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Give me themes for a tournament list


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Have a tournament coming up at the local gaming club and i want to make a strange guard list that will be entertaining to both play/ with and against, but doesn't need to be competitive. 


My question to B&C, give me a theme to make a 1k tournament list, i usually gun cadian gunlines/ soup with assassins and inquisitors so want something the guys haven't seen me play with.


Hope you lot can help make something fun! 

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I have 100ish infantry with various weapons

probably 20 heavy weapon teams

3 chimeras

3 hellhounds



4 russes 

hades drill

2 cyclops 

2 quad mortars

16 scions 

10 crusaders

various characters 


I left it open on purpose because i want to hear the wonderful and mental ideas that B&C can have

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That list has some great 'recon platoon' possibilities.


Chimeras with troops in (plus a character or two), supported by hellhounds / russes. A little mechanised column out scouting around :smile.:


Could do 3 company commanders, 3 primaris psykers, 30 guard (3 plasma guns/ flamers) 3 chimeras and 3 hellhounds 

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At 1000pts and Cadian.. armored company 5 leman russ Tanks one of them a Tank Commander. All with sponson Heavy Bolters all with lascannon cannons in the hull. The traditional Battle cannons go all is good... better for Catacans... but a punnisher and maybe one of the cannons that ignor cover would be good. Mess with points a bit.. maybe a plasma cannon or two can be gained off hand cannot remember. I rolled a list like this at a 1000pts Tourney and did not get beat or even close to it. But you will have to deal with a bunch of sour pusses if you do it.



Option two starts with a Shadow Sword and adds I. A bunch of troops with Mortors and 3 company commanders with power fists it’s basic and funny to watch peeps squirm while starring at a Shadow Sword.

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I say go Armageddon Armor as well. I was bored on Battlescribe and for 1001 points you can get a Battallion with:


2x CC

3x Plasma gun and pistol Infantry squads

3x HB/HB, Storm Bolter Chimeras

2x Barebones Hellhounds

2x Barebones LRBTs


It's probably not super optimal and competitive but that's 7 tanks on the field in a 1000 point list, so I'm sure it can still cause it's fair share of mischief.


I love your idea of the CC commander. With the relic sword, the specific Armegeddon WL trait, and a priest nearby he can put quite a dent in most characters.

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I say go Armageddon Armor as well. I was bored on Battlescribe and for 1001 points you can get a Battallion with:


2x CC

3x Plasma gun and pistol Infantry squads

3x HB/HB, Storm Bolter Chimeras

2x Barebones Hellhounds

2x Barebones LRBTs


It's probably not super optimal and competitive but that's 7 tanks on the field in a 1000 point list, so I'm sure it can still cause it's fair share of mischief.


I love your idea of the CC commander. With the relic sword, the specific Armegeddon WL trait, and a priest nearby he can put quite a dent in most characters.

Oooo a priest is a good call, 5 str 5 attacks ws3+, +1 to wound at -4 d3. He will be fun!

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