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vanguard troops Quick Question

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Is it better to have a full 10 man squad or would it be better to have a 5 man squad? 


Bonus question

Have you had better mileage  with Rangers over Vanguard? If so same question of Rangers of 5 Vs 10 man squads.


Bonus question 2

for litany of the electromancer canticle does that only take effect when rolled or does that happen throughout the turn say they enemy charges me do I immediately roll for being within 1 inch?

Edited by newdigitalGK
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Well, this depends on what you need and how many other squads you have. I tend to bring ten man squads because 5 man squads can be neutralized without much effort. A bigger squad is a bigger target from guns that might otherwise shoot something less disposable. Further, either rangers or vanguard need more shots to get their special rules to go off so they're more likely to do damage and seem scary with more bodies.


But if you just want cheap objective grabbers take 5 man squads. Or if you want to maximize the number of special weapons. Bringing 5 man squads with special weapons you will lose those weapons quickly but you can get more damage in for the points if you shoot first.


Really, the issue at stake here is what your army needs. Do you need more special guns to boost your firepower? Or to spread threat around some more? Or, do you need more bubble wrap to keep your Onagers/characters/knights safe? Do you struggle with objective grabs, or with killing power, or flexibility?

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Looking at your list it's quite similar to my own, I just tend to use more, smaller squads of Skitarii to fill the troop tax in a double Battalion set up (which Vanguard and Rangers are perfect for!)


If the squads are 5 man, I think they're best kept bare-bones, no upgrades... But if you're going ten man, 3x Special Weapon and a Data Upgrade (Omni/ Tether) is a must. Morale can be a killer however.


Vanguard are actually really good at hitting bigger, multi-wound models. In my last game the 2D attacks from Rad carbines were great and paid off all game. Rangers are great at going toe-to-toe with enemy infantry. Longer range bolters with a chance at -1 is fun times, especially at 7pts a model!


Just to flesh out the discussion too, I'd avoid taking triple plasma on all of your squads, especially when they are your only troops. It bumps thier target priority up and quite frankly, I think the Plasma Caliver was waaaay better in 7th and is now just overcosted in 8th. Arc Rifles are the go-to for me, they're cheap, wound easy and deal good damage to vehicles when combined with Radium.


As for your bonus question 2, its been discussed a lot but it consensus is that it occurs once at the start of the battle-round when you activate the Canticle. So if you have no enemies within 1", sorry!

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