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Fight Phase Question - Consolidate

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Hi guys. I have a question


What happens In the fight phase if I for example charge something with a helbrute, suceed. Then I pile in and destroy the targeted unit.

after that I can make a 3 inch consolidate movement, and can move into basecontact with other units right?


Those cant fire overwatch, but are they able to perform an attack against my helbrute then?

As I read the rules Close combat is over then right, so they would just be locked in cc, or am I wrong?

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The Consolidate move requires that you move towards the closest enemy model (on a model by model basis). It's not dependant on the charge/attack targets at all (though may often be related to them simply due to charges in general).


So yes, you can move into base contact with other units, and they wouldn't get Overwatch either (as that is part of the Charge Phase and requires being targeted by a Charge, where Consolidation occurs in the Fight Phase and is not a Charge).


As for attacks against your Helbrute, that sort of depends. If the models you Consolidate into have not yet been selected to fight (such as if they had previously had no enemies within 1") then yes, they would be allowed to attack. If they had already attacked another unit (such as if they had the ability to attack earlier, with a 'fight first' ability like the Emperor's Children Legion trait, or with a use of the Counter Charge stratagem) then they wouldn't be allowed to attack, as they had already fought (barring some other rule).


Finally, Consolidation doesn't happen after all units have fought, Consolidation happens after that particular unit has fought. So if your Helbrute was the first unit to be chosen to fight, it would:

- Pile In

- Make attacks

- Consolidate

- Another viable unit would be selected to fight, and so on.

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