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Armiger Warglaives- let the speculation begin!


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 I know some people don't think it's what AdMech 'needs' right now, however *IF* it's just bigger than Redemptor Dreadnaught, costs around 200 points, and can zip around the battlefield getting my admech out of impending CC doom... then sign me up.


I suppose what AdMech really needs most are transports, sure. I still think more options are very welcome and more stompy walkers more so. I don't know about anyone else here but I'm not disappointed that this is not a transport or a flier. Granted I'm more interested in it from a collecting and painting point of view but hopefully a mobile melee capable unit would be fun and it looks different enough from the Dragoon that they hopefully won't tread on each others toes (or hooves?).


What annoys me is the Dunecrawler USED to be a transport but apparently keeping that function was somehow not useful to the will of the machine god or something.

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I don't think the Onager would have been a very good transport. If you remove the guns there still wouldn't be much room to carry personnel. I imagine the idea behind them is that they are like a pack mule or a camel rather than a bus or APC. Hopefully if we get a transport it will be larger. I think just adding transport capacity to the current Dunecrawler would make it look very top-heavy and more than a little silly. :(


I hope we get to find out if there are variant main weapons for the Armiger soon. I'm not normally one to talk about the "Hype train" but I think I've already got the tickets in hand. :p

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Probably singles- what with the Onager not being able to be taken in squadrons it seems likely that any AdMech vehicle will be a single unit.


Now I'm curious as to how they will set up the Imperial Knight army- will it just be a matter of taking Super-Heavy/Super-Heavy Auxiliary Detachments with the Knights/Armigers being LOW choices, or will they take a page from the 30k Questoris list where Knights are given specific titles that turn them into various slots (Scion Uhlan for Fast Attack, Scion Arbalaster for Heavy Support, etc...).

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Armiger Warglaives, two names, suggests there may be other types of Armiger.


So I'm suspecting a dual build design, but will there be an Easy-build version in the box with a dual-build version after?


I note the email pic shows the other leg forward, so it looks like it might work like the Dragoon, thank goodness, the biggest flaw in the full size knight kit I that single pose legs.

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Armiger Warglaives, two names, suggests there may be other types of Armiger.


So I'm suspecting a dual build design, but will there be an Easy-build version in the box with a dual-build version after?


I note the email pic shows the other leg forward, so it looks like it might work like the Dragoon, thank goodness, the biggest flaw in the full size knight kit I that single pose legs.

With GWs new philosophy, even if there isn't a variation in the box there's nothing to say they won't create one in the future, already planned for or not. GW seems to be getting smarter about how they distribute items on sprews to keep the door open for evolving the kit in the future. I deeply approve of this design foresight and I hope they keep it up.


I was hoping the exact same thing about the legs and I'm glad someone pointed it out. It's crazy to have them not swappable to change the pose. At a minimum, it should have that in the design, but preferably also with kneed and ankle articulation. I know that's a bit much, but let us pose the legs damnit! I refuse to accept it with my Knights; my first is reposed and the second will have the legs swapped to flip forward leg.

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So let’s say for the sake of argument it isn’t a super heavy. But it is a Questoris unit, would you take it?


Look at the Onager, it’s repairable and rips into armour and has an invuln.


Foe that reason, I think this warglaive should be a pure Admech unit, and perhaps be something you can take in squads. Maybe it comes with a fresh Strategem or two?

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Not that I have any real insight, but when I think about it the Armiger seems more like a unit to add to the Knight line then a unit expressly for Ad Mech. It just seems like a perfect addition to Knights and their future codex. However, GW isn't going to avoid the overlap and will have it accessible to Ad Mech.


It really is an odd interesting release. Not bad by any stretch, but it sits in a very interesting place. I guess it also keeps the door open to the idea that they're going to keep surprising us with interesting tangents for kits. I have no problem with that.


Edit: Part of my logic being just how much this will compete with the Onager, it seems somewhat redundant. But in a Knight force, they would provide some more mobility and target saturation. But then again, GW isn't always renowned for considering redundancy.

