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Just picked up my models again and while a Sisters of Battle version is going to be my main focus, I have plans to start up with some Space Marines because a: I know the models well, b: I haven't done any modelling like this in years and years and if I :cuss up I'd rather it be some Space Marine than the resin models I've bought >.> I just really need the practice. 


However! I had plans for a Space Marine commander at one point and I want to pick up that idea again, but now as then, I am in need of a pair of cybernetic / robotic looking wings. Because while converting is fun, I don't really fancy the job of making the wings from scratch.


I have seen a few that are okay'ish, including the Stormcast Eternals' ones but they're a bit... too much Stormcast Eternals, if that makes any sense. Although I am sure I can work something out using those as a base if needed be. However, any and all suggestions and links to alternatives would be greatly welcomed!

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Many third-party components sites have some. For example, these from puppetswar, or these from Scibor.


Failing that, the Dark Eldar Scourge models have both bat and feathered wings, and whilst these are more organic, they do have cybernetic elements on them.


Finally, there are the ever-popular Swooping Hawk wings (as well as those on the Exarch, Phoenix Lord and Autarch models).



I had the same thought once and got the Scribor wings the Major posted and they are way, way too big for a normal marine or even Primaris. Like they'd be the right size for a Contemptor, almost.

Maybe the right size to convert Guilliman into Corax?

Never seen the G-man model in person, so I can't comment, but Scribor says 100mm wingspan and 60mm high.  Out of curiosity I did just pull them out of the package and hold them against a Contemptor and, yeah, they're sized for that scale, so if G-man is roughly that size or slightly smaller, that'd work for a Corax.  (I did find a picture on Dakka Dakka with G-man beside a 1kSons Contemptor, which actually looks like the dread is a bit bigger.)


Note that the Scribor wings are in three pieces, so you could really orient the wings in whatever way beneath a power pack.  Also, the third piece Scribor includes actually has some eagle's head detail on it.

  • 4 weeks later...

So, having talked warhammer with another buddy... guess what, I got him to dig out his old minis too! Only he's actually had time to do a lot more with them than I have had a chance to do with mine. In part because he up and busted a rib, which has kept him out of work, although I still think that's a horrible painful way to get time to pain ;P


Anyway, he's just recently painted a Death Company Chaplain and the wings/jump pack combo on that model is pretty friggin epic. However, I can't seem to find that particular bit available for order anywhere on any site I know of. Any chance anyone here might know of a place?


(same model, but not the actual one he painted, linked for reference)



I produce 3D printed bits and I've a winged jumpack in my store. I'm also going to add some different patterns to that (a feathered-style one and a one that I'll not reveal now), so tell me if you're interested.
For the store, click on my signature.

Doing some e-bay searching, and will check out your store Ezr91ael (btw, what material do you print with?. My biggest problem is that quite often the shipping costs end up being so much that I might as well buy a new model :P But hey, treasure hunting is fun too and this really is treasure hunting XD

Doing some e-bay searching, and will check out your store Ezr91ael (btw, what material do you print with?. My biggest problem is that quite often the shipping costs end up being so much that I might as well buy a new model :tongue.: But hey, treasure hunting is fun too and this really is treasure hunting XD

It's an acrylic polymer. More info here: https://www.shapeways.com/materials/frosted-detail-plastic

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