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Custom Heroes, An Exercise In Warfare

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Knight Commander Joshua and his short story are well done. Is he a Black Templar, or is he from a Chapter of your own creation, e.g., "Silver Templars"?

This is the same Knights of Lydda primaris captain shown earlier in position four of the dioramic base positioning for the characters. He is now painted in his warhost colors and silver armor.


Each character will have it's company's colors as heraldry along with one heraldric emblem of their own. In the case of Prophets (Librarians) and Chaplains the armor will be silver with the blues/blacks on the torso and shoulder armors as well. All others are trim and cloth elements only.

  • 3 months later...

It's been a while. Real life and a couple less than great decisions on my part have eaten up a lot of time. Long story short, I'm back and rearing to go!


Kill Team has hit. I have a lot of random minis thanks to trades. Logical conclusion: build as many teams as I can!


I will be doing these by team, and only moving to the next one once I have completed the previous one. The reason for this is two fold. One: I need to see each project through from start to finish. Two: I promised my wife I would not buy another mini until all of mine (current kill teams and main army) are completed. I have plenty of work ahead!


Without further ado I bring you the saga of Crimson Lions Team Raniel.



+++Mission Log+++


+++Sergeant Jarae Raniel, Crimson Lions+++


Time and weather conditions have not been kind. After months of hit and run strikes to the enemy supply lines, moral is starting to decline. The wear on the team is beginning to creep into out actions. Emperor willing, we will rendezvous with the Knights of Lydda forces soon.


We are a selfless lot. May our sacrifices protect this world and it's inhabitants as the Imperium comes to reclaim it.


The Emperor protects.




Jarae homed in on the signal before him. He followed electronic code and his helmet knowing that he would never see the young scout. No, Kaz Barvin was much smarter than that, he would never allow one to walk up upon him. Jarae knew that whoever was foolish enough to come across the scout would not find him before the round of a sniper rifle would bring that man to his knees in a crumpled mess.


Kaz was efficient. Well hidden, well trained, well tempered. Though he had been without food or complete rest going on six days now, he would be sharp. Never the less, Jarae was not going to risk it. He keyed his vox, "Kaz, any movement?" " Only yours Sergeant." Kaz rose from a bush at Jarae's two o'clock not more that three meters away. Jarae hated that. He would commend the skill of this scout, but he didn't have to like it.




Kaz casually walked over. His tan fatigues were soiled from most of his previous expeditions. His red armor showed some wear as well. He smirker under his lion helm as he approached. "I'm guessing by the look on your face that a new vantage point has been ordained..."


"That is correct," responded Jarae,"Four kilometers northwest. I need intel on the township. Our allies should be in route to the location from farther north. I want it secured before they arrive. Give me sit rep when you arrive. The rest of will be along shortly. If you have a chance to rest, take it." "How will you arrive?" Jarae contemplated his answer, "By foot along the ridge line. By force into the township if necessary. I'll need your intel for that."




Kaz nodded his confirmation then left double time in the given direction. "When we get back," he thought, "I'll have him train another hundred just like him."

  • 6 months later...


Preview of the Gun Wolf. He’s a Knights of Lydda character based on my brother. I’m still writing his story. It will come along with his painting updates.


Conversion wise he’s not much. Helmet and shoulder pad swaps and the pack eagles replaced with wolf heads from the spacewolves backpack coupled with replacing the Ultramarine belt and leather strips with a Belt of Russ. The object here was not a large conversion, but to capture the essence of my brother. He’s a dog and gun enthusiest who exudes confidence in everything. I think I captured that here.

  • 1 month later...

I have several new members for the Crimson Lions space Marines that I play for Kill Team. However, $175 is a lot of money to invest just to get a couple extra miniatures. I don’t actually want the whole box so I decided to convert a couple of these things myself starting with the eliminator figure.


I used a spare sniper rifle and rolled camp cloak from the scout sniper box, the body of a reiver, and arms from the intercessor box to put it all together. I think the head was also in the intercessor box. I still have some clean up work and a few small additions (like a scope) to add.



