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How are your Custodes doing?

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Ah it was an massacre. I played against CSM and daemons. 1 DP with wings 2 x soulgrinder 1 Witcher 3 Maulerfiends 1 x Nurglings + 2 x 3 Obliterator.

I played the AM Battalion with 2 commander 3 x guardsmen 1 x 3 Mortars + 1 Captain on dawneaglebike one shieldcaptain 3 x 3 Custodes + 2x 3 wardens with axes + the Achilles dread.

He got first turn and deleted 4 Custodians. He then made only the charge with the nurglings into my guardsmen but only killed 2.

In return i charged one maulerfiend and one defiler and the shield captain killed one maulerfield in one go. It explodes and kills one warden and two custodians it also wounds the captain with 2.. The Dawneagle captain slapped the Prince but only got 2 wounds through. I catched one obiteam in cc with the biker also and lose only 3 wounds in cc thanks to the 3++.

In return he kills my shieldcaptain and wiped out the rest of my custodians. The obis killed the achilles with ease. only one warden and the oder warden squad survived. in the next turns i killed only the nurglings and most of the custodians got wiped out in battle. at the end of turn 3 i had only one squad of guardsmen, 3 wardens and the captain + warlord and the mortars alive. We called through time and he got 3 VP´s more than i and the next 2 rounds would be only hiding and denying points. I see he got the optimal counter to my army and i guess his list was tailord to kill custodes. Well i had fun to play them although and i think vs a more diverse army the custodes got more than a chance to win a match. 



It seems the most effective list I've managed to construct up to date for 1500 pts games using Custodes is:


Custodes Supreme Command detachement:

3 Captains on Jetbikes


Grey Knights Supreme Command detachement:

2 Grand Masters in Dreadknights (each one with Heavy Incinerator and Gatling Psilencer) 



AM Battalion

2 Commanders

3 Infantry Squads with mortar in each 

HWT with mortars


This list is brutal. I've played both with it and against and it can totally devastate enemies. Both GMNDKs can boost their invulnerable save up to 3++ (Sanctuary and Heed the Prognosticars stratagem) and withstand insane amount of shooting while killing everyone in sight. Bike Captains are great objective grabbers and infantry killers and you better not to be on the receiving end of the Vortex of Doom, cast by Grand Master Voldus of 3 dice. 


And this army can wreck faces just from the turn one. You can not only simultaneously have 4 (!) extremely tough multi-wound characters on the table, but also drop at least 3 of them (personal teleporters for GMNDKs and From Golden Light for Captain) right into the enemy line. Hell, if you want you have enough CPs and deploy choices to drop all GKs and both Captains as well! It is totally incredible.

That list is well known and I have talked about it in my gaming group. I even own the models from other armies, but everyone would just roll their eyes if I turned up with that.


It's a WAAC type of list, cherry picking the best from 3 different armies to get the most cost efficient units. I don't find it fun, fluffy, interesting or thematic in any way and I don't feel the joy of setting up a coherent army.


It is hardly a custodes army either, but it does highlight everything wrong with 8th ed list building. But if othere from your meta plays it as you say, then it might very well be needed to get in a win, to me it just looks more like making a deck of magic cards than fielding armies against each other in a cool setting.

But if othere from your meta plays it as you say, then it might very well be needed to get in a win,

Yes our club is very "win-oriented" one. I remember going to the "newbie's tournament" with a fluffy 750 pts IG army just to face a list with 3 Riptides (it was in the times of 6-th, if I'm not mistaken, where Riptide spam was a thing).  Playing mono-Custodes here is a sort of masochistic experience :smile.:


By the way, if you want it be more Custodes-oriented and less cheesy, you can always swap IG for a pack of Allarus Terminators. You'll lose a lot of tactical flexibility and ability to control board with indirect fire of course, but against some armies (AMech for example) it can be a decent trade off.

And what about if you face a LR?

Tie it up in close combat with anything I'll be able to and forget about it for the rest of the game.


There are reasons why I've never seen an LR on the table in 8-th and not being able to shoot after fallback is one of them.

It seems the most effective list I've managed to construct up to date for 1500 pts games using Custodes is:


Custodes Supreme Command detachement:

3 Captains on Jetbikes


Grey Knights Supreme Command detachement:

2 Grand Masters in Dreadknights (each one with Heavy Incinerator and Gatling Psilencer) 



AM Battalion

2 Commanders

3 Infantry Squads with mortar in each 

HWT with mortars


This list is brutal. I've played both with it and against and it can totally devastate enemies. Both GMNDKs can boost their invulnerable save up to 3++ (Sanctuary and Heed the Prognosticars stratagem) and withstand insane amount of shooting while killing everyone in sight. Bike Captains are great objective grabbers and infantry killers and you better not to be on the receiving end of the Vortex of Doom, cast by Grand Master Voldus of 3 dice. 


And this army can wreck faces just from the turn one. You can not only simultaneously have 4 (!) extremely tough multi-wound characters on the table, but also drop at least 3 of them (personal teleporters for GMNDKs and From Golden Light for Captain) right into the enemy line. Hell, if you want you have enough CPs and deploy choices to drop all GKs and both Captains as well! It is totally incredible.

