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"Battle Report"


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So over the weekend I was able to get three games in.


Just started playing in an escalation league at the local games store. First week was 500 points, Patrol Detachment with no more then one model with seven or more Toughness.


This is the list I brought and went two and one. Might have been able to go three and oh but could not table my last opponent before the game ended on turn five and he was ahead of me in Bps.




++ Patrol Detachment (Imperium - Adeptus Mechanicus) [34 PL, 500pts] ++


+ No Force Org Slot +


Gametype: Matched


+ Heavy Support +


Onager Dunecrawler [7 PL, 145pts]: Cognis heavy stubber

. Neutron laser & cognis heavy Stubber: Cognis heavy stubber, Neutron Laser


+ Troops +


Skitarii Vanguards [7 PL, 67pts]: Enhanced data-tether

. 4x Skitarii Vanguard

. Vanguard (Plasma caliver): Plasma caliver

. Vanguard Alpha: Radium Carbine


Skitarii Vanguards [7 PL, 48pts]: 5x Skitarii Vanguard

. Vanguard Alpha: Radium Carbine


+ Uncategorised +


Forge World: Mars


+ HQ +


Belisarius Cawl [13 PL, 240pts]


++ Total: [34 PL, 500pts] ++


My quick take a ways.


Vanguard troop choices are amazing. Weight of fire with the Radium Carbines can do some work. Four up armor save and Shroudpsalm makes them harder to kill then I expected. Took a lot of fire and melee damage acting as a screen every game and shruged most of it off like a champ.


Need to paint more Plasma Vanguard. Assault 2 Plasma with Cawl re rolls is nasty.


Have a feeling it might change in bigger games but my Dunecrawler was untouched all three games. My opponents spent a lot of resources killing Vanguard in an attempt to get their assault forces stuck in.

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First game was against Orks.


Warboss, Big Mek who is the Warlord and Boyz in a Battlewagon.


Couple of Meks sitting back on objectives on his side of the table.


So I use my mad 40k skills to roll a six and seize first turn. Only thing in range to fire is the Dunecrawler. Brings the Battlewagon down to five wounds remaining.


His turn he drives forward with the Battlewagon to about 11 inches from my Vanguard screen and fails to charge them with the Wagon.


My turn I move Cawl within 12 inches and between him and the Crawler pop the Wagon.


Vanguard shoot the boys and when the smoke clears all that is left is three boys, the Mek and Warboss. With the two Meks hiding behind cover back on his objectives.


He charges my screen and kills on squad with the Characters and leave three alive in the other squad.


Cawl and the Crawler shoot his Warboss dead and Cawl charges his Big Men.


After Cawl pimp slaps his Big Mek down we call it.

Edited by CombatVet
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