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How are your Custodes doing?

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Allarus are basically a 9” charge from glory. You make it? Your game is going to go very well. Regardless. You fail it? That’s bad times. And without a stratagem that makes that charge more reliable that’s really the only big downside to them.


I’ll be taking my Custodes list to a 120 man tournament in a few weeks. It has allarus in it cause I love the models. But probably for next iteration I’m sorry to say they’re coming out in favour of more bikes or a large guardian unit.

Allarus are basically a 9” charge from glory. You make it? Your game is going to go very well. Regardless. You fail it? That’s bad times. And without a stratagem that makes that charge more reliable that’s really the only big downside to them.

Agreed, and that is why I recommend taking AM battalion instead. They are at leas reliable in their abilities.

played new necrons last night. they're shooting no joke.  Destroyers are ridiculously good.  Advancing and shooting, hitting 2s rerolling 1s....wasted a 6 man bike unit like that.  So i was literally down half my army after turn 1 alpha strike


Everytime I think im gonna drop my allarus unit....they pull off some miraculous stuff.  They literally dropped in turn 1, and proceeded to take out over half the necron army....finally died to crazy massed destroyer shooting after a massive reanimation.  Still, didnt end up using most of the allarus specific strategems, im starting to feel like those stratagems are better on paper than in practice, and I think id rather take a larger unit of guardians than the allarus, more bodies, engage more models, and +1 wound stratagem is always usable, plus more opportunity to use avenge the fallen.


My current take on allarus stratagems:


Shoot character:  sure, thats cool if you can pull off a snipe, but if the character is more than 12" away, then its just the bolters, and while it can do damage, I'm not sure its worth the cost of the allarus.  It still is only strength 4 shooting. In all the games ive played and tried this out, Ive yet to manage to kill a character with it. bubble screening is so good these days.


Concussion Grenades: while seemingly awesome, i have yet to suffer much damage in overwatch, and -1 to hit against me is no biggy, usually opponent is dead, or too weak to cause much damage.  


Split stratagem: 2 CP is a lot in a CP strapped army, especially after you've spent 1-3 CP on 3+ invuln relics, maybe deep strike a unit or 2, maybe use Victor 1-2 times.  2CP seems a lot.  I have almost always found them way better as a big unit than trying to split them. You have captains and bikers for mobility, so I have yet to have found a situation in 10+ games where i need to splits a small unit of 4 guys, or 5 guys. Sure might be more handy with 10 man unit....but then...why you taking a 10 man unit?



So overall, I feel at this point, a big guardian unit would be better than allarus unit.  The reason i wanted to try them was the stratagems that they get, but as noted above, seems better on paper than in practice, in which case then mode models and attacks seems better.  +1 wound stratagem makes up for Strength 6 vs 8, the -3 AP is better (without having to spend a CP to make axes -3).  More shooting (ballistus is really lacklustre, rather have more bolter shots), bigger board presence, easier to stay within 6" of a captain, etc..

Sounds rough to lose 6 bikes T1, but I'm not sure how destroyers can hit on 2's?


I agree that a big blob of guardians is sounding more and more appealing, with a few SS even if you don't deepstrike them they can be incredibly strong with either -1 to hit banner or +1 attack +strategems. I also like the idea of deepstriking the +1 attack banner in and "planting the vexilla" once everyone is in charge range. Hard to pull off but could be ridiculous if your opponent has castled up.

I personally use tangle grenades in lots of games where my opponent has a fast army. It can slow things down so I can make the ‘killing circle’.


I am sure every list is better with more bikes... but I love the Allarus, and even the Wardens. I’m truly a sucker for the models though.

Played against Dark Angels that had Laserbacks, Hellblasters in an Azrael bubble, DW Knights with Terminator Librarian support, a Dark Talon, and Twin AC Ven Dreads. We played the Gambit Maelstrom mission from CA. This was my list:


