Deadnaughty Posted April 10, 2018 Share Posted April 10, 2018 keep in mind, in ITC format (which is what a lot of people play in tournaments), the mortar is in fact most useful for denying secondary points (since it turns 10 man into 9 man unit). If your mortars actually kill something then bonus. ITC significantly changes army building away from the 'default' position and is not to barely played outside the US. I don't account for it, not does it change my point that Mortars are garbage and Scions are significantly more effective at killing things. You don't need to run them as 10 either. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BLACK BLŒ FLY Posted April 10, 2018 Share Posted April 10, 2018 Another thing about the Adepticon list is eighth edition you don't see one army dominating anymore... so people know what to expect and make adjustments... like Flyrant spam crushed reaperspam at Adepticon. Poor lil guardsmen. :D Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Deadnaughty Posted April 10, 2018 Share Posted April 10, 2018 Another thing about the Adepticon list is eighth edition you don't see one army dominating anymore... so people know what to expect and make adjustments... like Flyrant spam crushed reaperspam at Adepticon. Poor lil guardsmen. If you held the LVO again today I would expect a similar eldar list to populate the top spots. Flyrant spam was already known to beat reaper spam. I believe Flyrants had already won big tournaments in the UK. The difference between tournament results comes down to house rules. Not a lack of dominating lists in 8th. (Adepticon including kill points on every mission which favors durable units like the Flyrant and ITC secondaries warping army construction). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BLACK BLŒ FLY Posted April 10, 2018 Share Posted April 10, 2018 I don't think reaperspam would do as good again. A bunch of top players spent a weekend designing it. My experience is the ITC format is very balanced whereas before it heavily favoured horde. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AstraWlad Posted April 10, 2018 Share Posted April 10, 2018 Mortars are garbage I bet you'll change your mind in a moment when your opponent will capture a distant objective with a couple of rangers/ scouts/ brimstones happily sitting behind a LOS-block and you will happily pay any price for a LOS-ignoring weapon. Mortars are great when used en masse and they are cheap enough to be taken in droves. I was able to kill many different scoring and chaff units with them. Sometimes it makes a difference between win and loss. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BLACK BLŒ FLY Posted April 10, 2018 Share Posted April 10, 2018 I would not say this list has them en masse. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
shanewatts Posted April 10, 2018 Share Posted April 10, 2018 Any unit that ignores LoS and has range is insanely good in this edition. Kill units that are out of LoS that are closer than enemy character, kills units out of LoS that are holding objectives etc. Mortars are one of the better costed units in the game for damage output. However there are other units to use if you wish, even within AM (basilisks, manticore, etc) Having a balanced army that is able to adapt to mission and enemy composition is invaluable, adding in artillery helps with this. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BLACK BLŒ FLY Posted April 10, 2018 Share Posted April 10, 2018 Marines are taking 2+ save in cover versus those mortars. To me they are situational. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MeatGrinder Posted April 10, 2018 Share Posted April 10, 2018 Marines are taking 2+ save in cover versus those mortars. To me they are situational. Theyre probably the opposite. In fact theyre more than likely the more versatile but less hard hitting option. Besides, you dont shoot marines in cover with weapons with no rend. Also, units out of LOS arent necessarily in cover. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AstraWlad Posted April 10, 2018 Share Posted April 10, 2018 Marines are taking 2+ save in cover versus those mortars. To me they are situational. Oh, please! Marines in cover are not the intended target for Mortars. And you will rarely see them (regular marines) on the table anyway. What you will shoot with mortars are Poxwalkers, Horros, Scouts, Eladar rangers or bikers, AD Mech Vanguards/Rangers, IG guardsmen and so on. Most of them are T3 and 4+ (or worse). Mortars work great against them. And they are just fine against MEQ (Berserkers for example) out of cover too due to the volume of fire (and Cadian re-rolls). Of course when all that targets are dead mortars become useless but at this point of the game they usually have done their job. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BLACK BLŒ FLY Posted April 10, 2018 Share Posted April 10, 2018 That sure seems situational to me. Anything with a decent save and in cover is largely unaffected and not every army is horde. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Prot Posted April 11, 2018 Share Posted April 11, 2018 Everything in this edition has become somewhat situational..I mean in my meta currently (competitive or casual) I’m taking a -massive- risk by not taking Psyker protection on some form. We have times of the year where ITC is a thing so we practice for it, amd we have other none ITC events in my area of Canada that aren’t anything like ITC. Our lists for these events look completely opposite. That said ITC probably does favour cheaper allies like Astra. I’ve honestly never made an ITC list that wasn’t full of cheap crap for 8th or 7th. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BLACK BLŒ FLY Posted April 11, 2018 Share Posted April 11, 2018 My area is like 99% ITC format which I’m cool with because I think it’s a solid format for 8th edition. I have played other formats as well - it’s all good. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AstraWlad Posted April 11, 2018 Share Posted April 11, 2018 That sure seems situational to me. Anything with a decent save and in cover is largely unaffected and not every army is horde. Just try them yourself. My experience tells me that every competitive army have some sort of cheep units for deep-strike protection and many also have infiltrators to take objectives or protect charging characters from enemy's gunline. I have yet to face a good list composed only from high-T, good-save models. A little side-though: that's why mono-Custodes are not a "good" list -- they are "high-T, good-save" models without cheep units. And having enough cheap units is a key to victory in current edition. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dtse Posted April 11, 2018 Share Posted April 11, 2018 Prot. Dude. No idea you were in Canada. Make the trip to CCBB! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BLACK BLŒ FLY Posted April 11, 2018 Share Posted April 11, 2018 Had a really tough game last night versus pure BA army with two Stormravens. My opponent was rolling 6s like rain from a hurricane no lie ! Shield Cpt on Dawneagle goes in for a charge versus one raven with one wound left... have to make one 2+ save and fail it but burn a CP to reroll it into yes another 1 (arrrrrrgh !!!). Trajann goes for a second charge also down to his last wound... have to make one 2+ save again and fail it - burn my last CP rerolling it into another 1 (double arrrrrrrgh !!!)... feth. Anyways end up winning by control most of the objectives (progressive) over the course of the game and also kill more enemy units. Tiggy was on fire rocking several d6 smites to help finally bring down those ravens! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
