Gentlemanloser Posted March 12, 2018 Share Posted March 12, 2018 There's won't be any point costs changes (which makes me wonder exactly how Reapers are going to be, adjusted...) in March, just updated Rules FAQs (and possibly some Rule changes through Errata's). There's no points changes in these, I'm sure we'll have to wait until the end of the years Chapter Approved for point adjustments. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hellex_The_Thanatar Posted March 12, 2018 Share Posted March 12, 2018 In my opinion, the problem with the Land Raider (aside fom being overcosted!) is as much you're unlikely to have more than one, and even with it there'll be at most a dreadnought or MAYBE 2 on the table, depending on points level of the game. This in turn makes it nothing but a distraction carnifex. It's going to be a magnet for every anti-vehicle weapon the enemy has on turn one. Because it's pretty much the only target. Sure, those weapons will hurt a regular Custodian pretty badly too. Maybe (Given they have better Invuls!). Yet generally the Tank will be the obvious target, and it will die. This is true in Marine armies as well. Heck, any time an army has only one or two big scary tanks, they tend to just die. They're big targets with a giant "SHOOT ME" sign on them. This applies even to smaller tanks and dreads. You kind of need to go all in on Big Scary Stuff or just plain expect it to die. As for not painting them one way? There's the rub... We could get an FAQ or the big March (or whenever it is) update might change points costs or stats enough to suddenly make Land Raiders and Contemptors the bees' knees. So for the moment? Just leaving mine unpainted. In other news, how has the Achillus been working for people? I've had a lot of work trips and a vacation so haven't had a chance to test it yet! Used him in three games. I do not like the random shots on the spear and really really don't like ap-3. This dude should be nuking the hardest targets on the charge and it doing nothing to circumvent armour is insanity. Also the single mortal wound on a 6 is so useless. Just 2d6 on a wound of 6 is better. On the whole he needs a point drop and a few rules tweaks. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ishagu Posted March 12, 2018 Share Posted March 12, 2018 I won't be playing any more games now until my Custodes are fully painted but I've emailed FW with my findings from my experiences. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheFinisher4Ever Posted March 13, 2018 Share Posted March 13, 2018 The bigger problem with the Land Raider, imo, is how easy it is to tie up in combat. The Custodes don't have enough bodies to screen it effectively and it's footprint is so big it will almost always be vulnerable to assualt. And a single guardsman making the charge makes your 400 point model an extremely expensive paperweight for at least 1 turn. As for the dread, I've gotten 1 game in with him so far. I like the spear in melee, other than the mortal wound on a 6 which feels weak as hell. The Lastrum storm Bolters are insanely good. And the Pulsar is ok. A bit too random for me but not too bad. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
General Strike Posted March 13, 2018 Share Posted March 13, 2018 Probably why FW kept the coronus at Armor Save 3+, because they felt with fly it balanced, but it still just costs too much. Rents to high. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Stoic Raptor Posted March 14, 2018 Share Posted March 14, 2018 And a single guardsman making the charge makes your 400 point model an extremely expensive paperweight for at least 1 turn. Though, to be fair, if a single Guardsman can tie up your Land Raider, it already was an expensive paperweight, and you should die of shame. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Prot Posted March 14, 2018 Share Posted March 14, 2018 Well I play with the Repulsor a lot with my Primaris. Sometimes in pairs. I can tell you they don’t have that issue of being stuck in and they still kind of stink. I actually miss the 2+ save on the the Landraider more than I enjoy Fly on the Repulsor. Plus I can say that if you can make close combat with my Landraider, I should be able to mess you up in CC to a large degree. ( I personally don’t have enough speed in my lists to leave it unprotected) Typically I also have the Magnifica in range of it. Let’s face it, as much as many of us want to love a Landraider, they just aren’t a great idea, and far less so with with a 400 point variant. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gentlemanloser Posted March 14, 2018 Share Posted March 14, 2018 Hopefully my list above gets to face Nids tonight. Hopefully he won't be running 7 Biovores. ;) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