++ Battalion Detachment +3CP (Imperium - Adeptus Custodes) [90 PL, 1749pts] ++
+ No Force Org Slot +
Open the Vaults (1 Relic)
+ HQ +
Shield-Captain on Dawneagle Jetbike [9 PL, 164pts]: Auric Aquilis, Hurricane Bolter, Misericordia
Shield-Captain on Dawneagle Jetbike [9 PL, 164pts]: Eagle's Eye, Hurricane Bolter, Misericordia, Superior Creation, Warlord
+ Troops +
Custodian Guard Squad [8 PL, 167pts]
. Custodian: Sentinel Blade, Storm Shield
. Custodian: Guardian Spear, Misericordia
. Custodian: Guardian Spear
Custodian Guard Squad [8 PL, 167pts]
. Custodian: Sentinel Blade, Storm Shield
. Custodian: Guardian Spear, Misericordia
. Custodian: Guardian Spear
Custodian Guard Squad [8 PL, 171pts]
. Custodian: Sentinel Blade, Storm Shield
. Custodian: Guardian Spear, Misericordia
. Custodian: Guardian Spear, Misericordia
+ Elites +
Allarus Custodians [18 PL, 352pts]
. Allarus Custodian: Castellan Axe, Misericordia
. Allarus Custodian: Castellan Axe, Misericordia
. Allarus Custodian: Castellan Axe, Misericordia
. Allarus Custodian: Castellan Axe, Misericordia
+ Fast Attack +
Vertus Praetors [15 PL, 282pts]
. Vertus Praetor: Hurricane Bolter, Misericordia
. Vertus Praetor: Hurricane Bolter, Misericordia
. Vertus Praetor: Hurricane Bolter, Misericordia
Vertus Praetors [15 PL, 282pts]
. Vertus Praetor: Hurricane Bolter, Misericordia
. Vertus Praetor: Hurricane Bolter, Misericordia
. Vertus Praetor: Hurricane Bolter, Misericordia
++ Total: [90 PL, 1749pts] ++
Created with BattleScribe
Hellblasters were definitely a problem, he focused down my bikes pretty early, and in hindsight I probably could've saved a couple of them if I didn't wait to drop down my Allarus turn 2. They did managed to destroy a Razorback before they went down though. Both my Shield Captains easily took down his Dark Talon and helped take down another Razorback. My Custodian Guard helped establish a lot of board control since the bikes took a lot of the shooting and their Tanglefoot Grenades made his DW Knights useless all game. Shooting from my Guardians and my Allarus eventually put the Hellblasters away and by Turn 4 most of his units were engaged in CC or were about to be, and he didn't have the firepower to move my Guardians from the objectives so he conceded. Victory for the golden boys, 9-3. Overall, pretty damn good first game for my Custodes!

I personally use tangle grenades in lots of games where my opponent has a fast army. It can slow things down so I can make the ‘killing circle’.


I am sure every list is better with more bikes... but I love the Allarus, and even the Wardens. I’m truly a sucker for the models though.

The math always favors the bikes, but damn do the allarus FEEL strong. Im putting off buying bikes and think Ill just buy a second box of allarus to push the squad to 5.

Haven’t had a chance to play a game with mine yet, but I’m wondering if anyone had found the “Unleash the Lions” stratagem to be useful. Seems it gives you multiple opportunities to get a charge off and tie up a unit then saturate the table with targets (which, given the brittleness of the army, may be the better option regardless of Kill Point missions). Any feedback? Apologies if this had been discussed already.

Used my custodes vs an ork army tonight at 2k points doing the eternal war mission where you get points for controlling objectives at the end of your turn, I had the following list


Trajann valoris

Shield captain on auric aquilas with misercordia


5 x custodians with sentinel blades and storm shields

4 x custodians with guardian spears

5 x custodians with guardian spears

Fast attack

5 x vertus praetors with hurricane bolters

Heavy support

Coronus grav carrier


Up against a infantry heavy list with 60 storm boys (30, 20 and 10), 45 commandos with snik rot (15 and 3 x 10), 30 boys, 4 weird boys (2 jump and 2 warpath), 2 banners, 2 war bosses and a mek with force field


I got lucky with saves on the first turn and only lost one biker and 5 wounds from the coronus, flew out of combat the turn after dropping off Trajann and the 5 spear squad of custodians who finished off the mobbed up storm boys, by turn 4 he was down to around 20 orks left while I was down by just 6 custodes and the jetbike also had a round a 2 point lead, control of 5 of the six objectives and three quarters of the table cleared of green skins


Got to say the coronus grav carrier was very handy the transport of 6 gives you some options and letting you fly out of combat after dropping the guys out the back is just nice

Tread head...


I gotta say I have whooped Orks so far with my Custodes. In fact I won’t play one guy with them. I felt pretty bad.


But that being said I noticed this one guy started slowly bending his lists towards my low level Poxwalker, infantry Death Guard army.


I think as a result it made my Custodes stronger. To elaborate a bit.... this Ork player in particular used to take a lot of Tank bustas. He removed all of them. When I played another Ork army, those same tank bustas absolutely smoked my Custodes. Each failed save is a casualty for the majority of my army. Nasty. But... Poxwalkers really don’t care about those so this other guy started pulling out such units to his detriment.

Had a game on the weekend a Battalion with Inquisition and Assassin Vanguard vs Chaos Daemons.


Lost roll for first turn and had my Vertus praetors in the open that ended badly for me. The captain on Aquila’s with 5++ ‘Feel no pain’ was a Star and almost took down a great daemon of tzeentch (they spent the battle charging hitting breaking off and repeating. After 4 turns of it neither was dead)


The guardians were resilient (one squad of 5 and two squads of three) but each one that was lost was an exponential loss of firepower and combat power.


The assassin support vanguard was disappointing. Culexus both got fried by flamers of tzeentch, the vindicate spent the whole battle only managing one damage each time I hit something and wounded (darn dice rolls). The eversor was a Star. Got his charge off and went to town tying up and slicing through a large pack of horrors until he was flamed in the end by those flamers.


Custodes definitely need Support with bodies to work. I’m going to put some time into getting my Scions and Mechanicus done to test them with my golden guys in future games

thinking possible solution to anti-vehicle conundrum....


dark angels master with jump pack

unit of scouts (always useful)

5-6 plasma inceptors?  



those guys will wreck anything, especially with weapons from the dark ages.  I think like using guard for bodies, custodes also have to look outside our codex for efficient T7-8 busting


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