swordofmandulis Posted April 13, 2018 Share Posted April 13, 2018 So 2 games tonight against the Necrons. My opponent had deceiver and Nightbringer and they were a menace. The mortal wounds were devastating, I was able to deal with them quickly in the first game, and with the way the game panned out I got into his army quickly and it was over after my turn 2. Killing the C'Tan quickly was essential here. Nightbringer plus Entropic Strike stratagem = a very bad day for whatever is being attacked. Second game we had eternal war and hammer and anvil, 2 things that suit the Custodes less in my view, my force got a bit splintered and losing the the Achillus turn one hurt as I had nothing to really bother the monolith. This game ended up being exceptionally close but I won it 18-16 with the game ending after T5. Take aways, as we already new, mortal wounds are a huge problem, with the Necrons powers being out of the psychic phase we don't even get the 6+++ agaisnt them. Mephrit Dynasty is also horrific Vs Custodes, forcing to your 4++ when in half range, exactly where you are heading. Valoris was epic in the first game, I know he's expensive but he so damn awesome. He just butchers his way through nearly anything and with the 3++ and I gave him Victor of the blood game + the moment shackle, he is a force to be reckoned with. I won't rave on about bikes, but they are essential for that early manoeuvrability. Custodes performed great tonight, and I'm enjoying playing them. Oh last thing. The Praetorian plate, while situational was mega in the first game on my Alarus shield captain. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Prot Posted April 15, 2018 Share Posted April 15, 2018 I have pretty much decided as much as I love monotone Custodes, I have to keep my staple Imperium formation of Greyfax, 2 acolytes, and a celuxes assassin. Chaos is just too annoying and even Imperium can rip the invuln off. As I say this I had just watched a MWG batrep where basically Ultramarines ripped into Custodes but truly the heart of the army was torn out by Grey Knights of all things. Grey Knights still hit pretty hard, add in Vortex from Voldus (still love that character) and you can peel quite a few layers off an army that tends to clump together. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dtse Posted April 15, 2018 Share Posted April 15, 2018 Played my ETc list tonight against marines. 6 dev squads with lots of lascannons heavy bolters and 4 plasma cannons, full rerolls, relic banner, and 3 scout units denying me half the board. Also big death company unit with smash:cusser. For whatever reason I put my allarus and my big biker unit in Deepstrike. Deployed well. Lost only couple ofcustodians to lascannons due to good use of LOS. He pushed his scouts up to grab some early VPs. But left me 2 little gaps to drop my guys turn 1. Proceeded to table almost his whole army in 1.5 turns. But lesson learned. Deepstrike not good against triple scout lists lol. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Deadnaughty Posted April 15, 2018 Share Posted April 15, 2018 Played my ETc list tonight against marines. 6 dev squads with lots of lascannons heavy bolters and 4 plasma cannons, full rerolls, relic banner, and 3 scout units denying me half the board. Also big death company unit with smash:cusser. For whatever reason I put my allarus and my big biker unit in Deepstrike. Deployed well. Lost only couple ofcustodians to lascannons due to good use of LOS. He pushed his scouts up to grab some early VPs. But left me 2 little gaps to drop my guys turn 1. Proceeded to table almost his whole army in 1.5 turns. But lesson learned. Deepstrike not good against triple scout lists lol. You could try to find the points to bring a unit of scouts yourself. Use them to force a gap where you can deepstrike in. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dtse Posted April 15, 2018 Share Posted April 15, 2018 I have one unit of scouts. They died to death company turn 1. He didn’t drop his death company turn 1 as he thought to use them as a counter drop force after I dropped. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Prot Posted April 15, 2018 Share Posted April 15, 2018 Played my ETc list tonight against marines. 6 dev squads with lots of lascannons heavy bolters and 4 plasma cannons, full rerolls, relic banner, and 3 scout units denying me half the board. Also big death company unit with smash:cusser. For whatever reason I put my allarus and my big biker unit in Deepstrike. Deployed well. Lost only couple ofcustodians to lascannons due to good use of LOS. He pushed his scouts up to grab some early VPs. But left me 2 little gaps to drop my guys turn 1. Proceeded to table almost his whole army in 1.5 turns. But lesson learned. Deepstrike not good against triple scout lists lol. When I play my Ultra's I usually do use scouts for this reason. But that being said it's amazing to me that you can still just table him in 1.5 turns. Wow. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Deadnaughty Posted April 15, 2018 Share Posted April 15, 2018 Its kind of like a perfect setup for Custodes. The Heavy Bolters are wounding on 5's against a 3+ save. Half the Lascannons bounce off of 4++. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BLACK BLŒ FLY Posted April 15, 2018 Share Posted April 15, 2018 Had two games this weekend, first one against new Dark Eldar and tabled them by turn 6... second was against Nidz and almost got tabled except for Tiggy - opponent got to go first and got into a decent alpha strike. I made some mistakes which hurt and lost my biker Cpt to bad luck along with the Culexus - lessons learned. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dtse Posted April 15, 2018 Share Posted April 15, 2018 Was a bit dicey when he nullzone me but tbh still have 5+ against even lascannons without the invuln and an allarus just piled into the libby and ganked him lol Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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