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Best 1000 point detachment build?


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Hi guys,


Only just starting with mechanicum so really keen to hear your thoughts on how to build the best 1000 point shooty detachment to compliment either a grey knighTa drop detachment or speedy space wolves list.


I have got 2 of the start collecting detachments and an enginseer so i’m looking to add to the list below to get it to 1000 points.


Currently have:



10 x vanguard with 2 plasma

5 rangers with 1 arquebous

5 rangers with 1 arquebous

2 neutron onagers


What next?

Robots? Infiltrators? Dragoons? Balistarii?

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Probably Stygies at the moment for the dogma and stratagem

Alright, I'm not going to get into character here (I admit it was a little tempting though) because I don't want to take all week to write this reply.


The first thing I'd look at adding to your list are Destroyers. Heavy Grav is great for thinning MEQ or worse off the board while Plasma can help hurt tanks and kill TEQ. If you decide to run a large unit for stratagem benefit reasons I'd mix weapons because they can split fire so there is no wrong target problem with them. Just keep them near a Dunecrawler with the Tether for the +1Ld so they're less likely to end up hurt by morale from casualties.


Kastelans can fit in basically any list and there are two ways to run them for Stygies: punchy or support fire. With the strategem letting you deploy things after you know the turn order but before the first turn begins you can start your deployments by announcing that you're putting them into infiltrating and watch your opponent adjust their deployment to protect themselves from your scary robots. Shooty versions can then be deployed midfield to claim an objective (spend a CP to throw them into shooting mode and engage your radioactive shooting spree), while punching ones should be looking to drop near enemy lines if you have first turn so you can start punching things. Dropping a unit of Dragoons into Infiltration can allow you to support the Robots so they don't get overwhelmed. Max sized units of Dragoons could be fun, but they'll be hard to hide out of LoS if you don't get first turn.


Vanguard will want to kite around midfield, trying to stay exactly 18" away from the enemy, but since you're not Metalica expect to get dragged into combat eventually. Tethers will be better than Scopes for them because you can boost their exploding hits to a 4+ against your target which is going to be more effective than denying cover since they rely on quantity to force saves over quality.


Rangers can hang out near Dunecrawlers with Omniscopes to deny cover saves while they weaken characters with their sniper rifles and gain a Ld bonus from the Crawlers to help them handle taking casualties. You'll want to have them on objectives in your deployment zone or as close as possible.


One last possible infiltrating unit I'd look at is a massive blob of Fulgurite Electro-Priests. 20 guys smashing into the front lines of your opponent's lines can help pull screening units out of the way, and result in them having a 3++ if they manage to take the unit out in combat. Failing taking first turn you can infiltrate them as an anti-deep strike screen on mid-field to protect your army if you get second turn and threaten alpha-striking units that think they can win a charge against your screen.

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