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Dual melee weapons question...

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I'm a newbie when it comes to the rules. From what I understand, if a character has dual melee weapons you pick which one to fight with. If they have multiple attacks, you can split them between the two weapons, right? Is there any point in having two of the same thing? Basically I'm trying to figure out if there's ever a reason to give a model two chainswords haha


Some weapons like the lightning claws have a special rule for when you dual wield them. But some models come with two different weapons like the company/chapter champion (can't remember which) or khorne berserkers who can take a chainsword and chain axe. And some CSM players give their champions two different melee weapons, I've noticed.


Anyway I'm just sort of confused about why anyone would take two weapons other than lightning claws. Is there a reason for it that I'm missing? Because if so, and I can make my Templars even more templar-y I want to take that opportunity haha

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You can choose the weapon better for the task or in the case of speciality weapon + Chainsword, it’s simply your (Speciality Weapon = AtK) + additional 1 STR 4 AP - attack. Double Chainsword would mean (Atk) + additonal 2 STR 4 AP - Attack.
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Alternatively, you have a model with a power axe and a power sword. Faced with a low toughness high armour target (an eldar) you would use the sword because you'll wound on 3+ but negate their armour, but against a target with high toughness and low armour (some vehicles come to mind) you'll use the axe.
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With 2 chainswords you get 2 bonus attacks. One for each. So if model has 3 attacks and you give him pair of chainswords he now has 5, but i may be wrong. 

is this correct?


also I'm not seeing dual sword load out in BScribe 


does Crusader squad not have access to dual melee ? 

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With 2 chainswords you get 2 bonus attacks. One for each. So if model has 3 attacks and you give him pair of chainswords he now has 5, but i may be wrong. 

is this correct?


also I'm not seeing dual sword load out in BScribe 


does Crusader squad not have access to dual melee ? 


Crusader Squad don't have access to dual melee. I think only the Sword Brother.


You can do the dual melee with Company Veterans (they will be Sword B. with dual weapons), more zeal is impossible!

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The chainsword rule doesn't specify that the attack has to be made with the chainsword.  It simply says the model gets another attack.


Seems like something that deserves an FAQ ruling really.

Not quite, the rule specifies "with this weapon", ergo your additional attack is indeed and unquestionably with the chainsword itself.

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How many of us would go Double Chain one Pistol/Chain out of curosity? Like in theory the difference shouldn’t be that much. (Same number of attacks overall. Just occur at different times/phases). On our Crusaders?
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(Just to explain, Pistol+Chain = Double Chain. Pistol Shoot in Shooting + Chain Assault = Double Chain in Assault. Charged, Chain that turn + Pistol in next Shooting = Double Chain. Essentially always be a round of shooting/attacks behind if charged. But does equalize)
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Honestly I'm glad I started this thread because it answered a different question I wasn't asking and didn't know I had. I used to think the rule said "each time the user ATTACKS it gets an additional attack with the chainsword"


That would mean that a model with 3 attacks would end up attacking 6 times instead of 4. Good thing I haven't played a game of 8th yet.

Edited by +Chaplain Matthias+
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(Just to explain, Pistol+Chain = Double Chain. Pistol Shoot in Shooting + Chain Assault = Double Chain in Assault. Charged, Chain that turn + Pistol in next Shooting = Double Chain. Essentially always be a round of shooting/attacks behind if charged. But does equalize)


I've built 2 VV/Assault squads (depending on points/game) with the leader/Sword Brother carrying 2x Chainswords and the rest essentially with pistol/CS.


I had to think through your post for a minute before answering. I honestly think it comes down to preference- I want those assaulters to rip the enemy apart, not shoot them down on the way- having ? 11 ? bonus attacks in Fight phase and potentially tri-locking a second unit with my jump guys (thanks @Firepower) helps me focus them on a specific task (with Chaplain re-rolls). Pistols, while usable locked in combat, are always limited to the nearest enemy unit as per Core Rules. They have their place, but I think it comes down to personal preference. I still get about 8-9 pistol shots, but the terror on the opponent's face when they realise the number of dice I'm throwing and re-rolling for a 10-man squad fills me with zeal.

Of course, my list has 2x shooty 5-man crusader squads to provide fire support or hold objectives with another 15-man melee squad.

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(Just to explain, Pistol+Chain = Double Chain. Pistol Shoot in Shooting + Chain Assault = Double Chain in Assault. Charged, Chain that turn + Pistol in next Shooting = Double Chain. Essentially always be a round of shooting/attacks behind if charged. But does equalize)

Actually, pistol would be marginally better because if you get charged with pistols everyone shoots, whereas with double swords any model killed in the charge doesn't get to retaliate.

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But if you get to swing with Chainswords it’s same number of attacks but not 6 to hit. (Their is properly some ratio I could find, but 12 overwatch pistols is the same as 3 Chainsword Attacks. Or twoish models worth of attacks. If you lose more than 2 Models (well 1.5 Models) before you can swing than the Pistols do more if you lose 1 or less, Chainsword or more).* I’d personally always do Chainsword, simply because I am afraid my opponent remove Models to pull me out of Charge. Through Pistols have their place in the shooting phase killing of units with only a collective 1-2 wounds left so you can charge something new.


I honestly have no idea what setup I’d choose. My gut says Chainsword but Pistols niche application while niches are relavent enough.



*Be very confused how you would lose half a Model just as an aside.

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But if you get to swing with Chainswords it’s same number of attacks but not 6 to hit. (Their is properly some ratio I could find, but 12 overwatch pistols is the same as 3 Chainsword Attacks. Or twoish models worth of attacks. If you lose more than 2 Models (well 1.5 Models) before you can swing than the Pistols do more if you lose 1 or less, Chainsword or more).* I’d personally always do Chainsword, simply because I am afraid my opponent remove Models to pull me out of Charge. Through Pistols have their place in the shooting phase killing of units with only a collective 1-2 wounds left so you can charge something new.


I honestly have no idea what setup I’d choose. My gut says Chainsword but Pistols niche application while niches are relavent enough.



*Be very confused how you would lose half a Model just as an aside.


Yeah I neglected to mention that. 3+ with re-roll 1s in combat, or a 6+ in overwatch seems an easy choice, besides you can always toss a frag.

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Hey I didn't want to start a whole new thread but, pistols. Lieuten- er...castellans, can take two of them. Do they fire both of them in the shooting phase when they're locked in CC?

Careful. That's how the Gulf disappeared.

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