Edited by Subtle Discord
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If this unit runs around with a S10+ Chainsword, then it would definitely change the way I play my Mechanicus.


Right now I get in cc and it’s almost impossible for me to recover. Typically I have very sketchy board control. And if I’m matched up against a superior shooty Force there aren’t a lot of options for me to put pressure on my opponent.


This unit could change a lot of that. I just imagine it will compete directly with Kastelans which kind of sucks. I’m guessing these mini knights will be about 150-170.

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I wonder if GW will undo the repair nerf by giving us a Sacristan unit that can repair knights at full effectiveness and other vehicles at a reduced capacity?


As for Chaos, I think GW have accepted people want chaos knights, so will allow them... however as epic scale had a small Slaanesh knight like this they might wait till Forgeworld have the time to make the high-heeled parts for a chaos conversion kit.

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I saw one prediction that they may be about the size of a Ghost Keel.


That said, they're definitely not going to be small. The hatch on their top should be the same size as the one on a Knight giving the model about around 3" or so of width from front to back. Suitable for the Imperium I think.

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I’m going to swap the chainblade for a Thunderfist Gauntlet, replace the weapon arm with a “Shock Lance”, and paint it up to look like a warhorse in barding. Because eff it, that’d look cool.



Edited by jeffersonian000
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I like it.  Nothing groundbreaking from the IK aesthetic but I get the idea that GW wants to make "Titans" a playable faction going forward.  If the existing IK are the heavy support/elites, then the Armigers are likely to be the "Troops" and "Fast Attack" while the rumoured Warhound Titan could become the new LoW.  I'm not saying this IS going to happen, but it seems like a logical step as a sort of "super elite superheavy" faction for WH40k.  Though Chaos players are likely to have a fit if they don't get their own versions of these (as ever) :P

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Seeing the legs of the Armiger on CAD without scale could have been the origin of the plastic Warhound rumours.


Well, I don't want to derail this discussion but that's very possible.  In the minimum I see this as a logical step toward making IK a legit faction, though it's likely they'll continue to be flexible in terms of declaring Questoris or Mechanicus allegiance.

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I've never really wanted to run a pure Knight army (and even these don't sell me on one), but running an Armiger army would be fun (I figure it'd be like the Mekdread army for Orks), or running a single knight and an army of these guys supporting it.

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I know some people don't think it's what AdMech 'needs' right now, however *IF* it's just bigger than Redemptor Dreadnaught, costs around 200 points, and can zip around the battlefield getting my admech out of impending CC doom... then sign me up.


I suppose what AdMech really needs most are transports, sure. I still think more options are very welcome and more stompy walkers more so. I don't know about anyone else here but I'm not disappointed that this is not a transport or a flier. Granted I'm more interested in it from a collecting and painting point of view but hopefully a mobile melee capable unit would be fun and it looks different enough from the Dragoon that they hopefully won't tread on each others toes (or hooves?).

What annoys me is the Dunecrawler USED to be a transport but apparently keeping that function was somehow not useful to the will of the machine god or something.

Oh wait, you are of course referring to the M.U.L.E. Techpriest transport the Onager was developed from. I keep hoping that Forgeworld will make an Onager conversion kit or full kit to make a M.U.L.E. If GW doesn't give us a full plastic one. We also need the return of the Imperial Mole transport considering its important use in the resistance to the Heretical forces occupying Mars (short story Myriad, sequel to the novel Cybernetica).


The impact of the Armiger on knight lists will be interesting. It could radically reshape them if it becomes practical to have more Armigers than Questoris knights.

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Make a conversion kit to turn an Onager (or two) into a transport, eh? Challange accepted.


I can't wait to see just how the Armiger will assemble and what weapons it comes with in the box. It'll be a fun model to design for as a prelude to considering the Knight. Damn you GW, you don't make it easy to concentrate on things. Must finish more projects...

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