shanewatts Posted March 15, 2018 Share Posted March 15, 2018 Took second place in a tourney this past weekend. Faced off vs Nids, CSM, and Tsons. - Smashed the Nids player, he was running mostly CC. 2 Trygon primes, 2 flyrants, Swarmy, 20 stealers, gaunts, 8 zoans, 3 venom. I setup everything on the table, Dkok screen on my deployment line with bikes and termies behind. Gave him the first turn knowing he would have to come to me anyway. He deployed all his big bugs 9" away, along with the stealers. Used Swarmy to move the stealers in my line, made the charge with stealers into 2 units of dkok and Swarmy into a 3rd dkok unit. Counter charged with bike strat, nearly killing Swarmy before he could swing. Stealers clean up the infantry they got close to, Swarmy kills a few dkok. My turn 1 was crushing, bikes fell back from Swarmy and killed the Stealers with bolters, Swarmy died to my captain charging, termies charged and killed a flyrant. By then end of turn 2 I had killed all his big bugs, and the stealers, with only losing 2/3rds of my dkok infantry. I tabled him turn 4. - CSM ended in a loss, he was running cultist screen, oblits, double fire raptor. He was able to keep his fire raptors from my bikes and I only had 1 model remaining on the table at the end of turn 6 (Basilisk in a ruin.) - Tsons was a pretty swingy game, but I won pretty soundly. His first turn wasn't very effective, he killed some dkok and a single custode guardian. My turn 1 wiped out a scarab termie squad, a sorc, 20 tzaangors, and nearly killed his DP (his warlord.) His turn 2 was huge, he got his vortex beast and Magnus into CC with my bikes and killed all but 2. I was able to kill the vortex beast with my terms, and my bikes died, including my captain. My turn 3 (bottom) Magnus and the DP were free and alive (Magnus had 3 wounds remaining and the DP had 1.) At the end I was up on objectives and VP, I had 1 termie, 2 basilisks, 10 infantry, and my dkok warlord left, while all he had left was a slightly damaged defiler. All in all I had a good time. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BLACK BLŒ FLY Posted March 15, 2018 Share Posted March 15, 2018 Well done ! Good to see Custodes dominating. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gentlemanloser Posted March 15, 2018 Share Posted March 15, 2018 Got my game in versus nids last night. He ran a new list to try things out, I face 3 Mawlocks for a different MW spam. I thought I was done Turn 1. When he did 7MW to a SC Biker and used two exocrines to blow my GMNDK off the board. Luckily by T3 I had every unit in CC, and the tide started to turn. There were great and bad rolls on both sides, and if the game ended T5 the Nid player would have won 7-1. It went to turn 7, where I managed to finally table him. The Achillus Contemptor underperformed. It's simply too expensive. It was outclassed by my Doomglaives. I don't need S14 over S9 and the d3 shots of the Spear is too unreliable. 168 points versus 245... With a Deny and Smite (and Gate) on top. Unless FW buff it (and lower its cost) I don't think I'll use one again, which is a shame as they are absolutely gorgeous minis. I'll have to go back to using them to proxy Doomglaives. Edit: Impressed by Allarus Terminators, love the Grenade Launchers. Wasn't impressed by my Vexilla Magnifica. But then I DS'd him with the Allarus and a SC in Allarus and got them into CC asap. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Prot Posted March 15, 2018 Share Posted March 15, 2018 Against some armies the Magnifica is mandatory so it's in all my lists. Orks for instance... their little rocket launcher dudes... they kill a Guardian in one unsaved shot. The Magnifica has them hitting on 6's. I've played shootier Nids and find it very important in that match up as well.. Biovores are ridiculous this edition, I prefer them missing their mortal wound shots as much as possible since those kinds of weapons are brutal on Custodes. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gentlemanloser Posted March 15, 2018 Share Posted March 15, 2018 Its sometimes better for biovores to miss and spawn mines. They deny area / lanes and divert shooting to kill them. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BLACK BLŒ FLY Posted March 15, 2018 Share Posted March 15, 2018 Dumb question - what is a doomglaive ? I had a game last night versus SoB/AM/RW. Was very close but ended up losing... I tried my best to kill the melta Serpahims and plasma Inceptors but could not finish them off fast enough... they did the lion's share of damage. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hellex_The_Thanatar Posted March 15, 2018 Share Posted March 15, 2018 Dumb question - what is a doomglaive ? I had a game last night versus SoB/AM/RW. Was very close but ended up losing... I tried my best to kill the melta Serpahims and plasma Inceptors but could not finish them off fast enough... they did the lion's share of damage. Fw grey knight dread. