure from, as long as you are 9in away

In regards to where you measure from it’s interesting as we haven’t had a definite answer this edition

I would measure from the hull so I wouldn’t feel like I’m gaming my opponent but there would definitely be an argument for deploying off the doors

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I really don’t think drop pods for tactical as meat shield is a good tactic.


For same points as a drop pod + 2 barebones tactical squad you can have almost 4 scout squads.


Any JP squad can also deep strike and do a good job.


What drop pod can be good at is to deliver something very nasty that can hit hard.


Mephy + sternguard got mentioned and it’s a good combination. I fequently use rhinos for this combo and I can easily see it working with drop pod.


Devastators can also be put to good use. You can drop 2 squads of devastators at optional range but good distance from the opponent (or close for multi-melta)


Also drop pods can prevent auspex hit. This can be cool for some assault element.


Drop pod can provide a safety cover for characters. Just put them slightly nearer than a character embarked and he can’t be targeted in shooting phase.


Technically there is some cool stuff to do but it is a very expensive delivery system, especially compared to Jump Packs that’s not only cheaper but also enables very good stratagems.

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I can't wait to unleash my sternguard +veterans + Lt. + Mephiston pod, or my Dev version of that pod!

Sternguard and Veterans you say? Tell me more.




I like the idea of Drop Pods bringing in Tactical squads as meat shield but haven't made it work from a 50% reserve standpoint on list building; they take up valuable reserve spots for jump assault elements, leaving sensitive bits on the table at deployment.


Drop Pods as lightning rods for Smite makes me laugh. Glad I read that as it's a handy bit of info to have in the head (I think, anyway).



I'll have a 5 man squad of Sternguard with weapons based on opponent; everything from storm bolters to combi meltas, whatever is needed. The company veterans come in a minimum squad size of 2. Again, weapons choice dependent upon opponent. An Lt to boost effectiveness (or captain, or librarian, or whatever really. Bring both!).


Finally, I'll top it off with a dose of Mephiston and Wings of Sanguinius.


That's 5 (stern) + 2 (vets) + 1-2 (Lt, chaplain, librarian) + Mehpiston = 10.


Dev squad is similar, maybe 4 grav cannon, or HB, or MM, plus sgt. and cherub. That's 6. Add the vets, a character, and Mephiston.


Quite the projection of force I'd say. I have the models for all of the above, I've just not finished building/painting. Some version of that is coming soon.

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It's not the worst tactic in the world, it could even prove quite prudent in some scenarios.


Yes they're more expensive than scouts, but they can react to the enemy deployment. They also score and can be deployed in cover for a 2+ save.


I'd always advocate paying the points for special/ combi/ heavy/ close combat weapons on these squads however, to maximize their effectiveness.


It could be a fairly efficient bubble-wrap punisher, with rapid fire bolters, special weapons and a potential Red-Thirst Backed assault targeting multiple units (not to mention the proven-deadliest weapon in the Imperium, the Drop Pod Storm Bolter!)


Against assault Heavy Armies I'd say bring flamers for the juicy overwatch, but everything else Plasma/ Melta is probably best.


If you forego a heavy you could also bring a character like a cheap captain for re-rolls (Tycho?)

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Thank you all for the input. Still no definitive answer on the deployment/measurement tho, I will discuss it with my opponent this coming week and see what he thinks. The group that I play with goes pretty hard. We are all looking to break into tournaments in the near future. The list I was considering taking next week consists of:


Air wing:







LT w/ JP and 2x chainswords

Tac x5

Tac x5

Tac x5

Drop pod

Drop pod



Captain smash SS TH Angels wing AoW





Typical lists in our group are:

Tzeentch/Nurgle smite spam with über daemons (last week it was a Lord of change with impossible robe and skarbrand)


Aledari mix with lots of those glass cannon grab tank


Very shooty nids with a surprising amount of smite


Bobby G Primaris wall


Carl Dakka bot wall


So far in my playing these guys the scouts just do not hold up long enough. Even 30 of em.

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Over in the general C:SM think tank, the ideal unit for Pods tends to end up being Sternguard (Veterans are a close contender).  They are the unit whose damage output benefits most dramatically by getting dropped in close on a Pod strike, that lacks other means of getting that close that suddenly.  Pod in, pop the SIB Stratagem, melt something.  After the fact, 2 attacks (more with Angel goodness, if I understand correctly) and nasty Overwatch potential make opponents think twice about charging them, which is an issue many other squads would face as a consequence for Podding in close.  A Heavy Flamer adds to the counter-charge deterrence, but obviously doesn't help with the shooting on the drop (8" weapon, 9" minimum deployment distance).  Naturally Mephiston isn't included in those particular equations :tongue.:


As for where to measure from, you'll likely find that if the opened doors count for measuring distance, you won't be able to fit one anywhere on a typical board.  The silhouette is enormous.  Most folks I know glue the damn things shut anyway.  To think I went through all the trouble of detailing those interiors, only to keep the doors closed :sad.:


For me, well, I built 2 Ironclads.  I get charge distance rerolls as a CT.  Why wouldn't I Pod those? :teehee:


Devastator M-Melta Pod bombs are generally looked down upon.  It's a huge point sink, the unit counts as moving so they get the -1 to hit, and there are better alternatives for nasty anti-tank shooting.

Edited by Firepower
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