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Run the traitors to ground! 30k White Scars


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Really enjoying your work. Paint is superb as usual as are the ideas behind it all. Especially looking forward to seeing what you do with Gar.

However I must raise a slight quibble on the tech marine. I believe the left arm was from a primaris model? These arms are slightly longer than vanilla marines and as such on the older tech marine model throws the proportions off, giving him a slightly gorilla-ish feel.





Thanks guys.

Really enjoying your work. Paint is superb as usual as are the ideas behind it all. Especially looking forward to seeing what you do with Gar.
However I must raise a slight quibble on the tech marine. I believe the left arm was from a primaris model? These arms are slightly longer than vanilla marines and as such on the older tech marine model throws the proportions off, giving him a slightly gorilla-ish feel.



Its made worse by the fact he is one of the very very old metal techmarines and stands almost a foot smaller than the other power armoured marines XD.


Xao-ping a native of Mundus Planes was the total opposite of Gar, smaller than the average Astarte it was often joked in the feast halls that Xao-ping was the bastard son of a Squat and a Rhino transport. Quick to anger he is usually the first into the wrestling ring and often the last out. His relationship with Turgen'Yul is more of a traditional friendship than the usual fraternal kinship shared between many brothers and he will often be called upon to add his voice along side the more senior Forgemasters of the company.

  • 2 weeks later...

Looking forward to seeing some paint on the Master of the Signal. I've always like that model myself just never had the chance to get one.

id love to but with today's FW shenanigans ive lost alot of motivation to do anything HH related.

Yeah, that's a bit of a kick to the groin.


I had been eyeballing my EC and AL and making them into a full-on HH Army with breachers, choom, and other HH unique bits, even if I would never get to game with them. Now I'm just sitting back and hoping they have some replacements incoming.

Yeah, that's a bit of a kick to the groin.


I had been eyeballing my EC and AL and making them into a full-on HH Army with breachers, choom, and other HH unique bits, even if I would never get to game with them. Now I'm just sitting back and hoping they have some replacements incoming.

ive been putting a shopping list together of

mk 5 and mk 2 assault marines

deathguard contemptor

C beam CCW and a Volkite dread weapons

Volkite rifles

tank comanders

40k marine upgrades

contemptor missile pod


but now if they are offing HH in short order im rather miffed.

I like where the backpack is going but the rangefinder...I'm slightly iffy on. It reminds me of one of the clone troopers from Star Wars that has something similar. Despite that I do think it could work if you cut it down and maybe model a device on the side of his helm that lowers and lifts the range finder. Or, you could have something like a servo arm from his back pack that would unfold and bring it up to his eye level so it's not even attached to the helm.


There are some good adeptus mechanicus bits that could be used for that. I think the Kataphron guys has a bunch of little arms among many other kits.

Vikto valas the stubborn. Master of the signal 27th company of the White scars. Vikto like many terrains of the 27th grew up in the rad wastes of ursh. He refused to take a chogrian name on acceptance to the legion and only learnt the language out of necessity. You'll not find a more accurate combat controller in the 5th legion though having been honoured by Dorn himself after calling in firesupport mear feet from the walls of the Imperial palace itself. During the defence of Galvarax Vikto was instrumental in cracking the Iron Warriors cyphers and calling thier orbital fire down on their own forces.






Man, Vitko came out looking great! I love his background and how he seems to have earned his stubborn nickname. Didn't know that Terrans would adopt Chogrian names, I'm guessing after their reunion with the Khan. I really need to read some more HH books.


I also like that you went to work on this guy after surgery while on some meds. I can't even paint straight lines when I'm sober.

Man, Vitko came out looking great! I love his background and how he seems to have earned his stubborn nickname. Didn't know that Terrans would adopt Chogrian names, I'm guessing after their reunion with the Khan. I really need to read some more HH books.


I also like that you went to work on this guy after surgery while on some meds. I can't even paint straight lines when I'm sober.


so ive only just started reading the scars books, i read brother hood of the storm and ive started Scars.


Terran marines do take new names i was also rather annoyed that the rough background id had knocking around in my head for Turgan'yul was very similar to the character Torghan from the books XD.


So i've gone back to my fluff and added some more to it with out dropping 10k words of fluff the bullet points are


- They are the Brotherhood of the Boar, but rarely called this often referred to as the Brotherhood of dirt as a slur by others.

- They were secunded to the IV legion for garrison duty on the agri-death world of Galvarx

- Denied transfers to take part in the Ullanor campaign and to the follow up mission to Chondax they spent most of the early heresy oblivious to the outside world.

-In this time they studied the war craft of the IV legion specializing in their brutal siege warfare

- Attacked by Traitor members of the IV legion both the 27th and the loyalist members of the local Iron Warriors garrison held Galvarax inflicting massive casualties on the attackers earning the commander his nickname "reaper of the fields of Galvarax"

- Eventually forced to withdraw the survivors including the sole surviving loyalist Iron warrior the War Smith Duhm fled the system arriving at Terra.

- Duhm falling on the mercy of the Sigilite was given a chance of redemption joining the 27th to replace their own lost forge father. The official record recorded War smith Duhm falling on Galvarax and shortly thereafter the assignment of recruit Torokiin to the company.



Duhm is a character im looking at building soon.

So FWs last chance to buy has done the impossible and made me spend money. £303.50 to be exact (don't tell the wife oh wait I'm single XD ) so I have lots of mkII goodies coming to reinforce the 27th including some assault marines, 10 heavy weapons marines, 5 CCW marines a second stompy contemptor and a command squad. See you in 35 days apparently. :x

Stick around for those 35 days but definitely show off the loot when it arrives. I think I will be placing an order myself with FW soon but fighting between getting what I need and what I want has been quite the power struggle.


Are parts for Duhm in your FW order?


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