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Or you just take a LasPred or even better LasHavocs/LasCSM with Mark of Slaanesh ...

It's not like the Defiler can't do damage when shooting. It's just that he doesn't do it as well as other units.


Counter point; the 5++ invul save of the defiler means a great deal. that and the additional 3 wounds, and regen +1 per turn adds up rather quickly in favor of it surviving longer. 

Eh... 5++ and wound regen are great, but not enough to sway me to the Shootifiler camp. Havocs in ruins with a mandatory Lord babysitting will always pull their weight with less support. And for me, that's key - less support.


Throw on psychic support and the Defiler can be beastly. Prescience of course, but give it tzeentch or slaanesh and it's saving more wounds. Bring daemons and even more support shows up from heralds.


But now you're designing your list around supporting one keystone unit. And just me being me, I'm not keen on that.


That's one of the big benefits of Princes: they're self sufficient. Same for Obliterators. They benefit a bunch from support, but if your sorcerer or strategems are needed elsewhere you can afford to do without.


Keep 'em cheap and toss them at the enemy. Leaves you points to add in redundancy in all other roles.

I mean... I like taking a defiler and las havocs. ;) Presc, votlw, shoot twice on the havocs, and warp time the defiler. I guess if you went shooty defiler, you’d use daemonforge.


But shooty defilers are quite a bit more expensive than their cc brothers.


It is very true that defilers are not great for consolidation shenanigans - they are too big, they just don’t fit! Except if you can get a (jump?) unit behind your enemy. Defilers can lock 3 sides of an enemy target all on their own - yay claws! - even if it’s always from the front.


I like them to kill wave serpents and other annoying tanky transport-like vehicles.


As for the 5+ inv, you can make it a 5++ with weaver of fates. Or, feel the difference when facing other close combat units - you won’t automatically fall to a charge by a dread, unlike, say, a brute.


I can’t really compare its output on offense or defense to FW units as I don’t run them.

Thats fair; I wouldn't take a shooty defiler personally. the CC ones are cheaper and very dangerous on the table, also the "distraction carnifex" angle. 


Once per game I throw out a Daemonforge when it hits combat and it shreds whatever its fighting barring a horde unit. 


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