How have you fared vs armies with deep strike protection? (SM scouts, Chaos nurglings, Tau stealth suits, Eldar rangers, etc)


With so much of your damage being focused on short range/charges it seems like you would have to waste 1-2 turns before you were able to get to something effective.

Played 2 games yesterday,


My list


TV, alarus captain

4 wardens, vexilla magnifica, 5 alarus

3 dawneagle

Knight paladin


Played against a mid powered Astra Militarum army with a Knight first, was super close, hammer and anvil didn't help me, the knights cancelled each other out. But he controlled his deployment zone completely and all I had left at the end was my alarus captain, I scraped the win by 1 point somehow. I fear a stronger list would have shot me down.


Second game Vs Tau


2 riptide


Firewarrior blob

Lots of drones

Lots of markerlights.

The knight died T1 with the tau not even breaking a sweat, it was then a merciless tabling with no viable tactic to counter it that I can see. The y'vahra is basically unchargeable and even the. It just falls back kills you dead. Imo Tau is a massive hard counter to Custodes. Was not a fun game.

That is also my experience with the new Tau Codex. They will most likley deny any useful deep strikes and such with fire warriors and stealth suits. Then it is basically impossible for a melee focused army to ever reach the riptides and stormsurges. The chaff blocks, falls back and you get shot dead. 


Everything they can draw LoS to will just disappear, imperial knights, custodes or whatever. Best bet is to have as many bikers as possible and vexilus magnifica in allarus armor. Then on a decent table you should be able to hide the bikes from the worst for T1 shooting, then advance them, and deep strike the banners to make them hard to hit, then hopefully get a charge on your next turn.


Big imperial vehicles with meh saves like knights is heaven for Tau. Last I faced them was with a deathwatch army, I could not hide my 2 blackstars and both fliers crashed T1. Army tabled  before I had my T3. 


Maybe if you get T1 with a favorable deployment type you can win in 2 primary ways I think.


1 is to play the objective game, if you can hold some areas not in LoS of the biggest guns and try to hold on for dear life.


2. All out charge, nothing but bikes and things deep striking. Very few models should be running on foot, as you will need a lot of big scary units in the Tau players face right away, so he hopefully can't kill all before you begin doing some kind of damage. This is still difficult against a crafty player especially if you do not get T1, as he can use drones and firewarriors as speed bumps, as long as he makes sure you can't consolidate anywhere useful, to get more shooting phases, which will quickly be your doom. Riptides and Stormsurges clear custodes nearly as easy as nurglings.

One thing about Tau is watch out for those Stealth suits... aggressive xenos players will use them to get board control outside of their DZ during deployment and I think they can be setup in your DZ. They can be quite annoying .

nope. 12" away from enemy units and outside the enemy deployment zone.

They don’t need to screen tbh. If they clump together you are taking soooooo much overwatch hitting on 5s that you will die. Sheer volume of fire. You will kill only limited number of guys. They all fall back and shoot you again. Charging them literally just gives them another shooting phase. Tau are hard counter to Custodes. Coldstar commanders pick you apart.


I played game against nurgle recently. Misplayed my allarus a little bit but man. Mortarion hurts. Mortals and smites. Hurt. Obliterators hurt bad.

Obliterators are nuts. cacophony is super nuts. I remember when they increased Oblit shots with the codex, I thought that was pretty potent, and the Strategem put them on steroids. And with pure or even allied Custodes it is super hard to screen against that 24”


Add in a Sorc assisting them and they’re almost automatically deleting a squad a turn if they roll a 3 on the damage shots. Every time this happens to me I cringe. Oblits are really a Custodes Kryptonite.

Against tau there is question:

If i use terryfy, or ravenguars warlord trait (can’t shoot overwatch), or use blood angels relic (work the same way), can They use for the greater good, or If the unit that is charged can’t overwatch FTGG can’t be used?

Against tau there is question:

If i use terryfy, or ravenguars warlord trait (can’t shoot overwatch), or use blood angels relic (work the same way), can They use for the greater good, or If the unit that is charged can’t overwatch FTGG can’t be used?

The rules that say "Cannot be overwatched" like the Angels wing relic, then I would say nothing can overwatch him. Terrify is cast on a unit though so will only stop the one affected unit from firing. That's my take on it


How have you fared vs armies with deep strike protection? (SM scouts, Chaos nurglings, Tau stealth suits, Eldar rangers, etc)


I was not able yet to play against Eldar or New Tau (hope I will do it this weekend), but my biggest concern is not shielding but intercept and overwatch. The worst game I've had with that list was agains DA and they managed to kill fresh NDK using their intercept stratagem on a pack of plasma-Inceptors. Going second, I've lost 2 Shield Captains and an NDK during first game turn from plasma fire and Deathwing attack and should my Allarus Terminators fail their 9-inch charge I feel I would have lost a game as well. But Allaruses made it and slaughtered everyone in sight, effectively winning the game.


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