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Helbrute Experiences?

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I'm still waiting for GW to let us just deep strike things because you know...the warp and chaos and all. But because that doesn't push a model...I'm doubtful we would see something.

Not even Daemons can “just“ deep strike anymore and TSons got a webway stratagem for their infantry so the chance for getting something like that is basically zero.

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I have found my Helbrute useful in every list I have played. It is not a killer unit, nor a tank unit, but it is a nasty thing for my adversary to deal with. My Helbrutes have killed librarians, entire Deathwatch teams, toppled Rhinos and smashed to bitz Ork Trukks. I use it either as a backfield response unit to various deep strike units or as a mobile support for my advancing infantry squads in mid field.


It is rare that my Helbrutes survive the game or have more than two wounds left at the end, but all shots my adversary puts on them are shots which do not go toward my squishy units or my elites.


So far my most performing setup was Helbrute Fist/Flamer/Multi-Melta, but I had good results with my Lascannon Helbrute too. Perhaps in hindsight the best gear for thim is Plasma Cannon (those are rare in Chaos armies) and the Lashing Tendrils. It is a nasty thing, be it at range or in cc.


In any case, I always have one in my army lists. Simply because they are a scary target, are efficient in points and do not suffer from a diminishing wounds profile. They are always effective, be it at full wounds or with just one left.

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Helbrutes are good and you have loads of ways to use them. 


I have ran lists with 6 of them in for fun times. T7, non degrading stat line, 8" move is great. 


I tend to run Las / missile, power surge /  heavy bolter. I have now got a couple of Sonic dreads. 136 points (i think) for twin blastmarker and missile is a bargain for the output. 

However I would like 2 twin fist models, around 120 points for a T7 fast ish moving smashy thing is scary.


The only think lacking is an invol save. against opponents which have a lot of heavy guns like ad mech they can be destroyed quickly.  Which is why you take lots haha! 


Once I have got a tournament out the way i will be fielding an EC vanguard list with Lord, Sorcerer, 2 x sonic dreads and a las / missile brute. That's a good amount of heavy shooting for 600 points.  

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