I had a chance to get some more Kill Team models put together today. The small number count to Kill Team has actually been a blessing. I feel like I’m getting somewhere now.


This is a mix of old a new(er) Grey Knights. It turns out I had ten of the old metal ones. The down side is that they are all made to take a pre-made arm with a force halberd. I changed a few of these with just arm arm change. One I cut of the hand under the storm bolter off to accommodate a force falchion.



The Librarian was made from the Grey Knight plastic kit.



Lastly, the Paladin was another basic arm addition. Still need to flush that hammer head...



I’m pretty happy with them so far. I will most likely add to them by finishing them up with the rest of the old metals, a brotherhood champion, and maybe a terminator or two.


What do you guys think?

I came across an item on eBay I found very interesting. It was the board, terrain markets, and rule book. Not the team books, but the main rule book. The nice part is that it was all fir the great low price of $30. This peaked my interest at will the blessing of my wife I purchased the item.


While I may or may not ever build the gellerpox infected I did want to have a rogue trader team. I had not previously bought this particular box because I didn’t want to have a rogue trader team that everyone else also had. Rules are fine, but I wanted different miniatures. So, this purchase spawned a new kill team while I wait on the purchase to arrive.


My wife (who has never really been interested in 40k) asked how I was going to make them different. To my astonishment, I really didn’t know. Since I had her interest I explained the Starstriders background and we began to put our heads together. She asked an interesting question before going to bed, “What would it be like to live in this place? It looks pretty bleak.” With that she went on to sleep. My brain began to test, twist, crane, and churn this last bit she had left me with.


I kept wondering how we would fit in. I put her in the place of Vhane and myself un the place of Nitsch. Then what? I still didn’t have an angle. It was then that I looked at our bookshelf. With nieces and nephews and such she had collected a pretty decent fairytale collection. Beside them all was my copy of Grimm’s fairytales. I had my answer.


When we got married our friends and family told me that I fawned over her like she was a princess. She referred to me as her knight or prince. How does this fit in with 40K you ask? I turned this idea on it’s heel. If we were to play those roles in 40K it would be about as happy as any tale the Brothers Grimm put to paper.


I renamed all the characters from the Starstriders with names from the tales. One last homage we thought would be a nice touch was to rename Auximillion after our pet Scrapper who had past away last year. With this I now give to you the cast of characters who reside upon the starship Immortal Promise.


Katrinlje Rosamund


Katringlje’s father believed no man to be worthy of his accomplished daughter. Any who had shown interest had been given tasks to accomplish to win her hand. After fourteen suitors she has all but given up. She drifts through the days in a daydream that she will see someone outsmart her father, but it seems as though forever would welcome her before that time comes. Armed with sword and the heirloom pistol passed down to her from her father, she is more than capable if holding her own. She commands the Immortal Promise with both passion and pride.


Tailleur Reginer


Tailleur is latest in the line to win the hand of Rosamund. Now thirty two of the forty items required by her father have been recovered at his hand, Tailleur look forward to the day of their joining. He is resourceful and cunning. He does not suffer an unkind word to his men or to the Lady herself. Due to this, many an honor duel has been won in the name of each. He is looked at as naive to most, but those we works with on the Immortal Promise know better. Through the years they have found that not only is he not as simple as others like to think, he is fiercely loyal to all if them no matter their station.


Scrapper Badwulf


Scrapper is Reginer’s loyal hound who can always found in the company of his master. Once upon a trade gone sour Scrapper fought off four assailants while the crew got to safety. This earned him the moniker Badwulf from the crew.


Heinrich, Roland, Finn(Voidsmen)


These three are Reginer’s most loyal voidsmen. He has defended their lives and honor in the past which gives them all the more drive to do the same for him and the Lady. Provided with the best gear from Rosamund and training from Reginer the three live as princes rescuing damsels and living in relative lavishness compared to the regular guardsman of any planet.


