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I have points for a couple of Basilisks or a couple of Wyverns, but not for both. Which one is the best? Basilisks are good in hurt vehicles such russes or land raider where Wyvern couldn't do much. On the other hands Wyverns are good in harassing infantry and light vehicles too due to the re-roll to wounds...


What's your thought?


Which one do you use usually?

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Good to see you back higgins :tu: Currently I think Bassies are better - which is great as I've been stubbornly taking them for years in various forms :tongue.: With plenty of Guardsmen and the like to provide anti-infantry Wyverns aren't filling any particular holes now. Especially with Mortars performing better overall - again something I've been using for a long time despite their humble ways, maybe there are more coincidences? :laugh.:


Indirect fire is nice and very useful to have generally, and no longer having to break the bank on Bassies or worry about range you can plonk a couple on the table and be sure they'll always have something to do :smile.:

Good to see you back higgins :thumbsup: Currently I think Bassies are better - which is great as I've been stubbornly taking them for years in various forms :tongue.: With plenty of Guardsmen and the like to provide anti-infantry Wyverns aren't filling any particular holes now. Especially with Mortars performing better overall - again something I've been using for a long time despite their humble ways, maybe there are more coincidences? :laugh.:


Indirect fire is nice and very useful to have generally, and no longer having to break the bank on Bassies or worry about range you can plonk a couple on the table and be sure they'll always have something to do :smile.:

Thank's. I never left, but were busy to play a lot with krieg, almost till they nerfed and went the points up. Now I'm put togeter a Valhallan list (but still unsure if keep the british style or to move on a wide range of Ushanka hats).


I'm busy in restyling my infantry again, this time with a real WWI style: long greatcoat, putties, ecc (thanks to Anvil) so they will be real Kriegers, or at least real WWI style...

Fish summed it up well.


It's a shame the Wyvern is superfluous, I love it's stubby little quad mortars and the Guardsman standing on the back. Of course, when you can get three Mortar HW teams (9D6 shots) for the cost of a Wyvern (4D6 shots with wound reroll) it's hard to justify them unless you're pushed for deployment space and want to reduce your footprint.

You want style or competitiveness? If you want to win, the Wyvern is pointless in all but a few fringe cases, of which I do not know. What I know is that you can get 9 Mortars for 4pts less than a Wyvern, which is statistically better, especially when playing Cadia. In this case, a Basilisk always wins.


Now, then it comes to style, the Wyvern is probably my favourite tanks, after the Taurox. It is a sign of IG moving with the time and not being stuck somewhere in between WW1 and WW2. It is a mobile light artillery platform with a Machine Spirit that can target things on its own. This thing is basically a drive-by anti-personel tank than can drive infantry out of entrenched positions and support mobile/low profile operations where other, more cumbersome artillery could not.

Sounds good higgins keep us updated on your progress :thumbsup:


The Wyvern had it's hay day and the baleful gaze of GW was long predicted so it's not a huge surprise. Doesn't help how blasts are done now either as it relied on that to help rack the hits up. With a little bit of work it can easily swap into a Hydra, which reminds me I should give them a try next game :biggrin.:

It really does depend on what else is in your list. Throw your list up and it'll be much easier to see what you need. IG have anti infantry covered usually so the wyvern could be overkill. I'm in the middle of putting together an armoured list with two wyverns as I have very little anti infantry otherwise.



Welcome aboard Reyka :tu: That's a good point in that the Wyvern would have a much bigger role to play in less "traditional" style lists but it is subject to the dice gods quite a bit. That 4D6 could be brutal or it could end badly - the likes of Stratagems will be good to help mitigate that.

Umm.. basilisk can fire indirectly as well.


D6 shots (roll twice, pick the highest; not a re-roll so no chance of rolling lower), tremendous range, s9, d3 damage, -3 ap AND indirect. It’s good anti-tank. Hardly crap IMO.

Edited by Cap'm Heckus

I much prefer the look of the Wyvern but I would definitely work out a way to make it both a Wyvern and a Hydra via magnetism. However, I'm not a gamer so am only going on looks. I know that in previous versions of the game the Wyvern was a go-to model but now it seems that the Basilisk has replaced it. It's a shame, really :( .

Easy to call a unit rubbish if you don't have the first clue about its rules. :P


These days I'm mostly playing bugs, because someone has to play the villain. Basilisks are a genuine threat to big critters and are hard to get to grips with if they're properly hidden and supported by infantry. Wyverns are similarly difficult, but can simply be ignored a lot of the time. They're really expensive for something that is designed to mulch cheap chaff. With no AP as the save improves the Wyvern really starts to have a bad time, and there's a noticeable difference in volume of Wounds as Toughness increases, even with the reroll.


I faced two last night within a Guard list that also had Chimera Infantry Squads and three TC Russ Battle Tanks. I ignored the Wyverns the entire game, and during the game they had free rein to target my large Hormagaunt and Termagant squads. By the end of the game, with support from Guardsmen, etc, they had almost killed both 30 man squads. He wasn't even rolling that badly on them.

Edited by CoffeeGrunt

This is my list...

Brigade Detachment 2500 Pt

Company commander + Kurov’s Aquila + Power Sword
Company Commander + Power Sword + Bolt Pistol
Company Commander + Power Sword + Bolt Pistol

Command Squad + Medic + Regimental Banner
Lieutenant + Bolter + Power Sword
Lieutenant + Bolter + Power Sword

Hades Breaching Drill
10 Veterans + 2 Meltagun

10 Caledonian Veterans + 3 Plasma Gun + Power Sword
Griphonne Chimera + HB

10 Caledonian Veterans + 3 Plasma Gun + Power Sword
Griphonne Chimera + HB

10 Caledonian Riflemen
10 Caledonian Riflemen
10 Caledonian Riflemen
10 Caledonian Riflemen
10 Caledonian Riflemen
10 Caledonian Riflemen

1 Hellhound + HB
1 Scout Sentinel + Missile L.
1 Scout Sentinel + Lascannon

2 Basilisks + H.B.
2 Lascannon + Autocannon
2 Lascannon + Autocannon
2 Lascannon + Autocannon

Captain + Bolt Pisto (Pietrov's relic) + Power Fist

30 Conscript

Leman Russ Annihilator + Lascannon
Leman Russ Annihilator + Lascannon
Leman Russ Executioner + Lascannon + 2 H.B.
Leman Russ Punisher + 3 H.B.


I'm used to play Krieg, but with the continuos incresement in points it's almost impossible to build a list similar to this one... So I'm planning a Valhallan one, which has the same grim resolve about its tropps life!


Actually I'm working to a complete restyling of my Caledonian infantry in a much more WWI style brigade thanks to Anvil (Long great coat, putties, better armored engineers ecc), so my WORST concern now is no more if I have to chose between Wyverns or Basilisks but if I have or not to order from Anvil 110 heads with Ushanka hats.


The struggle is: Do I have I to keep it easy with my models with  brodie elmets and gas masks and hoping in a krieg codex, maybe, if, sometimes someday and simply use Valhalla rules, or do I have to change all of the heads in order to get a real complete Soviet Force? (Here you have to imagine me moving my model on the table with a compilation of songs from Red Army Choir singing in the background)


Edited by major higgins

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