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gentlemanloser Posted March 16, 2018 Share Posted March 16, 2018 And for 168 points it's a friggin' steal! Prot, I think my issue with the Magnifica is that I DS'd it in Allarus with 3 Termies and a SC. The aim was to get them into CC ASAP, which they did and were only subject to limited enemy shooting. Plus it doesn't help facing Overwatch either. For a more gunline AC list (is there one? Possibly if we get Saggittarum), or if you're footslooging Guard (ugh) I'm sure I'd get so much more use out of a Magnifica. But if I'm looking at Bikes and DSing Guard, then I don't think I'll get much if anything out of it. :( So basically two out of the three have little (to no) use, and the last is well expensive. Maybe I should look at the Relic version instead for another Deny. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Deadnaughty Posted March 16, 2018 Share Posted March 16, 2018 And for 168 points it's a friggin' steal! Prot, I think my issue with the Magnifica is that I DS'd it in Allarus with 3 Termies and a SC. The aim was to get them into CC ASAP, which they did and were only subject to limited enemy shooting. Plus it doesn't help facing Overwatch either. For a more gunline AC list (is there one? Possibly if we get Saggittarum), or if you're footslooging Guard (ugh) I'm sure I'd get so much more use out of a Magnifica. But if I'm looking at Bikes and DSing Guard, then I don't think I'll get much if anything out of it. So basically two out of the three have little (to no) use, and the last is well expensive. Maybe I should look at the Relic version instead for another Deny. Yeah in that situation the banner is not that great. But for example if you run 3x3 bikes the banner is useful for protecting them if your not going first and for the turn they spend moving up the field Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gentlemanloser Posted March 16, 2018 Share Posted March 16, 2018 I usually hide the bikes behind LoS terrain if possible, and I'd like a Biker Vexilla, so he could keep pace with them. The Allarus Vex also misses a Spear/Axe, unlike his Power Armour version. Donno, not sold on Vexilla yet. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
General Strike Posted March 16, 2018 Share Posted March 16, 2018 I've actually been considering non-custodes units for the first time. I was thinking a SCD of GMNDKs, three of those could help alot with both the psychic phase and armor. The second idea is Guilliman, who gives CP and is a monster in combat. What do you think? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ishagu Posted March 16, 2018 Share Posted March 16, 2018 Guilliman is too slow and you pay a lot of points for abilities you can't use, like the re rolls he grants to Ultras. For a few points more you could ally in a Shadowsword. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gentlemanloser Posted March 16, 2018 Share Posted March 16, 2018 Bobby G gives 3CP though, but you need to make him your Warlord, so you lose out on impregnable Mind and a free Relic. He might be useful if you footslog any AC, but he might be able to keep up with the bikes (has an 8" move IIRC) and could give them a +1 to their Charge roll. Might be worth it. I like GMNDKs, they're the best unit in our Codex, and three could be beastly. Plus the +1 Deny is great. Three GMNDK (with H Psycannons) footslogging is 765 points. A Vanguard with one GMNDK and three Doomglaives is 759. Which is why I went with that (plus I only own 2 NDKs! :P) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
General Strike Posted March 16, 2018 Share Posted March 16, 2018 I don't own any GK stuff yet, but visually the NDKs seem to work, as well as being psychic anti armor beasts. I have a list idea that is an outrider with a bike captain, allarus Vexilla, 1x four bike squad and 2x three bike squads, with a SCD of three GMNDKs with teleporters, hammers, and heavy psycannons that is exactly 2000 points and about 103 power. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ishagu Posted March 16, 2018 Share Posted March 16, 2018 Why not wait for the new Mini Knights? They seem perfect for Custodes - same movement as the bikes, anti tank ranged firepower. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
General Strike Posted March 16, 2018 Share Posted March 16, 2018 Just cause the GMNDKs also provide psychic support Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gentlemanloser Posted March 16, 2018 Share Posted March 16, 2018 Came here to make the point and Ishagu beat me too it! :D I'm looking at Armigers because of their 14" movement. They can keep pace with my Dawneagles, and compliment their weapon options. Both units move 14" and will be aiming to charge T2, with Dawneagle Hurricane Bolters for chaff, and Armiger Meltas for Vehicles. Both units want to charge and are good in CC as well, and both are durable targets that will pressure your opponent with them being right in their face. Who do you shoot? The Dawneagles or the Armigers? You don't want to charge either! :P Now, if only GW don't over cost them... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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