Conrad Van Der Beest


Rescued from a derelict ship where he was left to survive on his own by his former slave owners, Conrad has been given the duty of watching Reginer’s back by the Lady herself. Given to Reginer as a gift for his service, he was immediately given his freedom by Reginer. For the first time in his life Conrad had a choice. He chose to remain with Reginer not out of duty, but respect. Conrad was given armor like the rest of the crew and the special gift of a rotary canon. He is known affectionally by the crew simply as Beast due to his combat prowess and loyalty.




The small figure who calls himself Steelskin is an enigma to the crew, but also one of the best engineers they have ever seen. Steelskin joined the crew on Validia as a technical engineer. He has since become the primary and a valuable asset to the team. Rosamund thinks there is something familiar about this stunt of a man, but has yet to put her finger on it.




Mercurius has been on the Immortal Promise since Rosamund set sail with her. Before that he was staff medical to the Rosamund family at their estate of Pricosia Prime. He is the primary apothecary for the Lady and her select crew.




Maleen was found in a gladiatorial pit. Fascinated with her style and finesse with a blade Reginer convinced Rosamund to purchase her. Once indoctrinated and made a citizen like everyone else on the ship Maleen was tasked with the protection of Rosamund. It is a duty she takes very personally. As Van Der Beest is to Reginer, so is Maleen to Rosamund. Though she would never speak it, Maleen has much respect for the lady who freed her instead of betting on her numbered days especially knowing she is Drukari.


Minimal conversions if any. I’m happy with them. What do you guys have to say?

:wub: Fantastic! Excellent story adaptations, and lovely models. One or two of the references have escaped me (Steelskin took me a bit, and then I facepalmed) but I think it's an excellent concept. Anything that gets one's SO interested seems like a positive.

Excellent conversions (really like the shield on your initial model) and Kill Team work! Really like the story adaptations behind your Rogue Trader KT figs and you've done good work on those folk - I especially like how they are all conversions, none of the original figures need appear. Those guys will look mint painted up!
  • 3 months later...

Job surveyed the devastation first hand after defeating the dragon like daemon now underfoot. His disgust rose to the back of his throat. Since the opening of the rift, everything was constant. The fighting, the incursions, and most annoyingly persistent of all, the daemonic entities breaching real space.


He had now had enough. Astride the battlefield he would fell these foul creatures alongside his brothers in arms. He was not only the reigning Lord over Lydda, but High Commander of the Knights of Lydda. By the Emperor, he would be damned if he allowed this to continue.


Aza, Gad, and Pene relayed information from the raging battle around him directly to his crown uplink. With the information gathered from the three servo skull Job formulated his strategy to win this battle. Looking to the news real space breach to the north he raised his sword Bright Hope in the air. The long blade burst into flame as he called his men to follow his charge into the newest extension of battle.




I had gotten my hands on a copy of the new codex not that long ago. Once I had read through it, I decided to actually have my own chapter rules instead if mirroring Ultramarines and Black Templars for my play styles and characters. Giving that up means I had some things like Guilliman that I would have to do something about.


Obviously I didn’t want to just give up some of these models, so conversions were in order. First up was Guilliman himself. I wanted to use the model. What could I do though? That’s when I looked at some of the Abaddon conversions here on the boards. Several members had used Abaddon as a base for their custom chaos lords, and they have all turned out phenomenal! I decided to go the same route with Bobby G. He would become Job Jordan, my High Commander (Chapter Master).


It was time to dig into the bits box for some parts and inspiration. I grabbed a primaris back pack, 2 plastic servo skulls, and older metal servo skull I didn’t even know I had, 2 metal flame weapon arms to some other game, a venerable dreadnought knight styled helmet, terminator sgt. groin protector, the head the ravenwing sprues, and some green stuff.


I do not usually like bare heads on my characters, but my skills are not good enough to build a crown to the helmet. I decided he would hang his helm on his belt instead. I cut off the helmet the model came with and carefully replaced it with the ravenwing head.




