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How are your Custodes doing?

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I've actually been considering non-custodes units for the first time. I was thinking a SCD of GMNDKs, three of those could help alot with both the psychic phase and armor. The second idea is Guilliman, who gives CP and is a monster in combat. What do you think?


Whatever Non-Custodes you consider should be fast. Especially since I've seen your list and it's fairly competitive, and revolves around the bikes. This would leave Guilliman largely unprotected.... you have to be careful there are some nasty alpha strike lists out there. It would be tricky to include him and a great deal of his cost would kind of be wasted on you. Let's be honest... how much more CC ability do you need?



Why not wait for the new Mini Knights? They seem perfect for Custodes - same movement as the bikes, anti tank ranged firepower.




I'm not saying this will be 'good'. I have I'm pre ordering with a friend. My big debate is which scheme do I go with? Admech or some sort of Custode scheme? (My intent is to do a pictoral of the process on my blog, but I really have no idea if the unit will be pointed out efficiently). So far the Achillus is too expensive, contemptor is okay, not great. Where do these guys fit? We won't know til we know the points. If they're north of 200+ I probably won't use them with Custodes.

For relatively fast I've considered either some Sydonian Dragoons or going over to the Marine side and doing Ravenwing as chaff-cover for the bigger bikers.


Dragoons bother me because they're nearly $60CAD a model for 60-ish points which is painful, but they do look pretty cool.

Had a few more games with Custodes. Won three, lost one against Astra Militarum.

I’m interested to hear more about your game against AM if you’re willing, got a game like that coming up and would be good to know what worked or didn’t and what AM units are particularly problematic to face. Thanks in advance :)

I had game last nite versus Tyranids and it had:


Swarmy w. dropspore

2x Trygon

20x stealer

30x devilgaunt

Flyrant - dual devourers

3x Hive Guard brood (full)




I had the following:


[smurf Battalion]


Primaris Lt.

2x Intercessor squad

Scout squad


Inceptors (plasma variant)






[AC Vanguard]


Shield Cpt on Dawneagle (3++)



Vexillus Praetor (5++ Imperialis bubble)


I put a lot of my army in reserve including Trajann. Bugz go first and I fail to seize.


First turn in drops Swarmy and Trygon with stealers popping up from the tunnel and double moving thanks to Swarmy. Flyrant plops down too. Hive Guard all inside a central ruin... I was careful to deploy outside their range even with move. Nid shooting kills like one Intercessor thanks to 2+ with cover... then stealers assault Intercessors and Bike Cpt - Praetor and Lt. both intervene. I lose the Intercessor squad but the characters shred most of the stealers. My turn I drop in everything to clear out my DZ. Shooting kills Trygon and Flyrant - Allarus finish off the stealers. I scored a lot of points but there are still five more battle rounds and I find myself out of position.


Over the course of the game I am able to keep scoring some points every turn to maintain my lead... Nid player has to get aggressive which costs him the game in the end. His Hive Guard really choked versus Custodes this game and Wardens were MVP. Really tough game... all the Nidz had left was two HG squads and the rippers.

I got a game in against new Tau today. That Yvarra with the +6" range is an absolute monster. It killed half of my army by itself. It has an insane threat range and it is almost unchargable. I really felt the lack of ranged anti-tank this game.

Some good points here.


I played a khorne/deathguard list with my pure custodes.


Key opponent models being Skarbrand, 2 deathguard psykers and demon prince, or at least I thought so.


I took a lot of damage from my bikes failing a charge on a deathguard unit, who could then do a nasty combo with their "grenade buffing" character and a stratagem, doing d6 grenades for each model and doing mortal wounds on 5+ to wound... auch. 1 Bike with 1 wound left out of 3 from that. 


The nurgle demon prince also pretty handily beat my shield captains (I was unlucky too), with his 7 attacks and an armor which dealth mortal wounds back to me on 4+ after a save.


I used the deny warlord trait and had to use spark of divinity as well, but still a lot of psychic went through (he never failed 1 test), with Fallout they also deal mortal wounds on a success of 7 or more, so that did lots of damage too.


Failed a 6" charge with my other 3 biker unit on 10 man unit of bloodletters, they then charged with a herald and wiped out all the bikes before they could strike.


In the end I got tabled, while my opponent had a unit of bloodletters, a wounded plagueburst crawler and Skarbrand left. 


I only got so far because he forgot to deep strike Skarbrand T1, and in T2 I managed to prevent his charge by using tanglefoot grenade (I rolled 1 but that was enough). After that he just destroyed everything, my last 4 man guard unit failed a charge on him, they got charged and wiped before doing 1 attack.


This game I also tried using the character target stratagem for Allarus, which made them do 0 wounds to his sorceror for 2 CP, yay.


Against a list like that, I think the points made here already stands, as I might be better of using 1 large unit of bikers than 2 smaller ones of 3 as they get crippled fast, or at least fly them together.


Demons just seem to be just as good in close combat and quite handily but custodes while also doing psychic powers at the same time, a hard deal there.

Just played a game (batrep will hit the channel in 2 weeks). 2k points, ETC format (no duplicate detachments, no FW).


My current list:


COmmander (kurovs, grand strategist)


infantry - mortar

infantry - mortar




Captain biker - auric aquilas

4 man custodian guard

6 man biker unit


biker captain x3

allarus (4 man)



His list:



sanguinary priest

sanguinary ancient relic banner

10 sanguinary guard - all power swords and angelus boltguns

libby dreadnought - wings, unleash rage

deathcompany dread

3 tactical squads (hvy bolter, melta gun, heavy flamer)

5 man terminator unit - all lightning claws

storm raven - twin assaults, hurricanes, missiles, usual



Basically tabled him end Turn 3.  I deployed my biker unit and 1 captain away from my "base", and he fell for it.  He dropped all his sanguinary guys, characters, and terminators in there, he charged a infantry unit cause his shooting took my bikers out o 12", then i swooping dived in and killed 7/10 of his sanguinary guard.  Next turn, allarus drop in, almost kill sanguinor in shooting using stratagem, then kill most of the terminators, the priest and the sanguinor in combat.  Captains take out stormraven with hurricane bolters and finish it in combat. Death company dread takes . few wounds off a captain, my custodians finish it off using +1 wound stratagem (so good).  Mop up some marines, done.


allarus were really good this game.  I'm gonna keep trying them. the stratagems make them so versatile.  And I love me a good guardian unit, +1 wound is so good (and i felt it many times in this game since BA also have it in combat).  Obviously he might play differently since he knows about stooping dive, but it would only deter him from even trying to take my bikers on and give them more free reign.  Other cool thing about my list is almost always the infantry and commanders are free from harassment for the whole game, they sit on objectives, get me maelstroms, everyones too busy with the custodes.


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