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Hey guys!


for my space marine legion I have a lot of space marine 40k weapons such as heavy bolters, plasma cannons, lascannons etc lying around not used




were they made in the great crusade or after the heresy? curious as if so I can have squads of them in the legion

Edited by Brother Michaels
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Do you mean the weapon model or the actual weapon as it functions? Forge World produce time relevant patterns of weapons but "normal" one also existed.


I am not even sure how to answer this question... I guess I should point you to http://warhammer40k.wikia.com/wiki/Dark_Age_of_Technology , http://warhammer40k.wikia.com/wiki/Standard_Template_Construct_(STC) http://warhammer40k.wikia.com/wiki/Bolter , http://warhammer40k.wikia.com/wiki/Plasma_Weapons ,


All "modern" 41k weapons were designed during the dark age of technology which was before 30k.

Edited by Stormxlr

Do you mean the weapon model or the actual weapon as it functions? Forge World produce time relevant patterns of weapons but "normal" one also existed.


I am not even sure how to answer this question... I guess I should point you to http://warhammer40k.wikia.com/wiki/Dark_Age_of_Technology , http://warhammer40k.wikia.com/wiki/Standard_Template_Construct_(STC) http://warhammer40k.wikia.com/wiki/Bolter , http://warhammer40k.wikia.com/wiki/Plasma_Weapons ,


All "modern" 41k weapons were designed during the dark age of technology which was before 30k.


Yea sorry for the wording mate I meant like the actual weapons that the 40k marines use but cool if they were used in 30k, thanks for answering my question! :)

Depends on what period of the heresy. Almost all 40k equipment was in use by the end of the heresy, even MK6 and MK7 suits at the siege of terra. During the crusade new designs came about due to recovering lost worlds, new materials and some xenos tech, then the rush of new work to re-equip during the heresy itself due to lost worlds, soldiers and supply lines.


A few 'new' things are rediscovered STC templates IIRC (such as an astartes combat knife) but mostly equipment has completely stagnated since. Some designs that were common in the heresy have effectively disappeared as the forge world that made them has been lost. 


So equipping an early heresy army in say, MK2 & MK3 with 'modern' godwyn bolters and heavy weapons would be a bit of an anachronism, but you could explain it by saying they'd re-equipped recently, particularly if they have some MK4 suits. Forgeworld does have multiple patterns of heavy weapons that were in use during the heresy - it's a big galaxy, and most legions were splintered all over the place, and re-equipped where they could including off the bodies of dead foe, so mid or late heresy do as you like for patterns of weapons, arguably the more variety the better! Having an army of only MK7 - except maybe at the siege of terra itself - would be kinda off though.

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