Knowing the limits of my skills I sculpted a rear cloth instead of a full cape and over hours put it into the same flow pattern as the flame on the sword. I should note here that patience is not a virtue I have been bestowed....





After what seemed like forever and a day, the green stuff was finally cured to the point I could work around it without messing it up. I then cut off the bolter on the side of the power fist and the over the top backpack. The primaris pack was now placed with the flame weapons added as extended venting. I’m not going the jump pack route due to it being way to similar to my jump captain.




Now that the main parts were out of the way, it came to detailing. I used the groin plate as it was intended for a terminator. The helmet was then shaved at the base removing the neck and then placed on the belt line. Lastly I took my time to place the servo skulls. I didn’t want to overpower the model, so I went with a low, medium, high placement around the body.


In the end, I really like where the model is going. I still have some painting and detailing to go on this one to get it right. Tell me what you guys think...

  • 3 weeks later...

I had the day off and finally got some hobby time. Since I am building my own chapter under the new codex, I thought I would build my own characters as well.


A little while back I grabbed a box of character bases to do one of my companies HQ choices with. Each of my 7 companies will have it’s own commander (captain), chaplain, prophet (librarian), lieutenants, ancient, apothecary, and champion. What can I say, I like characters!


Each set will share a common theme across the bases while the army as a whole will have the same planetary base (gravels, flocking, etc.) The theme here was dictated by the bases themselves.


I have not completely named these as if yet and will be working on their backstories as I complete them.


Knight Commander









Lieutenant 1



Lieutenant 2




This is the only completely stock guy. I decided to keep him with a primaris only HQ Team.







This guy still need some green stuff work to fill in the cape off his left shoulder. I’m not completely sold on the head either.



That’s it for now. Next update will be a completed one of these guys as well as his name and story. Until then.....

I wanted to not start another mini until I finished the command from my last post. Then I heard it calling, “Pssst, down here in the corner of your eye.... build me....build me....”


Once again I lost to the hobby butterfly. I give you Robert Maharai, the Siege Hammer.






More to come...

Venerable Robert Maharai looks most promising. May I suggest putting a non-Imperial model in a limp pose under the Dreadnought's left hand, and adding bloodstains to his Dreadnought close combat weapon, so it looks like Maharai is flinging aside the corpse of an enemy he killed in melee?

Today found me sick and inside for most of the daylight hours. As such, I did not get a chance to prime any of the models from my previous two posts.


All was not lost however, I did get plenty done. Why waist the day when I can still assemble my minis in peace? The picture shows the current state of my primaris units. I didn’t have the best area to put them out or the best lighting, but the picture is mostly to show progression, not detail.




This were I currently am with what is pictured:

1 Primaris Captain (conversion, needs paint)

1 Captain in gravis armor (complete)

2 Primaris Lieutenants (needs paint)

2 Lieutenants in phobos armor (conversions, need paint)

1 Primaris Librarian (conversion, needs paint)

1 Primaris Chaplain (needs paint)

1 Primaris Apothecary (needs paint)

1 Primaris Ancient (needs paint)

1 Company Champion (conversion, needs paint)

3 Intercessor Squads (5 man, needs paint, 3 more left to build)

1 Infiltrator Squad (5 man plus Helix Adept, conversions, need paint)

1 Redemptor Dreadnought

2 Reiver Squads (5 man, 2nd squad missing one man, needs paint)

1 Aggressor, 2 more in construction to complete squad

1 Inceptor Squad (needs bases and paint)

1 Eliminator Squad (conversion, needs paint)

1 Hellblaster Squad (5 man, needs paint)


I still need to get my hands on a Captain and Librarian in phobos armor, an Invictor Tactical Warsuit, an Incursor Squad, a Supressor Squad, a Repulsor, a Repulsor Executioner, and an Impulsor. These will have to wait however. I made a promise to my wife that I would finish the models I own before buying more. I have plenty to keep me busy though. Once I am through these guys, I still have at least two companies and an airwing to complete.


