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Run the traitors to ground! 30k White Scars


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I really like the fist from one of the HH boxes a bit more. It would be nice if you could remove the fist and place it onto an arm that is outstretched so make it looks like he is pointing at his next target. Random idea there.

was that the first or the second fist as both are from HH boxes.

My bad, I was looking at the last two pictures. I like the HH first with claws in post #224. Those just give off a predatory vibe seeing more sicle-bladed digits.

i like it to but the way its twisted i just cant not see a him strutting down the catwalk :D i might try and cut and twist it.

I also tried building a bionic leg last night but its not great so il take pics tonight and then see how i feel.

So i was naughty and in a warp fueled dream state i may have helped a brother out by purchasing his bitz box so i have a 3rd contemptor on my desk XD now im not sure if i should build it or use it as base decoration. I also have 2 bags of bits some scouts and some more characters XD.


I swear the universe is trying to stop me making regular line infantry XD.

Love it. Hate the bright red you choose it's to much. But looks amazing otherwise. Here's hoping the matte works out. Why not mephiston red? Or evil sunz Scarlett?


Still solid work. Nice patterns etc.

The red is not that bright in real life my photography skills and lighting just suck.

First up are a pair of WIP Apothocarys still need to get some packs for them and then more gubbings around thier waists.




and lastly Vir the terrible, the savage guardian.

he walked the planes of old Terra along side the Emperor, he watched Thuderwarriors tear down the palaces of Ursh and burn their armys. During the seige of Terra he was the last member of the 27th to retreat to behind the palace walls. Dragging a chunk of the wall with him the ancient demanded the tech marines of the 7th legion afix it to his shattered arm. As the rest of the 5th legion sallied forth to hunt the 3rd Vir stalked the necropolis that was once the underhives of Terra waging a one machine war on the flitting shadows of the night lords.



Haha I'm glad you like it. I've pretty much set up my white scars to be absent from the legion for most of the heresy so they can get.away with the lot. My magnets have arrived so IL be magnatizing the next contemptor with a cbeam and a volkire with missile pods. I've also decided to build a 20man CC weapon marine squad as they are sick with an apothecary and Chaplin


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