I finally feel that I am making some progress with this army,shame it took me so long to get started. I will post my progress as I work each unit. As always, let me know what you think....

  • 1 month later...

This new armor was taking a while to get used to. After crossing the rubicon, Knight Commander Kaleb found himself adjusting to his new form. With it came a newer armor of the make the primaris wore. He told himself he would acclimate quickly, he would train day and night if he had to.


As he walked along the ridge line he saw movement from his left. He had given orders not to be disturbed. It was then the giant of a man walked out of the shadows. His skin was pale and heavily muscled. His frame stood talker than Kaleb’s own. A talisman of Khorne was bound to his waist. The cultists had advanced faster than anticipated.


Kaleb hit the jump jets to his revised armor. It was faster than his old rig and more agile. He killed the engines to fall at an accelerated pace against his foe. The giant surprisingly parried the blow.


Kaleb ducked under the giant and pivoted to his left bringing his blade across the giant’s thigh. He hit the thrusters again obtaining a small lift to cover ground faster putting distance between the two fighting forms.


“You will know fear child of man. The Anakim swear it,” the pale giant growled. “I do not know fear. I do not know pain. I know that I will take your head, of that I am certain. I am Kaleb, the avenging angel, the giant killer, your doom,” Kaleb replied, “You will know death chaos spawn, and you will know it at my hand!” With that Kaleb launched himself at his foe wings to his new pack extending as he pushed the engines to ignite. The Giant began his push forward as well.


Both men careened for one another, blades met and passed. The giant slowed and looked unsure. In the pass Kaleb’s bladed wings had caught him across the midsection. He was losing blood quickly, and now he was angry. Looking at the space marine in silver armor he spat and let out a laugh. “Puny man child, is that all your made of?”


Kaleb ejected the pack from his back. It hit the ground with a solid thud. “I’ve just begun hellion.” He ran for the giant again. In the sprint he threw down his shield. The giant looked in shock, then in amusement as he stood his ground ready to strike this imbecile who had given up his advantages. He swung his blade in a decapitating swing at the sprinting marine. Kaleb went low under the swing in a slide then cane to a stop as fast as he could catapulting his sword upward under the jaw of the giant embedding it there. Then he let go.


The hulking pale form collapsed to the ground. The marine retrieved his blade. “A oath is to keep,” he muttered swinging down to retrieve his battle prize. Picking up the head of his downed combatant Kaleb looked across the ridge line for any more nuisances. Finding none he said to himself, “That was not bad for a veteran of my years. Maybe next time I’ll actually activate the power sword. Now, to see the Watch Master and find out how this filth crossed my line.”


Bought a Shrike today for something to do while it was raining out. I had decided that I wanted a primaris version of my current jump captain. I used a lot of the same elements turning this pile:



Into this:






Till next time...

I wanted a little push to complete something. Like so many of us on this board I get distracted. To combat the hobby butterfly I decided to enter Facing the Unknown II.


I decided to go with a Space Marine 10th Company Patrol Detachment consisting of 1 Captain in Phobos Armor, 2 lieutenants (1 of each load out) in Phobos armor, an infiltrator squad (Sgt., Helix Adept, and 4 Infiltrators), and 2 10 man scout sniper squads, 2 Reiver squads (5 man and a 6 man), 1 Landspeeder Storm, 1 “scout bike squad” (converted cavalry on horseback), 1 Eliminator Squad (3 man converted), and 2 Stormtalon Gunships. Here’s whate Zi currently stand:



The cavalry conversions are not pictured, but will be once construction begins on them.


While I was building the Captain and the two Lieutenants I was wondering what I was going to do about a Librarian in the future. I really just don’t like the phonos armored one. It’s great in the action pose, but not go great in the revealing of any of the armor. As I pondered this building the last Lieutenant inspiration hit and I completed this guy:


I need to add the rolled camo cloak to him and he’ll fit in perfectly with the rest of the converted force.


Till next time...


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